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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up



'You're not laughing now!'

Can you figure out who said that and the relevance to this thread? Yes,of course you can, don't you see , the joke's on you!

We got Brexit , get over it!


'You're not laughing now!'

Can you figure out who said that and the relevance to this thread? Yes,of course you can, don't you see , the joke's on you!

We got Brexit , get over it!

Well done, you won a shit sandwich which your campaigners ran away from like cowards. You must feel good about that.
the attempt to abolish Trident is the most obvious example
Ignorant people tend to a kind of view that, if it goes "bang", it's military, and lump the whole lot together.

To some extent, that's fair: Hercules transports can deliver paratroopers or aid; armies can invade, or protect, and so on. But the nuclear thing stands apart, to a pretty significant degree, and Trident certainly does. All of the rest of the military estate exists to be able to go to particular parts of the world and do something - oust a dictator, perform humanitarian aid, do a "policing operation", defend against an invasion, etc. But Trident has only one purpose. Its loss would mean the loss of a comparatively isolated segment of the military infrastructure, without any detrimental effect whatsoever on the rest of it. Whatever the merits of keeping or scrapping Trident, your attempt to characterise that as a generalised assault on the military (presumably stopping to grab a suitably wrappable flag along the way, to garner a bit of patronising and vicarious "our boys" sentiment), is pretty dishonest.

Personally, I have a problem with a country our size and with the comparatively small conventional military capability we have possessing strategic nuclear weapons, particularly since we don't even have the authority to use it autonomously anyway. We are being invited to spend a grandiose sum in order to be a junior member of a club that only really needs us to led some international respectability to its aims. Anyone so seriously concerned - and probably with some reason - at the state of our conventional military might be very keen to divert towards them even a part of the vast sums we'd save by losing Trident.


'You're not laughing now!'

Can you figure out who said that and the relevance to this thread? Yes,of course you can, don't you see , the joke's on you!

We got Brexit , get over it!
how's he a true brit when he spends all his time hobnobbing with foreigners in brussels and strasbourg?
I'd be glad to take discussion of defence to another thread. I think we need 'atoms for peace' (I know that slogan was an excuse), we need engineers who can make reliable carbon free energy close, and scare off the world power nutters; like I said, better to share it with the French.
For fucks sake...

is there even any point of this second 'debate', I mean both these guys are total no hopers anyway - Smith wants a second ref, and Corbo just wans to save the world by being 'nice' - LOL, bet Isis are really shaking in their boots!:facepalm:

How about the fact that many,many people are against mass-immigration, the EU, the emasculation of our defence forces etc..how about those people- what is Corbyn doing for them? And how about non-working people, what is Jezza doing for them?
...The policy idea of binning nukes and properly investing in conventional forces? That sort of emasculation yeah?

Not watching it - but who's helping to keep us safe from the Jihadis?? not Labour that's for sure - they want to let them all in with the refugees , by by Labour



'You're not laughing now!'

Can you figure out who said that and the relevance to this thread? Yes,of course you can, don't you see , the joke's on you!

We got Brexit , get over it!

LOL - letting in 1 million refuges just because they are 'poor' LOL LOL LOL

...I ALWAYS miss out on the cast-iron copper-bottomed frothers :(
Been stupidly busy & lost track of this a bit, but: are there any other 25 quidders on here who haven't received an email ballot yet? I think they were supposed to have been sent out by the end of August, but I've seen sod-all in my inbox.
Chasing it up now of course, & was previously confirmed as eligible to vote.

Hmm. :hmm:
Been stupidly busy & lost track of this a bit, but: are there any other 25 quidders on here who haven't received an email ballot yet? I think they were supposed to have been sent out by the end of August, but I've seen sod-all in my inbox.
Chasing it up now of course, & was previously confirmed as eligible to vote.

Hmm. :hmm:

Remember to say Owen needs all the support he can get ;-)
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