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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Corbyn is marmite, tbf.

Owen Smith's not even beige. He's vegemite. A pale immitation of marmite that nobody wants because why not have the genuine thing?


We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch, and tea.
Our mummies say we're growing stronger
Every single week,
Because we love our Vegemite
We all adore our Vegemite
It puts a rose in every cheek
I thought soviet style social realism- though I'll credit the photographer with the blue cap- together with the king over the water allusion from the crossed fingers. Whatever it is, she's got it.
Corbyn is marmite, tbf.

Owen Smith's not even beige. He's vegemite. A pale immitation of marmite that nobody wants because why not have the genuine thing?

No way, vegemite is just like concentrated marmite so if Corbyn is marmite then vegemite is the WRP or something
whereas Owen 'get ISIS round the table' Smith will have the Tories on the ropes...?

Nope, why would I think that?

Labour are fucked... it's tory governments til 2025 at the very least and no matter what anyone on here says, ordinary working class people are always going to fair better under a Labour government than a tory one.
Nope, why would I think that?

Labour are fucked... it's tory governments til 2025 at the very least and no matter what anyone on here says, ordinary working class people are always going to fair better under a Labour government than a tory one.

Only in an imaginary world where events that proceed bear no relation to events that precede them; and where all other things are equal except that one variable. And even then - probably, not always.
Only in an imaginary world where events that proceed bear no relation to events that precede them; and where all other things are equal except that one variable. And even then - probably, not always.

Sometimes I feel like we are living in that world
Nope, why would I think that?
don't ask me it's from too long ago
Labour are fucked... it's tory governments til 2025 at the very least and no matter what anyone on here says, ordinary working class people are always going to fair better under a Labour government than a tory one.
One reason Labour is fucked is that no matter what anyone says a very substantial number of ordinary working class people don't think it's at all obvious they'll be better off under a Labour government, or not enough to vote for them anyway.

Labour may be a shambles at the moment, but it's shit when unified too, so...
don't ask me it's from too long ago

One reason Labour is fucked is that no matter what anyone says a very substantial number of ordinary working class people don't think it's at all obvious they'll be better off under a Labour government, or not enough to vote for them anyway.

Labour may be a shambles at the moment, but it's shit when unified too, so...
If Labour are truly fucked then so be it. Do you think no party will replace them? The FPTP system always defaults to two parties. It's inevitable.

I don't think UKIP or the SNP or the Lib Dems are going to be the 2nd party.
If Labour are truly fucked then so be it. Do you think no party will replace them? The FPTP system always defaults to two parties. It's inevitable.

I don't think UKIP or the SNP or the Lib Dems are going to be the 2nd party.
I didn't say anything about there not being a 2nd party or that Labour will disappear (I don't think it will).
If Labour are truly fucked then so be it. Do you think no party will replace them? The FPTP system always defaults to two parties. It's inevitable.

I don't think UKIP or the SNP or the Lib Dems are going to be the 2nd party.
UKIP is pretty much bankrupt and membership taken a real hit since June
Thornberry made a complete tool of herself on Sky News earlier today.

She couldn't name the French foreign minister or the South Korean president (and just to double down she couldn't name the latter's gender either) so accused Dermot Murnaghan of sexism.

Both France and South Korea have been major focal points of foreign affairs in recent weeks, as have the former's foreign minister and the latter's president.

Thornberry is Corbyn's choice as shadow foreign secretary.

Emily Thornberry accuses Sky presenter Murnaghan of sexism
Thornberry made a complete tool of herself on Sky News earlier today.

She couldn't name the French foreign minister or the South Korean president (and just to double down she couldn't name the latter's gender either) so accused Dermot Murnaghan of sexism.

Both France and South Korea have been major focal points of foreign affairs in recent weeks, as have the former's foreign minister and the latter's president.

Thornberry is Corbyn's choice as shadow foreign secretary.

Emily Thornberry accuses Sky presenter Murnaghan of sexism
It's OK, when it comes to it she can just wing it like everybody else these days. It's where Wiki comes in handy.
And there are people who think these guys are actually capable of winning a general election.

Not only is there zero chance of that ever happening but they are so bloody incompetent that there is no meaningful opposition to the Tories right now!

And it's not going to change! If you put a team of people together who simply aren't up to the job and have them marshalled by a man who at heart doesn't want to be there, the only thing you can expect is total marginalisation and irrelevance.
There is no chance of a Labour victory next time no matter who's at the helm, especially if May manages to pull off a successful EU exit beforehand. *

* I don't think this will happen. We're not really allowed to leave.
There is no chance of a Labour victory next time no matter who's at the helm, especially if May manages to pull off a successful EU exit beforehand. *

* I don't think this will happen. We're not really allowed to leave.
we can check out any time we like etc
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