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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Last year #corbyn beat 3 others, this year he's only beaten one. His ability to defeat rivals has plummeted by 67%. It's a disaster #Lab16

Smith and clegg aint in graveyards, they make multiples of the average wage in salary and expenses for an ego fuelling job. They will have many opportunities beyond as well.
Here's an interesting one... Registered supporters

2015: Corbyn 88,449, Not Corbyn: 17,149
2016: Corbyn 84, 918, Smith: 36, 599

2015 Members C: 49.6%, Affiliates C 57.7%.
2016 Members C: 59%, Aff C 60%.

So yeah, damn Corbynite entryists eh? Ruining the vote for moderates... :hmm:
Mandate across the board............


Corbyn: 59%

Smith: 41%

Registered supporters

Corbyn: 70%

Smith: 30%

Affiliated supporters

Corbyn: 60%

Smith: 40%
Owen Smith has said he's going to campaign for a second vote over the election: ""If the Labour Party believes that working people in this country are going to be ill-served by Jeremy Corbyn we should have the courage to say to party members - we still think you should think again"
LOL the man of steel and jam sees off another contender. Have to laugh really.
Okay, let's have some predictions. Who will make the first call for a split - and when?
I think they'll stand another challenger first- one more credible than arrgh or swingin dick owen
Satisfactory but concerning result for Corbyn. Given the large increase in mostly pro-Corbyn members to the party a small percentage increase in his vote means that a lot of people are turning away from him.
Anyone who calls for a split utters a doomed cry. There will be lots of Labour MP's resigning to get fat jobs in industry and others sinking into a tax payer subsidised alcoholism.
David Miliband's Armada still hasn't left Spanish waters.
Satisfactory but concerning result for Corbyn. Given the large increase in mostly pro-Corbyn members to the party a small percentage increase in his vote means that a lot of people are turning away from him.
60,000 more votes than he got last year. Anti-Corbyn vote went up by 20,000.

Some people may be turning away from him, most are not.


And a year on, some people were bound to have turned away from him. But looking at those figures, it will only be at most about 10 per cent of the people who voted for him last year. 9 out of 10 Corbyn voters from last year were satisfied enough by him to vote for him again this year. Plus he added lots of new people. Hardly a crisis.
the breakdown of the figures doesn't show that either. Mainly 60-40 type margins. Thats a result. Solidly. No point arguing otherwise to salve ones wounds at another victory for St J lol

I suppose its fruitless to speculate on who they'll run next but the name Dan Jarvis has been bandied about on here before :hmm:
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