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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

no, was it any good?

It interviewed a very small set of Momentum types and made them out to be nice middle-class liberals with a slightly different but valid point of view, in a way that you'd imagine a Guardian editor could have thought "well this is sympathetic, we're giving them a fair go". They're only interested in Momentum and a fairly small slice of that, clearly, as it's something identifiable to them; it didn't go anywhere outside of that brief.

The whole thing was also run through with constant chippy references to how these Corbynistas hate the "MSM", and had an obligatory downbeat ending, where they talked to Paul Mason and then said "ooh I dunno he wants to smash capitalism that sounds a bit extreme I guess these guys aren't so great even though they're nice middle class liberals".
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When I read comments on facebook or see who turns up to the rallies, it seems clear to me it isn't just about these youngsters who haven't read enough books, there are lots of older faces too (of different colours and hairiness) who want a return to the values that did good in the past, and take it much further.
I wonder how you'd get rid of someone who turned out to be (for example) terminally incompetent if they'd been voted in by MPs or even more difficult by the membership.
I wonder how you'd get rid of someone who turned out to be (for example) terminally incompetent if they'd been voted in by MPs or even more difficult by the membership.

It's a stupid policy. I don't know why he is bothering with this appeasement stuff, if he has the votes at the NEC to get this stuff through fuck the compromise, have the members vote on 100% of it.
"I used to go to loads of really tough union meetings, telling Liverpool strikers to go back to work. They always listened, they never booed."

scabby, lightweight no mark tw*T

Absolutely, it shows his true self when he can pull stunts like this having been the general secretary of a trade union.
No shame either, quite proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the capitalist bosses rather than the working people he has the audacity to say he represents.
Obviously he has more faces than Goldthorpe town clock!
If the 'right' of the party were to put up someone with an ounce of charisma, or the merest appearance of leadership potential, then maybe they'd have a reasonable shot at winning *something*.
The reality it that the PLP has more than a passing resemblance of the Tories circa 1994, listlessly trying to look authoritarian and purposeful - but instead looking lost without that ACTUAL charismatic/Authoritarian (delete where applicable) leader.

One of the comments :D

"In the last week at alone I have been a depressed Welsh vegetarian, an alien parasite and now I'm a middle class smart a***. I can't keep up; it calls for more costume changes that Mr Benn used to have in the Fancy Dress Shop. Does one thing supersede another or do I have to be everything at the same time; I ask because my Nazi stormtrooper and dog costumes could do with a wash."
Anyone read the article in the Guardian/ Observer 'the new Left don't call them Corbynistas'?
this was my favourite line:

She studied international politics at Goldsmiths, but it was doing work experience at the House of Commons that turned her off Westminster. “All these people were getting pissed at lunchtimes, do you know what I mean? I’d see MPs out on the river terrace and I just thought, You guys live in a bubble.

The new left: don’t call them Corbynistas
Getting pissed at lunchtime is not an activity peculiar to the Palace of Westminster. If may not be as common as it was 20 years ago, but there are loads of office bods, other workers and of course students guzzling booze at lunchtime. Did the young woman quoted there never see her fellow Goldsmith students in the SU bar at lunchtime?
Getting pissed at lunchtime is not an activity peculiar to the Palace of Westminster. If may not be as common as it was 20 years ago, but there are loads of office bods, other workers and of course students guzzling booze at lunchtime. Did the young woman quoted there never see her fellow Goldsmith students in the SU bar at lunchtime?

Probably, but it's unlikely they were attempting to run the country at the time.
That's how some young people speak tbf
Yeah, it was the Goldsmiths politics alumni (seems to be a lot of them about in this world - at least two in this article alone) doing work experience at the HoC complaining about someone else being in a bubble.

That Goldsmiths - the British home of screeching identarianism - seems to be providing so many of the spokespeople for Momentum gives me some cause for concern, must say...
Yeah, it was the Goldsmiths politics alumni (seems to be a lot of them about in this world - at least two in this article alone) doing work experience at the HoC complaining about someone else being in a bubble.

That Goldsmiths - the British home of screeching identarianism - seems to be providing so many of the spokespeople for Momentum gives me some cause for concern, must say...
i see what you mean...
Yeah, it was the Goldsmiths politics alumni (seems to be a lot of them about in this world - at least two in this article alone) doing work experience at the HoC complaining about someone else being in a bubble.

That Goldsmiths - the British home of screeching identarianism - seems to be providing so many of the spokespeople for Momentum gives me some cause for concern, must say...

I dunno. I mean School -> uni is a pretty common path these days, and has inherently bubblish characteristics. In terms of her hypocrisy I mean, I find it hard to be too cynical about someone who is basically young and inexperienced having a bit of an epiphany about the way Westminster politics actually works. And she's gone off and set up an organisation that at least tries to do grass roots organising...

... that said she seems rather front and centre in it, and she is running for the GLA. And certainly agree that Goldsmiths bubble -> Momentum post-student activist bubble is probably not a great thing.
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