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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I'm seeing the strategy here, though; call yourself 'populist' and hey presto...

The problem though, is that you need people behind you in large numbers to be 'populist'.

I really despair. Labour should be absolutely rampant in the polls, it's a sad day when they cannot 'beat' the current brutalist government.

It used to be fairly simple in Britain, one lot got in, their supporters prospered, then the other lot got in, and their supporters prospered.

Over the last couple of decades, things have gone wrong. A 'Labour' government that introduced university tuition fees and savaged welfare benefits. The same government not only failed to spot the financial crash coming, but through their loosening of banking regulation, positively contributed to it.

We have had rocky times before, I've seen it happen a few times, but we appear to be on an unstoppable downward path now.
Do fuck off, please.

Her Majesty's Armed Forces never fuck off and leave people alone



The problem though, is that you need people behind you in large numbers to be 'populist'.

I really despair. Labour should be absolutely rampant in the polls, it's a sad day when they cannot 'beat' the current brutalist government.

It used to be fairly simple in Britain, one lot got in, their supporters prospered, then the other lot got in, and their supporters prospered.

Over the last couple of decades, things have gone wrong. A 'Labour' government that introduced university tuition fees and savaged welfare benefits. The same government not only failed to spot the financial crash coming, but through their loosening of banking regulation, positively contributed to it.

We have had rocky times before, I've seen it happen a few times, but we appear to be on an unstoppable downward path now.
Should I have used a 'Smilie'?
Probably. :) I did understand your meaning, but it was a handy 'hook' to hang a reply on. :)
As I've said elsewhere, the polls appear to show that about 10% of previously non-tory voting electorate think that the tories will deliver what they think they want from Brexit. Things will change.
The problem though, is that you need people behind you in large numbers to be 'populist'.

I really despair. Labour should be absolutely rampant in the polls, it's a sad day when they cannot 'beat' the current brutalist government.

It used to be fairly simple in Britain, one lot got in, their supporters prospered, then the other lot got in, and their supporters prospered.

Over the last couple of decades, things have gone wrong. A 'Labour' government that introduced university tuition fees and savaged welfare benefits. The same government not only failed to spot the financial crash coming, but through their loosening of banking regulation, positively contributed to it.

We have had rocky times before, I've seen it happen a few times, but we appear to be on an unstoppable downward path now.
Do you ever regret voting for Thatcher?
From brogdale's Guardian link
"Emily Thornberry – the shadow foreign secretary and Corbyn’s constituency neighbour – was widely perceived to have done well in pressing the government on Brexit when she stood in for him at PMQs last week. She is now regarded as the favoured pro-Corbyn candidate to take over if the 67-year-old fails to restore the party’s fortunes and faces a renewed challenge to his leadership."

Already talking again about a new leader. Corbyn has got the vote not once but twice now :facepalm:
If they/Corbyn are going to raise their profile next year, they must have unity, talk like this won't help.
The problem though, is that you need people behind you in large numbers to be 'populist'.

I really despair. Labour should be absolutely rampant in the polls, it's a sad day when they cannot 'beat' the current brutalist government.

It used to be fairly simple in Britain, one lot got in, their supporters prospered, then the other lot got in, and their supporters prospered.

Over the last couple of decades, things have gone wrong. A 'Labour' government that introduced university tuition fees and savaged welfare benefits. The same government not only failed to spot the financial crash coming, but through their loosening of banking regulation, positively contributed to it.

We have had rocky times before, I've seen it happen a few times, but we appear to be on an unstoppable downward path now.

You voted for Thatcher
You voted for Thatcher

So what?

If Corbyn decides that he neither needs nor wants the votes of the perhaps 45% of those born prior to 1969 who voted for Thatcher in any of her 3 GE's then he may as well give up now and save us all a lot of shit poll results.

If you want the world to think that Corbyn and his supporters are lost in the past then please do continue to obsess about someone who's been out of office 25 years and since which 6 general elections have come and gone...

(I'm too young by the way, just in case you think I'm projecting...)
I wasn't suggesting that Corbyn should not try to win the votes of those who have previously voted for Thatcher, he should. Just reflecting on the decisions of someone who is suddenly shocked to find the world as it is kebabking .
The Mail, The Mirror, The S*n, The Express, The Independent and The Standard have all reported on the PLP Christmas story. The Labour leader supposedly “stormed out” after MPs sang the campaign song “things can only get better” whilst chanting “We want Tony.” They also sang “Like a Virgin” supposedly to mock Corbyn’s #Traingate scandal and “Back in the USSR.”

Apparently all of the above is fake news - No, Corbyn did NOT 'storm out' of the Labour Xmas party - the mainstream media is running FAKE NEWS again | EvolvePolitics.com

But in a post-truth world, who cares...
The problem though, is that you need people behind you in large numbers to be 'populist'.

I really despair. Labour should be absolutely rampant in the polls, it's a sad day when they cannot 'beat' the current brutalist government.

It used to be fairly simple in Britain, one lot got in, their supporters prospered, then the other lot got in, and their supporters prospered.

Over the last couple of decades, things have gone wrong. A 'Labour' government that introduced university tuition fees and savaged welfare benefits. The same government not only failed to spot the financial crash coming, but through their loosening of banking regulation, positively contributed to it.

We have had rocky times before, I've seen it happen a few times, but we appear to be on an unstoppable downward path now.

Old Thatcher loving, Hillsborough sneering Sass is in "despair" re: Corbyn ?

Lol, fuck off, joker.
As I've said elsewhere, the polls appear to show that about 10% of previously non-tory voting electorate think that the tories will deliver what they think they want from Brexit. Things will change.

How quickly though? The way it looks now, we are on course for a Conservative government with an increased majority in 2020.
The Mail, The Mirror, The S*n, The Express, The Independent and The Standard have all reported on the PLP Christmas story. The Labour leader supposedly “stormed out” after MPs sang the campaign song “things can only get better” whilst chanting “We want Tony.” They also sang “Like a Virgin” supposedly to mock Corbyn’s #Traingate scandal and “Back in the USSR.”

Apparently all of the above is fake news - No, Corbyn did NOT 'storm out' of the Labour Xmas party - the mainstream media is running FAKE NEWS again | EvolvePolitics.com

But in a post-truth world, who cares...
tbh the whole charade since even before he was elected (the 1st time) has shown up the tabs ever more starkly for the pravda shites they are. Throw enough shit and it sticks though.
Labour MPs' fury after Jeremy Corbyn hires senior Sinn Fein staffer to work in his office

"Mr Corbyn attracted controversy in 1984 by inviting Gerry Adams and other members of Sinn Fein to the Commons shortly after the IRA Brighton bomb nearly killed Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet".

Given that his brother is some kind of boffin, I hope it was a seminar on the new targeting technologies.

A couple of ironies here in that he's just hired the Irish equivalent of a new labour spin doctor , and one of those who'll be manufacturing the furore over the appointment will be the much loved and admired Conor McGinn . Or " local hero " as he's not generally referred to round these parts , by non sarcastic people .
The Mail, The Mirror, The S*n, The Express, The Independent and The Standard have all reported on the PLP Christmas story. The Labour leader supposedly “stormed out” after MPs sang the campaign song “things can only get better” whilst chanting “We want Tony.” They also sang “Like a Virgin” supposedly to mock Corbyn’s #Traingate scandal and “Back in the USSR.”

Apparently all of the above is fake news - No, Corbyn did NOT 'storm out' of the Labour Xmas party - the mainstream media is running FAKE NEWS again | EvolvePolitics.com

But in a post-truth world, who cares...

Well, I do, for one. I can accept 'slant' depending on the politics of the newspaper, but outright lies is something else.

I wonder if Corbyn has enough in those articles to sue? Reputational damage? Libel?

Quite disturbing. The current shambles over press regulation isn't helping either.
when corbyn got voted in No10, the highest non aristo office in the land, tweeted out that labour ius now a threat to national security. Hard to see what the point is in sueing- it all be streisand effect anyway
Brave/foolish man to predict politics in 3 weeks time, let alone 3 years!

Paddy power are offering 9/2 on Corbyn being the next PM after May - £20 would win £110...

I'll have a punt - I take the view that while I think that Corbyn and Labour will continue to look inept and divided (because they are both..), and that under normal circumstances Labour would stand no more chance in 2020 than my repeated marriage proposals to Selma Hayek, there's big shit on the road - and if BREXIT can happen, and Trump can happen, then Corbyn can happen.

Of course, basing your electoral strategy on the economy imploding and the public doing a complete volte face could be described as 'courageous', but its probably the best Labour have...
Some rules of politics .

1.Politics never stands still

2.There are lags from events/decisions- to their impact on the economy,politicians,policies,scribblers,activists,voters.Events/decisions happen and there are consequences from them with all elements affecting the other elements.Some lags are very long .Others impact quickly.Still others disappear without trace.

3.Er thats it.

What is obvious is that JC has received a big confidence boost from winning again and Cameron being replaced by Mrs Hiding in the Toilet(or as Gideon characterized her at the weekend Mrs sitting this one out).

He clearly senses he has her measure (he would have felt quite the opposite with Dave).Mps on both sides know this to be true.But voters may never realise it as their views on both of them have already been formed.

JC useless twit,TM Thatcher reincarnated.

So can he relaunch himself successfully and bang on endlessly about fairness.?

The Libdems are now the party of remain and are winning byelections all over the place.This is an essential part of Labour getting back in the game under FPTP .As yet Ukip are the mouse that roared.

Nothing much will happen with Brexit in 2017 due to domestic elections in France,Germany,Austria,Holland ,Italy .

Voters could get restless.

Happy 2017.

Ps In 1914 an assassination lead to a world war -hopefully todays in Ankara wont have too many consequences.Events dear boy Events said Macmillan.Always expect the unexpected as Jerry Hicks used to say.
A parting gift for us all:

Reed will take up his new role as head of development and community relations at Sellafield on 1 February. He applied for the job and was “an outstanding candidate”, Sellafield’s chief executive, Paul Foster, said. Reed, who was born and bred in Whitehaven, worked for Sellafield as a press officer before being elected to parliament in 2005.

Reed said he would not be a “propagandist” for the nuclear industry, but the new job represented an opportunity to help the local economy by ensuring that the impact of the billions of pounds of public money spent at Sellafield annually would be “better felt in this part of the world”.

Interesting - lots of old iron and mining towns apparently (i don't know the area) - exactly who UKIP reckon they can threaten and who the tories are making strong overtures to. I think Cunningham and previous may have built up a strong enough on-the ground local presence to get hold some local influence. The constituency seems quite varied, no dominant characteristic though - which could spell trouble.
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