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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

True or not it would explain a torrent of abuse. Not necessarily linked to Corbyn supporters at all.

This is true. There's a distinct shift of late to lots of people in the public eye being subject to torrents of different kinds of abuse, and although it sometimes looks like it's orchestrated by or at least comes from the same people/group it often becomes a site of 'catch all' abuse, where any and every wanker on the internet starts having a go.
Three points to keep in mind:

1) She's probably making it up
2) There is clear documentary evidence that she is a US asset. Pointing this out would no doubt be characterized as "abuse"
3) She is thoroughly deserving of abuse (political, rather than racial)

yep, repeatedly this week the Graun / elsewhere has included " Mossad / CIA agent" as one of the main lines of abuse aimed at Smeeth. Orwellian stuff.

On the other hand, anti semitic creeps crawling around on Twitter, enjoying it all a lot, happy to come over as pro Corbyn, but with Alison Chabloz RT's in their t/ls etc .Fucking mess, and if the Lab Right / anti BDS lot want to break down the divide between principled anti Zionist /pro BDS elements, and anti semites, get them all lumped in together, they're getting results on Twitter.
Don't think so - I've got friends who've been interviewed in local press who've later found their interview part of a DM story, no permission sought or given.
But this is actually a simple reproduction of the whole piece - not just parts taken from it. Don't know if that makes a difference. Doesn't really matter anyway - it's clear she's a genuinely nasty lying shit-stirrer, and engaging with the mail (or not) wouldn't make a difference.
The nationals (particularly the mail, but all of them) often reuse entire articles from local press - presumably they have licensing agreements or similar. It's how a lot of stories about benefit cheats and the like come from, and why it seems so baffling that the subject of the article would talk to the mail/sun - they didn't, they spoke to their local rag.

Smeeth is still a dick tho, obv.

It doesn't give context, does it.

What does strictly protect mean? Protect her? Don't give her name? Protect how we got the info? And how and in what context did she tell them that? Was it that someone who didn't identify themselves as being with the US govt was talking to her and she told them that?

It may well be exactly as wikileaks et al are suggesting. It might not be. I'd say it's more likely that a member of the CIA is undercover than a British MP, no matter what I think of their politics.

We start veering off into the territory of loonspuddery when we jump on whatever conclusion suits us when in fact there are multiple things that could in fact be true.
It doesn't give context, does it.

What does strictly protect mean? Protect her? Don't give her name? Protect how we got the info? And how and in what context did she tell them that? Was it that someone who didn't identify themselves as being with the US govt was talking to her and she told them that?
The 1.73-GB file and passphrase werepublished Thursday on Cryptome, a competing secret-spilling site, after news broke over the last week that the file had been circulating on the internet unnoticed for several months. Wired.com’s keyword search of the file shows that the uncensored cables contain more than 2,000 occurrences of the phrase “strictly protect”, which is used in cables to denote sources of information whose identities diplomats consider confidential.
U.S. Sources Exposed as Unredacted State Department Cables Are Unleashed Online
And why do they consider it confidential? Because she's paid by them to feed them information? Because they don't particularly want to say how they got that information? It's very easy to jump to the biggest and most damning conclusion because it fits the narrative you like the most. Conspiracies everywhere.
And why do they consider it confidential? Because she's paid by them to feed them information? Because they don't particularly want to say how they got that information? It's very easy to jump to the biggest and most damning conclusion because it fits the narrative you like the most. Conspiracies everywhere.
Can't remember where I read it but I do recall reading someone say the Zinoviev letter, and the neccesarily clandestine nature of some of the currents that formed the labour party (guilds, unions) engendered a paranioa they've never truly shaken off. On the other hand it WAS a forgery and if spooks haven't been through st J's bins by now then standards are slipping.

I have no opinion on the wikileaks stuff yet, I just thought it was an interesting idea that a party formed from currents that had a very closed organisational structures could be prone to seeing the hand of er maj's finest everywhere. They did go through Militants bins as well so its not helping matters when itts re inforced by true infiltration. Eh. Who knows.
I have no doubt that people are still 'monitored' despite all the various scandals and outrages over it as its been uncovered over the years (there have been some recent outrages over it, with current MPs having been monitored for decades etc). We know they monitor regular activists who are attached to this and that group, so it's not a huge leap for them to monitor MPs and union leaders and whoever else if they're all threatening the same interests.

It's one thing to acknowledge that and quite another to jump into massive shady conspiracy theories with undercover agents and CIA infiltration and whatever else. It's comforting to imagine a sinister and mysterious puppet master making the system dance to his tune, but the reality is far more fractured and ad hoc and messy and unsophisticated than that. If only we can bring that puppet master to account. We can't. There isn't one. That's scarier.

This Smeeth stuff just feeds into that bigger conspiracy stuff. And frankly, it's not in the least bit helpful if you (not you personally dotty - none of this is at you directly) want any of your arguments against the current PLP to be taken remotely seriously.

What's more likely? That she is on the pay roll of the CIA to feed them such crucial and clandestine information as Gordon Brown is going to call an election; or she was having an 'insiders' conversation - the likes of which go on in every Westminster cafe and every CLP meeting and in every constituency office and in every random council corridor - where she mentioned something she'd heard (because frankly people with a modicum of power like to puff themselves up by looking like they know important things) and probably said something like "but don't tell anyone I told you" because it wasn't meant to be public knowledge? It does them no favours to say "hey guys, we heard this thing and it was Ruth Smeeth wot told us" because it just puts everyone in the shit, and shows up how this kind of information gets passed around - which is very easily because all these people move in the same circles, being the ruling/political class that they are.

But by all means, continue insinuating she's some deep cover agent on the CIA payroll, just watch out for the black helicopters coming for you in the night.
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