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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I think they've failed. Even the ones who say they're going to vote for him clearly think he's shit.

Have you managed to encounter a single person either online or in person who thinks he isn't awful? I've spoken online and in person to a handful of people who are voting for him and they all think about as much of him as I do.
on momentum's tweeter today


i suppose the obvious answer, "because they are a massive tory twunt" might not be in keeping with the one in JC's name about being abusive

and in other news, i had a phone call this evening from owen smith's team (like the text message last week thinking i am called jade) - i wish i knew who this jade was, and whether she was likely to vote for smith. in which case telling them to fuck off might get her purged...

Owen Smith with a strong ending there repeating his offer to Jeremy Corbyn of a position that doesn't exist. Always finish on a high point :thumbs:
QT audience just booed Alastair Campbell's name. Hahaha. Oh god, anti-Corbyn people are going to be in absolute hysteria about that, like everything else.
Owen Smith with a strong ending there repeating his offer to Jeremy Corbyn of a position that doesn't exist. Always finish on a high point :thumbs:
He's not still going on about making him party president is he? I thought even he could see that's the ludicrous proposal.
He's not still going on about making him party president is he? I thought even he could see that's the ludicrous proposal.
Yes the final question was if they'd serve in each others shadow cabinets. Corbyn had already brought it up earlier in the debate and made Smith look like a total mug then. Great political instincts to allow Corbyn to repeat it at the end
I didn't watch it but twitter is safely coming down on the side of Corbs winning the night, and Owen being an absolute tool.
Even the Guardian seem to begrudgingly admit it was a Corbyn win:

Corbyn v Smith - Verdict
Corbyn v Smith - Verdict: Owen Smith is articulate and combative, but it feels as if he has not really found a way of dismantling Jeremy Corbyn’s appeal and in tonight’s hustings that showed. Having adopted large chunks of the Corbyn policy agenda, he has two main offers: competence/electability, and Europe. He was probably at his best in the early stages of the debate, talking about Labour’s performance in the polls but it did not feel as if his arguments, robust as they were, were going to make much impression on those like the “feel the love” Corbynista councillor. (See 9.10am.)

On Europe, Smith has a distinctive position which should be attractive to Labour’s pro-European membership. And tonight he seemed to go further than he has in the past, making explicit something previously only implicit and saying that if he were leader Labour could reject the EU referendum result and opt to keep the UK in the EU. Many pro-European politicians, like Paddy Ashdown and Tony Blair, would back this 100%. But it is a tricky argument to make now, because it is tantamount to saying “ignore the referendum”, and the studio audience reacted quite badly when he made his case.

Smith should have had the edge over Corbyn too on security, but the reminder of his Isis gaffe set him back.

Generally, though, Corbyn seemed to exude confidence. With the polls suggesting he is well ahead, this is not surprising, but what was striking was how much better a performer Corbyn is now at this format than he was a year ago. He was relaxed and even funny at times, and he managed to brush off Smith’s most aggressive criticisms, over extremism. It helped that the audience seemed more on his side than Smith’s (so much for “BBC bias” - see 8.57pm)His claim that he would be able to take Labour to power by inspiring the young may sound fanciful (the psephologists say boosting youth turnout mostly helps Labour get larger majorities in the seats they hold anyway), but it seemed to strike a chord with a large Labour chunk of the studio audience. What the public at large think is another matter, but this was a Labour-dominated audience and they seem happy to keep him as leader.
Jsut watched a bit of this -- have to say corbyn was looking pretty prime ministerial - confident and even charismatic - definitely wasnt like that in the recent past. All this back to back campaigning seems to have become a bit of a boot camp for him to his benefit in terms of presentation
Jsut watched a bit of this -- have to say corbyn was looking pretty prime ministerial - confident and even charismatic - definitely wasnt like that in the recent past. All this back to back campaigning seems to have become a bit of a boot camp for him to his benefit in terms of presentation

I agree. That was a knock out performance tonight. Smith was visibly frustrated. he was doing a lot of that hand gesture stuff that Tony Blair and Tories are fond of doing. Corbyn leant into the table and occasionally made a pointy finger at the ground. How it should be done.
Smith felt further embarrassment at the end when he put his hand out to shake another bloke hand and the bloke just walked straight past him. Ouch.
The Telegraph... well, McTernan, actually, thinks otherwise. No surprise there.

First, the title
Owen Smith wiped the floor with Jeremy Corbyn in Labour's Question Time debate – but his supporters won't care

Now the first paragraph.
In tonight’s BBC “Question Time” special, devoted to the Labour leadership election, the foundational myth of Corbynism was repeated again and again. It is that old favourite – “the stab in the back”.

Audience members who support Corbyn claimed that Labour were ahead in the polls until the resignations from the Shadow Cabinet. Owen Smith gently corrected them – in 89 polls Labour were behind in 85 and level pegging in 4. Rather than concede the point, Corbyn played to his support and repeated their lie, adding that hostile media coverage was also to blame for poor polls.

This was the pattern throughout the debate: Smith answering questions clearly and punchily, talking through the camera to the country; Corbyn basking in adulation and talking in generalities.
That's all folks!

He's no Lynton Crosby, so why are the Blairites hiring this cunt?
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