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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

The convention on urban is that you can't state how you feel about something? If you say so.

Don't put words in my mouth. I know it's one of your favoured tactics to do so, but don't imply I've said something I haven't, please. I might get annoyed, and then I'd have to go and hurt somebody, what with being a working-class racist with no other way to shed my aggression.
Don't put words in my mouth. I know it's one of your favoured tactics to do so, but don't imply I've said something I haven't, please. I might get annoyed, and then I'd have to go and hurt somebody, what with being a working-class racist with no other way to shed my aggression.

Lots of the working class are racist. I can't change that. People have started to build it into the electoral landscape. Its very sad.

You can ignore it or pretend its not happening if you like until someone does a study that proves it to your satisfaction.

In the meantime the tories will rule the country.
Lots of the working class are racist. I can't change that. People have started to build it into the electoral landscape. Its very sad.

You can ignore it or pretend its not happening if you like until someone does a study that proves it to your satisfaction.

In the meantime the tories will rule the country.
Is there some sort of causal connection between your first lines and the situation outlined in the last? If not, why post it like there is?
Is there some sort of causal connection between your first lines and the situation outlined in the last? If not, why post it like there is?

There is a causal link. Because the tories are more anti-immigration and right-wing than the Labour party. If there has been a shift to the right then they will win more votes and more seats.
Lots of the working class are racist. I can't change that. People have started to build it into the electoral landscape. Its very sad.

People started to build it into the electoral landscape in the 1890s, in the 1930s, in the 1950s, 1970s and 2000s. Whither your "working class" racism?

You can ignore it or pretend its not happening if you like until someone does a study that proves it to your satisfaction.

I'm not asking for studies, I'm asking for any evidence that has some data behind it.

In the meantime the tories will rule the country.

Newsflash: Neoliberals do.
By denying Roma people the chance to easily move out of Hungary, will we make it easier for Africans to cross the Med? I don't get the logic at all of 'The EU has a racist border regime, so let's bring back the less (but still somewhat) racist borders within it.' How does that help anyone?
What BA said. I've not argued such a position, I've not seen anyone on U75 argue such a position, who are you claiming is making this argument?
Er, not completely, there are some really good people in local groups, etc.

i don't know what they do elsewhere, but here they seem to just get on peoples tits until those people stop turning up, and not do any of the work the people who've left used to do.

i watched a 19yo Momentumite/Corbynite harrangue a 21yo branch official about Blair and Iraq for the best part of half an hour, both would have been in infants school at the time. oddly enough the branch official doesn't bother turning up any more - and no one has volunteered to take her place - our hero however does CiF on the Graun, so thats ok...
i watched a 19yo Momentumite/Corbynite harrangue a 21yo branch official about Blair and Iraq for the best part of half an hour, both would have been in infants school at the time.
I was talking to ma about this earlier, there's a generation or two, myself included (first and only GE vote that was unspoiled- blair, Pre- iraq war) that never knew anything but new labour, anything but the wars and the lies and the spin- the attacks on unions and the punitive welfare regimes and scrounger talk. So in comes corbyn looking like a revival of a mythical time when labour were the dogs tits and its all gravy. I just (JUST) scrape in as a millenial. Old enough to have read my history of labour and soc/dem in general but even so, the three quidders surge and the red flag sung once more nearly had me. The shennanigans/purges/court cases that ensued made me glad I didn't waste my precious three groats let alone the 25 nicker.
I was talking to ma about this earlier, there's a generation or two, myself included (first and only GE vote that was unspoiled- blair, Pre- iraq war) that never knew anything but new labour, anything but the wars and the lies and the spin- the attacks on unions and the punitive welfare regimes and scrounger talk. So in comes corbyn looking like a revival of a mythical time when labour were the dogs tits and its all gravy. I just (JUST) scrape in as a millenial. Old enough to have read my history of labour and soc/dem in general but even so, the three quidders surge and the red flag sung once more nearly had me. The shennanigans/purges/court cases that ensued made me glad I didn't waste my precious three groats let alone the 25 nicker.

i'm not sure what the solution is - i think its pretty obvious that 'Blair', and i mean the much wider thing than just the Grinning Goon himself, is boil who'se poison (in the widest sense, rather than this or that policy or personality) has to leave the party before it can be at peace with itself, but equally i simply don't see how endly going on about someone who left office a decade ago and castigating everyone who isn't a Corbynite for his sins is going to have any positive effect.
That independent thing confuses two different things 1) the morning's talk about a possible max wage and 2) the suggestion of only allowing companies who fit a certain ratio of executive pay to be awarded public contracts.

Is there no one left actually working there?
Border controls are bad. Therefore I support a body whose policy is of aggressive racialised border controls. In the name of freedom of movement.
The borders of the EU arent based on racial categories, they're based on what nations are part of the pact, not the ethnicity of the citizens within those countries.

Given the "hate speech" laws, and the penalties they carry, can you point to racist UKIP policy, and if you can, why haven't you brought it to the attention of the authorities.
Reality dictates that it isn't enough for you to merely brand something or someone racist, you have to actually prove your claim. You have't done so despite being given countless opportunities to do so.
So you dont think UKIP are a racist party? Im surprised by that.

Their key policy was to leave the EU, and that was campaigned for on xenophobic, and IMO racist, terms.

Their leader knows how to dogwhistle and get away with it best, whilst those below him arent as subtle.

Who can forget that time when Nigel Farage said words to effect of "theres too many people speaking foreign on public transport" and now people are regularly getting beaten up and abused for speaking a language other than English in public.
Or when he said parts of England are like a "foreign country".
Or this lovely poster:

...which was duly reported to the authorities for inciting racial hatred.

UKIP have always been explicit that they have a "unicultural" vision of what Britain should be - its at the heart of their manifestos. And thats why so many of their racist apartchiks are part of the party.

Nice list of some UKIP key members comments here, including Rozanne Duncan who has a ‘problem with people with negroid features’, Ken Chapman who says that “islam is a cancer that needs eradicating multiculturism does not work in this country clear them all off to the desert with their camals that’s their way of life.”, or Joseph Quirk and his "Well, I reckon dogs are more intelligent, better company and certainly better behaved than most Muslims.” etc etc etc. Plenty more in the link.

Of course UKIP are a racist party.

Are UKIP voters racist? Well, unless a voter is utterly oblivious to all this, then yes, they are racist - or if Im being generous, they dont mind supporting a racist party and arent bothered by the consequences of that. To me that makes them racist still.
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