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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Really? I suspect there's a wee bit of truth in that, in that a few of the wet, centre leftists might have kept their mouths shut if he'd been doing better and Labour riding high in the polls. But as far as the whole set of Blairites and other ideological opponents of Corbyn they were never going to support him. Ever.

Maybe but my impression (having been a party member for 25ish years) is that most Labour members, even the most New Labour Blairites, would agree with him 80% of the time on core principles (apart from maybe Trident), the only disagreement comes from presentation and how to gain wider support for policies so that they appeal to the person in Swindon, Southampton, Northampton or Thurrock or wherever who doesnt obsess about politics and whose vote Labour will need if its ever to elect enough MPs to form a government.

If Corbyn was reaching out and gaining the interest and support of normal non aligned people as Blair did in 1994-1997 or Cameron to a lesser extent did 2005-2010 the whole PLP and wider Labour Party would be behind him.
Do they agree with him on core principle, though?

  • Full employment and an economy that works for all: based around a £500bn public investment via the planned national investment bank.
  • A secure homes guarantee: building 1m new homes in five years, at least half of them council homes. Also rent controls and secure tenancies.
  • Security at work: includes stronger employment rights, an end to zero hours contracts and mandatory collective bargaining for companies with 250 or more employees.
  • Secure our NHS and social care: end health service privatisation and bring services into a “secure, publicly-provided NHS”.
  • A national education service: includes universal public childcare, the “progressive restoration” of free education, and quality apprenticeships.
  • Action to secure our environment: includes keeping to Paris climate agreement, and moving to a “low-carbon economy” and green industries, in part via national investment bank.
  • Put the public back into our economy and services: includes renationalising railways and bringing private bus, leisure and sports facilities back into local government control.
  • Cut income and wealth inequality: make a progressive tax system so highest earners are “fairly taxed”, shrink the gap between the highest and lowest paid.
  • Action to secure an equal society: includes action to combat violence against women, as well as discrimination based on race, sexuality or disability, and defend the Human Rights Act.
  • Peace and justice at the heart of foreign policy: aims to put conflict resolution and human rights “at the heart of foreign policy”
It's been shown time and again, most people who are asked at random actually agree with almost all of the policies Corbyn and his crew favour. So why doesn't this translate into actual support for the party?

That's the real question IMO, but I don't think I have an answer. I'd like to blame the media, but I'm not sure it's quite as simple as that.
It's been shown time and again, most people who are asked at random actually agree with almost all of the policies Corbyn and his crew favour. So why doesn't this translate into actual support for the party?
because asking a load of randoms what they think is no way to gauge support for a party.
Press is only propaganda when it's Russian. Murdoch just this guy but Putin got Trump elected, apparently.

Oh and if the news is not owned by a billionaire like Richard Desmond or Viscount Rothemere, then it's fake.
I mean that what we seem to be in favour of in terms of specific policies is apparently failing to be reflected in the actual political choices we make, for reasons that remain obscure.
Press is only propaganda when it's Russian. Murdoch just this guy but Putin got Trump elected, apparently.

Oh and if the news is not owned by a billionaire like Richard Desmond or Viscount Rothemere, then it's fake.
Putin got trump elected by hacking the voting software and changing the votes not through the press.
Press is only propaganda when it's Russian. Murdoch just this guy but Putin got Trump elected, apparently.

Oh and if the news is not owned by a billionaire like Richard Desmond or Viscount Rothemere, then it's fake.
Is there not a lot of fake news, produced and circulated by Russian state supporters with the help and support of the russian state? Taken as read that you have the critical faculties to see through domestic attempts.
There have been eight by-elections since the 2015 General Election. Conservatives have won 2 Labour 5 and the Lib Dems 1.
Labour and Corbyn have enjoyed a 100% success rate in by-elections. That's hardly the record of a party or leader 'Jeremy Corbyn's time is up'. The by elections in Richmond and Sleaford and North Hykeham don't tell me anything about Corbyns Labour, other than they are not very competitive in seats in which they have never been very competitive.
There have been eight by-elections since the 2015 General Election. Conservatives have won 2 Labour 5 and the Lib Dems 1.
Labour and Corbyn have enjoyed a 100% success rate in by-elections. That's hardly the record of a party or leader 'Jeremy Corbyn's time is up'. The by elections in Richmond and Sleaford and North Hykeham don't tell me anything about Corbyns Labour, other than they are not very competitive in seats in which they have never been very competitive.
They don't suggest anything about seats where they have been and would hope to be competitive in the future? Nothing? Nothing at all? Full steam ahead?
It's been shown time and again, most people who are asked at random actually agree with almost all of the policies Corbyn and his crew favour. So why doesn't this translate into actual support for the party?

The policies are almost irrelevant; I don't think many are credulous enough to believe they'd actually be delivered in any recognisable form. The reason it doesn't translate into support is that people have to be able to think of the LotO as a viable PM. It's hard enough to think of JC as a viable anything never mind Prime Minister.
There have been eight by-elections since the 2015 General Election. Conservatives have won 2 Labour 5 and the Lib Dems 1.
Labour and Corbyn have enjoyed a 100% success rate in by-elections. That's hardly the record of a party or leader 'Jeremy Corbyn's time is up'. The by elections in Richmond and Sleaford and North Hykeham don't tell me anything about Corbyns Labour, other than they are not very competitive in seats in which they have never been very competitive.

I like your optomism. The 5 labour seats were all holds and no new gains, which is quite sad to reflect optomistically that it is a 100% result.

Such bullshit does Corbyn no favours, especially since anti-Semtism is one of the big sticks his enemies love to try and beat him with.

The man himself on why he did what he did.
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