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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Amid all the shrill nonsense there will no doubt be in this expose I'll be genuinely interested to hear more about Jon Lansman and the offices space he has (apparently) provided in the family 'asset stripping'* business.

* a phrase I vaguely remember the telegraph used a few months back when they were doing their own Momentum'expose'.
Amid all the shrill nonsense there will no doubt be in this expose I'll be genuinely interested to hear more about Jon Lansman and the offices space he has (apparently) provided in the family 'asset stripping'* business.

* a phrase I vaguely remember the telegraph used a few months back when they were doing their own Momentum'expose'.
Wouldn't touch them. Directly capitalist scum not politician scum.
I work with some of the people who produced it. I was curious. It's not exactly the puff piece seen in the guardian on the weekend, no. Slightly more accurate. Just slightly.
You wasn't curious. Did you see it before broadcast. You must have to say the latter part of your post. The production company stuff to friends? I reckon they don't. Shall we check what this means if they have? Maybe you could tell us.
This really is some weak shit. I liked when they caught Corbyn on the hidden camera talking about Smith and he was still achingly polite about him - the mildest joke imaginable about ISIS having an office on Bond Street.
Because you didn't answer.

Good - now we have the editor of the program and the production company allowing it to be leaked before broadcast. Thanks.

Really? yes I did. For a seasoned internet warrior (and I think you might believe you're quite a good one) you're remarkably thick.

Did you enjoy the show though?
This really is some weak shit. I liked when they caught Corbyn on the hidden camera talking about Smith and he was still achingly polite about him - the mildest joke imaginable about ISIS having an office on Bond Street.
Interestingly, they didn't choose to ask their tame lawyer about the consequences of breaching the Channel's own guidelines for secret filming.

AFAICS Corbyn appears to be law-abiding.
Law-abiding individuals who have done nothing wrong are entitled to have their privacy respected.
"I'm totally anti-sugar on health grounds, so eat very few biscuits,but if forced to accept one, it's always a pleasure to have a shortbread."

:confused:Must make pretty shit jam then.
Didn't watch Dispatches, not going to watch Panorama, am I missing anything exciting?

Not really, as far as Dispatches goes. It was moderately interesting in a 'sod all else on' way. It was unbalanced in so far as they interviewed Neil Kinnock, an anti-Corbyn party member in Bristol and a lawyer who thought the funding of staff was irregular, but no-one actually from Corbyn's campaign or Momentum.
He's the QC who advised Labour that Corbyn shouldn't be on the ballot automatically.

A fine piece of balanced reporting :thumbs:

If twitter is to be believed, he's also brother-in-law to a certain A. Campbell.
The not much missed maurice picarda i expect.

Can you prove this happened btw? I'm not doubting you at all Bernie, but can you prove it?

OK so I figured out a way of backtracking this and identifying the caller.

Basically the number he used goes right back to him if you put it into Google and he's obviously an "eccentric", probably harmless.
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