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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I tried to avoid telling people to fuck off, mainly because I find on political forums that left leaning posters are punished by mods for it while "moderate" posters can be as abusive as they please. So I used the Harry Enfield joke, "go fun your mother" as posted above in the video. I thought most people would get it. And they did. But you, Rowena, refuse to. So from now on, I will be more clear.

Fuck off, Rowena, there's a good thicko.
Fuck off, Rowena, there's a good thicko.
oswald, you don't make something true by mere repetition. and you don't win arguments or make yourself look big and clever by telling people to fuck off. and you don't enhance your message by calling men by women's names. and you most certainly don't make yourself look intelligent by fucking up the spelling of 'thick' when you're calling someone stupid.

but carry on, it's no skin off my nose. and like the famous oswald who left the labour party in 1931 i think you'll find your political home somewhere to the right in the near future.
Thanks Rowena, but I had acknowledged that. You still tell other people to fuck off and you are abusive with many, including myself.

Sad really. I wanted to talk about Corbyn, instead I am dealing with Rowena, here.
Thanks Rowena, but I had acknowledged that. You still tell other people to fuck off and you are abusive with many, including myself.

Sad really. I wanted to talk about Corbyn, instead I am dealing with Rowena, here.
oh don't make out how you've been so nastily treated.

you don't want to talk about corbyn.

what you want to do is to discuss potential candidates for the labour leadership.
...left leaning posters...

whats particularly dispiriting, if in no way surprising, is that you have spectacularly failed to grasp the most basic understanding of the politics of the people you're - i assume - trying to persuade.

the overwhelming majority of those criticising Corbyns ability on here come not from the right of the labour party, but from well to the left of Corbyn - that you have somehow managed to miss this and automatically assume its because they are Blairites (really, what kind of moron supports someone who left office 10 years ago..?) tells us only about how limited your view, and understanding, of politics is.

if wanted to know why his fanclub is held in such contempt by all sides, just think about the magnitude of the errors you have consistantly made in attempting to understand and learn from the criticisms of his leadership.
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