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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Cant see corbs hanging on much longer now tbh. Bad by-election results could be enough. Barring that - another leadership challenge could see him off as he's shat his pot with much of his fanbase after the Brexit bollocks. Mostly not his fault - he's a prisoner of circumstances and the labour party institutions - but he lacks the pithy charisma to communicate above the deafening media/labour establishment sneering.
Cant see corbs hanging on much longer now tbh. Bad by-election results could be enough. Barring that - another leadership challenge could see him off as he's shat his pot with much of his fanbase after the Brexit bollocks. Mostly not his fault - he's a prisoner of circumstances and the labour party institutions - but he lacks the pithy charisma to communicate above the deafening media/labour establishment sneering.
Yeah I'd pretty much agree with that. He didn't play it well but he was always trapped by the fact that many of those who supported him were among the most strongly Remain. Though I'm skeptical that his successor will have much more success at squaring the circle re how the LP deals with the referendum result than Corbyn.
Yeah I'd pretty much agree with that. He didn't play it well but he was always trapped by the fact that many of those who supported him were among the most strongly Remain. Though I'm skeptical that his successor will have much more success at squaring the circle re how the LP deals with the referendum result than Corbyn.

Assuming Article 50 doesn't get delayed, what square will be left to be circled?
She's a solid , if sometimes pragmatic, left Labourite from a working class background to be fair. Surprised she was a Corbyn supporter as she wouldn't touch the Trots with a barge pole.
Cant see corbs hanging on much longer now tbh. Bad by-election results could be enough. Barring that - another leadership challenge could see him off as he's shat his pot with much of his fanbase after the Brexit bollocks. Mostly not his fault - he's a prisoner of circumstances and the labour party institutions - but he lacks the pithy charisma to communicate above the deafening media/labour establishment sneering.
2 long term leftish labour members and former COrbyn supporters on my timeline saying they've just resigned due to his handling of these brexit votes. FWIW.

They're in danger of doing a Scotland here, taking their base support for granted while chasing the UKIP vote, and ending up losing the lot instead, particularly if by the next election this has all gone completely tits, we've crashed out of the EU with no trade deals at all in place, resulting in a massive recession come 2019, something that labour did fuck all to prevent. This being the point when they could have prevented it by forcing the government to accept an amendment that gave parliament a proper say in the outcome, including all options - stay as we are (don't leave the EU), go back and ask for more time to renegotiate on new terms agreed by parliament, agree to deal gov has negotiated or crash out on basic WTO terms.

Now about the only option if May comes back with SFA is a vote of no confidence then request that the EU gives the new government an extension to renegotiate and / or hold new referendum. AN option that seems far less likely to get the necessary tory support then a proper vote on the deal May has negotiated.
'An ally suggested he perhaps sought to embrace Ms Abbott but added: “I don’t think it’s right he tried to ‘plant a kiss’ and it was perfectly jovial.”

Wish she'd shown him just how jovial it all was with a swift knee to the bollocks.
Yep. Whether you call this groping, sexual harassment or 'just' unwanted physical contact, what he did was way over the line. The stuff of formal complaints in most workplaces.
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they could have prevented it by forcing the government to accept an amendment that gave parliament a proper say in the outcome, including all options - stay as we are (don't leave the EU), go back and ask for more time to renegotiate on new terms agreed by parliament, agree to deal gov has negotiated or crash out on basic WTO terms.
How would they have forced the government to do this?
2 long term leftish labour members and former COrbyn supporters on my timeline saying they've just resigned due to his handling of these brexit votes. FWIW.
I think that is just the remnants of brexit tantrum.... I'm hoping people get it together and stop chasing after a long lost cause soon.
It may be a massive miscalculation on the Labour leadership's part, but I think they have access to more sophisticated polling data and models than we do - we basically just have our fingers in the air.

My own finger in the air from canvassing last May suggests W/C voters of all parties are overwhelmingly, often passionately against the EU. They aren't chasing UKIP votes, but shoring up their own anti-EU voters in W/C areas.
How would they have forced the government to do this?
If they'd indicated they'd be putting a 3 line whip in place to oppose the final bill if no amendments were included, and fighting to amend it through the lords there's a fair chance that they'd have either got May to concede to avoid losing a vote, or got enough tories to either abstain or vote with them to get the amendment passed.

By stating that they'd be giving a 3 line whip to force their MPs to vote for the bill anyway regardless of whether any of their amendments were in it they basically announced their surrender from the start and showed that they only intended to make a token effort to be seen to have put some amendments up rather than actually doing everything they could to get the key amendments passed.

It may not have worked, but at least they'd have actually done as much as they could to ensure the government were going to be held to account, not just written them a blank cheque to do whatever they want, then be left with a final vote that's either take this deal or we crash out on WTO terms. This was a token effort, nothing more.
If they'd indicated they'd be putting a 3 line whip in place to oppose the final bill if no amendments were included, and fighting to amend it through the lords there's a fair chance that they'd have either got May to concede to avoid losing a vote, or got enough tories to either abstain or vote with them to get the amendment passed.

By stating that they'd be giving a 3 line whip to force their MPs to vote for the bill anyway regardless of whether any of their amendments were in it they basically announced their surrender from the start and showed that they only intended to make a token effort to be seen to have put some amendments up rather than actually doing everything they could to get the key amendments passed.

It may not have worked, but at least they'd have actually done as much as they could to ensure the government were going to be held to account, not just written them a blank cheque to do whatever they want, then be left with a final vote that's either take this deal or we crash out on WTO terms. This was a token effort, nothing more.
The leadership clearly decided it was more important to unambiguously signal their acceptance of the referendum result than to give any appearance of fighting it. The result of the vote would have been the same whatever, but Nuttall would have had a massive shitty stick to beat them with in Stoke over the next couple of weeks.

I dunno. It might have been the wrong call. I don't think there is a right call for them atm - just varying shades of really shit calls.
Two more council byelection wins for the Libdems last night-38 per cent and 20 per cent swings from the Tories.Remainers flocking to Libdems ?

In one Labour got just 41 votes -they didnt stand in the other.

Tory mp remainers who voted for article 50 with under 10k majorities need to stay healthy.

No chance of an early general election now before the new boundaries are approved (or not as the case may be).
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The leadership clearly decided it was more important to unambiguously signal their acceptance of the referendum result than to give any appearance of fighting it. The result of the vote would have been the same whatever, but Nuttall would have had a massive shitty stick to beat them with in Stoke over the next couple of weeks.

I dunno. It might have been the wrong call. I don't think there is a right call for them atm - just varying shades of really shit calls.

Cameron made the same mistake in running scared of UKIP (and the nutters in his own party): he called the referendum.
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