I think he was fairly naive in some ways (hopefully he's less so now). He did need to learn more about anti-semitism but he's not a fucking Nazi. Minorities of various kinds would be safer under him than under someone like Owen Smith or the Tories or LibDems but he needs better advisors.
And if it were a Tory it'd be no big deal at all. People "hold Labour to a higher standard." That's understandable in some ways but it leads to fucking Tory bigots getting elected.
The artist in this is the sort of total bellend that could paint something like that and genuinely not realise it's extremely antisemitic. He probably just thinks that's what conspiratorial bankers are traditionally drawn to look like, not considering why they were originally drawn that way. Look through his Facebook feed - he's the type of well-intentioned but extremely superficial twat that we occasionally get on here. Vague anti-racist stuff, lots of anti-capitalist stuff, conspiraloon nonsense etc. But he's also SO confident in his beliefs that he loves that anti-Semitic picture of his rather than admitting he got it wrong. Wanker. I think I've met him in various different forms twenty times this year and I don't get out much.
Yeah, but this was in the specific context of murals in Tower Hamlets relating to Judaism, so it's not exactly out of the blue, is it?