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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

is there even any point of this second 'debate', I mean both these guys are total no hopers anyway - Smith wants a second ref, and Corbo just wans to save the world by being 'nice' - LOL, bet Isis are really shaking in their boots!:facepalm:
is there even any point of this second 'debate', I mean both these guys are total no hopers anyway - Smith wants a second ref, and Corbo just wans to save the world by being 'nice' - LOL, bet Isis are really shaking in their boots!:facepalm:

Corbyn is putting forward issues that affect every day working people which New Labour or the Tories are not. Owen is pretending to but no one is buying it.
This documentary is shite as expected. Total focus on Momentum but nothing on the right wing infiltrator known as 'Progress'.
How about the fact that many,many people are against mass-immigration, the EU, the emasculation of our defence forces etc..how about those people- what is Corbyn doing for them? And how about non-working people, what is Jezza doing for them?
This documentary is shite as expected. Total focus on Momentum but nothing on the right wing infiltrator known as 'Progress'.
Not watching it - but who's helping to keep us safe from the Jihadis?? not Labour that's for sure - they want to let them all in with the refugees , by by Labour
How about the fact that many,many people are against mass-immigration, the EU, the emasculation of our defence forces etc..how about those people- what is Corbyn doing for them? And how about non-working people, what is Jezza doing for them?
what is the emasculation of our defence forces?
Not watching it - but who's helping to keep us safe from the Jihadis?? not Labour that's for sure - they want to let them all in with the refugees , by by Labour

Can you explain how Labour have not kept us safe from terrorists and your issue with refugees please?
I think we have a Kipper lol.This should go well.

a nice kipper recently


a nutty kipper playing with himself recently
Can you explain how Labour have not kept us safe from terrorists and your issue with refugees please?
Leftie ideologies in Europe have let many jihadis with the refugee invasion, don't you remember Paris and Belgium, or how about the gropers in Cologne? Labour would 'let them all in ' here given the chance, just listen to Yvette Cooper
is there even any point of this second 'debate', I mean both these guys are total no hopers anyway - Smith wants a second ref, and Corbo just wans to save the world by being 'nice' - LOL, bet Isis are really shaking in their boots!:facepalm:
Without wishing to suggest in any way that it is a defining moment, but take a look at the footage of Corbyn in today's PMQs, and tell me that's someone being "nice".

It suits a certain agenda to paint Corbyn in that beautifully stereotypical mould of the British "nice but ineffectual" type, but, as with all generalisations (some more than others), it misses a lot of the story.

The anti-Corbyn tendency like to - perhaps unwittingly - emphasise the importance of the role of the leader of the Party in the political context, but in doing so ignore the significant support he's garnering outside that establishment. Worse (from their point of view), I think they actually run the risk of turning him into an "outsider candidate" which could result in them suddenly having to deal with a leader who's totally out of step with the party, but carries a massive popular mandate.

There comes a point where, whatever clever tricks you pull, someone commanding such wide public support actually begins to trancend all of your machinations. That might be fantasy today, as far as Corbyn is concerned, but it's not impossible. Owen Smith, on the other hand, doesn't really have that advantage. I expect that's Corbyn's fault, somehow.
Without wishing to suggest in any way that it is a defining moment, but take a look at the footage of Corbyn in today's PMQs, and tell me that's someone being "nice".

It suits a certain agenda to paint Corbyn in that beautifully stereotypical mould of the British "nice but ineffectual" type, but, as with all generalisations (some more than others), it misses a lot of the story.

The anti-Corbyn tendency like to - perhaps unwittingly - emphasise the importance of the role of the leader of the Party in the political context, but in doing so ignore the significant support he's garnering outside that establishment. Worse (from their point of view), I think they actually run the risk of turning him into an "outsider candidate" which could result in them suddenly having to deal with a leader who's totally out of step with the party, but carries a massive popular mandate.

There comes a point where, whatever clever tricks you pull, someone commanding such wide public support actually begins to trancend all of your machinations. That might be fantasy today, as far as Corbyn is concerned, but it's not impossible. Owen Smith, on the other hand, doesn't really have that advantage. I expect that's Corbyn's fault, somehow.
corbyn stole smith's charisma
Leftie ideologies in Europe have let many jihadis with the refugee invasion, don't you remember Paris and Belgium, or how about the gropers in Cologne? Labour would 'let them all in ' here given the chance, just listen to Yvette Cooper
and how is a nuke going to stop attacks in belgium , paris or as you say the 'gropers in cologne ?'
I don't mind the nukes, they won't be turned on us, prefer if we shared them with the French though. Having a PM who doesn't want to bomb anything that moves is far more important.
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