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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

In a huge surprise the PLP votes for the idea that they should decide on Shadow Cabinet positions (link).

A huge majority of Labour MPs today voted in favour of the restoration of Shadow Cabinet elections.

The move will now be considered by the party’s NEC and will have to be agreed by annual conference before becoming a rule. If elections are confirmed and carried out then it would establish a significant power base in parliament for centrist MPs who are critical of the leadership. Jeremy Corbyn has indicated an interest in allowing Labour’s grassroots a vote on the make-up his top team as part of a wider set of reforms to party democracy.
(Posted on the bandwidthz thread but might as well go here as well.)

see I've been saying this, all of it, the entire fucking world is a shit re-run of the 70s for ages and no one believed me. At least this farce lacks the noncery. A bit.
So the PLP intend to aid the party to become less disfunctional so they can properly get a coherent policy position across to the public by ensuring that the elected leader has no say in who he was to work with in the cabinet, and the PLP will simply elect those who represent the policies that the rest of the part has rejected.

They really are determined to ensure that a corbyn lead labour party actually is unelectable due to being an incoherent mess.
The NEC don't want Smith to win?

From the start it was clear that Corbyn will win. The defeat of Smith will be used to justify some kind of split within the party after which a more competent leader will be chosen. Smith is clearly not an election winner.
Jeremy should do an eighties night fundraiser and get Billy Bragg to curate it - working title Red Wedge maybe ?
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