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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

so what was the fucking point in all that


Surprisingly, as well as wasting 3 months and letting the Tories settle in a new leader, I think some good has come out of it, namely Corbyn developed a much better media team- compare the shaky start he got off to with the 'Bevins 5 new evils' stuff (quickly dropped), then once the new team was in place his campaign was much better. Hopefully he keeps the leadership campaign team (though I think one of them was on loan from a trade union).
FTR...Owen Smith received exactly 193,229 more votes from his party than Theresa May did from hers.
Corbyn received many thousands of votes from 3 quid Tories though. The mail boards are fucking horrific at the moment in their triumphilaism. Job done. A decade more of the Tories. Excellent work guys.
Corbyn received many thousands of votes from 3 quid Tories though. The mail boards are fucking horrific at the moment in their triumphilaism. Job done. A decade more of the Tories. Excellent work guys.

The DM and its readership still think it's the 20th century. The status quo is changing and Corbyn's ongoing popularity very much reflects this. Futures.
Corbyn received many thousands of votes from 3 quid Tories though. The mail boards are fucking horrific at the moment in their triumphilaism. Job done. A decade more of the Tories. Excellent work guys.

Yes but in the alternate reality they inhabit we are just days away from Sharia Zones being declared across great swathes of England which Corbyn will be able to help rule with an iron fist
Tom Baldwin said:
The best – perhaps only – way to remove Corbyn is by fighting on the same set of rules he has exploited so successfully. That means signing up more members than Momentum. Those who want the chance to be leader in the future need to earn it by beginning a national campaign to sign up half a million mainstream Labour members over the next two years.

It is no small task. But I do not understand how almost an entire generation of mainstream Labour MPs can throw their hands up in horror at the prospect of trying to recruit more members than a far-left fringe that has just emerged from the woods. Presumably, they went into politics because they felt they had some skill in winning support. Now is the time they need to demonstrate such talents by expanding, not shrinking, the selectorate.

we shall fight them on the beaches etc
we shall fight them on the beaches etc

They already tried that for two days or perhaps less. It wasn't working so instead decided to extend the cut off date and disenfranchise the handful of people who they did manage to recruit.

I don't see anyone being enthused enough to join Labour to defend the neoliberal consensus other than a handful of oddball political obsessives, why would they be? There is a party for that, the Liberal Democrats.
Yes, minimal (though is that rejected votes or does it include the full list of expelled and rejected £25ers? Either way, doesn't matter, it isn't many in the context of the overall Labour electorate). Turns out the impact of the whole grassing, reporting and 'purging' saga was to discredit the Labour left and by extension the party itself, rather than have any impact on the result.

Edit: yes, still under 0.5%.
Revealed: 3,107 People 'Purged' From Labour Leadership Election | Huffington Post
3,000 rejected, as of a couple of weeks ago.

I heard 3000 purged and an additional 5000 didn't receive their ballot because of that 'admin error' shenanigan. I believe it was one of the left slate NEC who looked into it and came up with those numbers. (Haven't read that article, it probably says the same in there. If so, apols.)
The DM and its readership still think it's the 20th century. The status quo is changing and Corbyn's ongoing popularity very much reflects this. Futures.

Sorry, I'm overstating badly, "the status quo" may not be changing much but there's a new generation coming into adulthood who are sick of thatcherism in its Tory and Labour versions. The DM and its fucking absurd readership want it still to be the 1950s and I'm tired of hearing their views and responses like they're in any way interesting or relevant in 2016.

So excuse my hyperbollocks.
Corbyn received many thousands of votes from 3 quid Tories though. The mail boards are fucking horrific at the moment in their triumphilaism. Job done. A decade more of the Tories. Excellent work guys.

Even if this were true, did you miss the bit about him increasing his majority amongst full members and affiliates?

They could abolish the registered supporters thing tomorrow and he would still win.

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The next few months should be interesting.

Remember, the resigners and plotters and generally disaffected amongst the PLP are not a cohesive group. They never were. Corbyn's supporters, Momentum, whoever else, needs now to try and understand the different motivations they all have. I'm sure Corbyn and his team are well aware already.

The PLP will use different strategies, and I expect that while Watson might try to get them all in line to be cohesive it's not going to work - at least not behind the scenes - and they'll be undermining each other. That's why the coup ultimately failed (well, rather that's why it was a shambles) - because it's not a united front against him. If they had any nous they'd group together and put aside differences to be able to work strategically against him in the long term but there are too many interests at play for that to happen. It depends whether any particular grouping can gain enough power and influence that the presence of the others is no longer an issue. Doubtful.

The most important thing now is to get rid of McNicol. That has to be Corbyn's primary task. And it has to be done very carefully. It can't be done at the same time as getting rid of the rest of the apparatus, because there have already been rumblings of strike action and that would be very bad. God. Sounds like I'm a strike busting Tory cunt lol.
some interesting union responses. Unison bod said it plain 'time to stop talking to ourselves about ourselves' (by which I took it to mean all labour members in whatever catagory)

USDAW was much more hedgy.
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