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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Be interesting to see a reliable breakdown of eligible/actual votes amongst the £25ers, given the relative unlikeliness of being committed enough to pay a fair wedge to vote & subsequently thinking 'nah, can't be bothered after all'...

Given such a large population there were probably people who paid £25 and then a) forgot or were too busy to vote, b) changed their minds about corbyn but not enough to vote for Smith or c) died. But you would expect their to be far fewer abstainers among those who paid for a vote than among members and affiliate members.
The Independent seem to be pleased with the result, their top stories on the website today:

"Teresa May Enjoys Huge Popularity Ratings with Voters"
"Owen Smith Would Have Been A Better Leader Say Public"
"Jeremy Corby's re-election is a Disaster For Labour"
"Lib Dems Welcome New Members as Corbyn is Re-elected"
The Independent seem to be pleased with the result, their top stories on the website today:

"Teresa May Enjoys Huge Popularity Ratings with Voters"
"Owen Smith Would Have Been A Better Leader Say Public"
"Jeremy Corby's re-election is a Disaster For Labour"
"Lib Dems Welcome New Members as Corbyn is Re-elected"
Fucks sake.
Except there were three other candidates lat year so 49.5% means he clearly did win amongst full party members.
Yeah he obviously was the clear winner amongst full members in 2015 but 49.5% is a plurality not a majority - he has turned that into an absolute majority this time
Yeah he obviously was the clear winner amongst full members in 2015 but 49.5% is a plurality not a majority - he has turned that into an absolute majority this time
To be honest, if there had been 4 candidates this time he wouldn't have won an absolute majority of party members. And Owen Smith was hardly a strong candidate, he got worse and worse as the contest went on, though he would have attracted pretty much all the anti-corbyn votes. It's a very good result for Corbyn - and a massive defeat for Smith - but not that different to last time.
To be honest, if there had been 4 candidates this time he wouldn't have won an absolute majority of party members. And Owen Smith was hardly a strong candidate, he got worse and worse as the contest went on, though he would have attracted pretty much all the anti-corbyn votes. It's a very good result for Corbyn - and a massive defeat for Smith - but not that different to last time.
You can only beat what's put in front of you
The Independent seem to be pleased with the result, their top stories on the website today:

"Teresa May Enjoys Huge Popularity Ratings with Voters"
"Owen Smith Would Have Been A Better Leader Say Public"
"Jeremy Corby's re-election is a Disaster For Labour"
"Lib Dems Welcome New Members as Corbyn is Re-elected"
Yes that was pretty much the first thing I noticed when I looked at their site this morning. It has all become so fucking obvious to me that it is really fucking tiresome.
I like to think owen smith is consoling himself by having a newly discovered treat, the latte and then a big wank, for which he must use two hands obvs

but seriously, is it really likely they'd rip the party up in twain by standing another more credible challenger. I thought that would be the case but now I am not so sure. Have to see how things unfold I suppose but yer boys n gyals got spanked thrice, surely it must be sinking in

I read that as 'i like to think owen smith is consoling himself with a newly discovered teat'

Which is an image i would rather not have had
Congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn for his indomitable popularity among labour members. After a year of bickering, Corbyn returns with even a bigger majority. What else a leader could wish for. However, there are few nagging polemics involved in this euphoria. The many of the bigwigs and MPs of the labour party lament that Corbyn’s leadership means the demise of the labour party as a governing political party. Do the members who vote for Jeremy Corbyn want the labour party to win a general election to come to power and run the country, or they want a leader for his socio-political ideologies and values which are incongruous with the agenda of the labour MPs and other political fraternity. People would do PhDs on this political stalemate.
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