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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Smith supporters do have a weird, waxen look to them.
If you watch the Question Time show, you will notice that a Saul Miller asks the question about anti-semitism. Now, he is almost not a real human.

Curiously, he is also a regular on Question Time. He is so oddly plastic, I remember having seen him a couple of times before, usually when Mad Mel is on. Unfortunately, I can't find a photo....

i think the one in the red is checking his pulse to see if he's about to die of boredom...
And there are people who think these guys are actually capable of winning a general election.

Not only is there zero chance of that ever happening but they are so bloody incompetent that there is no meaningful opposition to the Tories right now!

And it's not going to change! If you put a team of people together who simply aren't up to the job and have them marshalled by a man who at heart doesn't want to be there, the only thing you can expect is total marginalisation and irrelevance.
We need more women leaders, and folk from the different ethnic groups (I'm not a WASP), but sod having useless people with bad politics, Eagle? Come fly with me.
I'd look forward to jez winning an unwinnable seat :D There are lots of new people who will knock on doors.

He won't want to challenge Dianne or Emily (that is how the seats lie). Lots of CLPs would want him as their MP in an instant.
Only certain seats have all women shortlists.

Aren't there particular situations where all-women shortlists come into play, rather than specific seats?

I have a vague idea (and it is just that) than in the case of a "retiring" MP there has to be an AWS to choose their replacement, which would limit Corbyn's ability to be parachuted into Leicester East or any other vaguely safe seat.
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Worth pointing out that the Independent is a rather different slant on the issue
Mr Corbyn said he was unhappy about the changes, which will now be consulted on, but "very confident" about the future. Despite the abolition of his seat, it is unlikely he would not be selected in the new Finsbury Park & Stoke Newington constituency largely formed from his current North Islington base.

No idea which is correct but I it's hardly the forgone conclusion the ES would like to believe
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