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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

There are a lot of folk complaining about not getting their votes, definitely not all trots (not a slur on that group).

Thing is, they can't ban people fast enough.

Thumbs up to the mods, for their music too.
What do we think about this 'organising school' business?

No idea if it'll work but if it actually happens in any meaningful way it'll be more proactive engagement than I've seen from Labour in, well, forever.
What do we think about this 'organising school' business?

No idea if it'll work but if it actually happens in any meaningful way it'll be more proactive engagement than I've seen from Labour in, well, forever.
theres a LOT of new members who won't have much experience in organizing. I dunno, I have none myself but I think a class on it would have to be hand in hand with learning on the hoof with the vets. Yes I went there.

but yeah, entire generation switched off to parly politics and what you do to get there- the bread and butter work, the dogshit politics etc. Wash your hands before eating.
just watching the QT debate. Owen is a massive cunt, claiming 'abuse' because someone asked him why he wouldn't serve under a labour leader. He's a freak and clearly losing it. Its painful.

See the bit at the end, during the credits, when a lot of the audience go up to shake JC's hand, and everyone ignores Smith. He hovers hopefully for a while, then skulks off. Painfully cringe-making.
it was. The squirming he did over Prevent was also lol. People just openly laughing at him. He's fucked, St Jez made him look like a schoolboy. Fucking shambles. Roll on the 24th. That should be one where I'll lay in the weed and popcorn
just watching the QT debate. Owen is a massive cunt, claiming 'abuse' because someone asked him why he wouldn't serve under a labour leader. He's a freak and clearly losing it. Its painful.
If he'd been a politician in the years before Blair-Brown, he'd have needed a thicker skin. Many of our contemporary politicians are weak of mind and spirit (one and the same thing in France) and are incapable of taking criticism. MPs on the stump were routinely heckled and Alec Douglas-Home once had to climb out of a window to avoid an angry crowd.
What do we think about this 'organising school' business?

No idea if it'll work but if it actually happens in any meaningful way it'll be more proactive engagement than I've seen from Labour in, well, forever.

this is nothing new, the other lot have been teaching people how to erect pasting tables for yonks.
I'd imagine it's good practice to allow it occasionally - then you can point to your praise and say see? it isn't an MSM conspiracy, we praise him when he's good, then get back to twisting the knife.
well, that and denying the obvious makes you look deluded/dishonest. Which we know them to be but you have to put a face on when its obvious. CF: guardian backhanded praise over the QT massacre of Owen swingin dick Smith
It is not often I post links from the SWP but fuck me....

Right wing Labour MPs have insisted they will keep trying to force party leaderJeremy Corbyn out—even if he wins next week’s leadership election.

Party activists were told that “nothing changes” if Corbyn wins the election on 24 September, at a meeting with several Labour MPs on Monday.

MPs Alison McGovern, Jamie Reed, Siobhain McDonagh, Mike Gapes and Wes Streeting all spoke at the Road to Conference “moderate meetup” in parliament. It was hosted by right wing factions Progress and Labour First.

Each spoke of how they would keep undermining Corbyn despite the fact that Labour members are likely to overwhelmingly elect him as leader for the second time.

They took their cue from Labour First secretary Luke Akehurst, who told the meeting that, “Nothing fundamental changes if Jeremy is re-elected.

Responding to a question from the floor about what the right’s “gameplan” after the election is, Akehurst said, “We will just have another leadership election again and we will carry on having leadership elections until we get a sensible result.”


Inside the 'Moderates' meetup': Vows to keep fighting to oust Corbyn
Even his staunchest critics amongst the PLP have been tweeting that PMQs was excellent for Jezza.

I don't trust them :hmm:

Well there are many things Jezza can do well including speech making, making jam and pulling. He's just not going to get elected PM in the opinion of many with or without an axe to grind. When he wins this contest he should be doing so with the succession in mind.
So there is a Sky News special at 8pm on the leadership race before the debate. I predict it will be utter bollocks.
My prediction
Survation will have massively stacked the audience
Smith will come across as tense and defensive
Smith will spend the hour telling Labour Party members they were wrong
Smith will accidentally mention his 29 inch cock again
Corbyn will let Smith hang himself again.
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