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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Well that escalated quickly!

All I did initially was reply to something I read on here that was definitely factually inaccurate. I wasn't looking to debate. I was then asked for an opinion about Owen, and from that, this is the result. Being from ponty does not necessarily mean I support him. I've enjoyed this forum for a few years and the was something I knew that was factually correct to contribute. I was naive to think you'd be interested in knowing the facts. I think you all need to calm down a bit.

That's true, you were...and this was your reply:-
From my experience, he's always been in and around the local party, and always been a keen follower of the rugby club.....Not surprising really considering who his father is. Not really had negative experiences of him, and he's been a great constituency MP.
Which was, obviously 3 irrelevant facts and 1.5 positive opinions completely un-related to his current role as a disingenuous, duplicitous, back-stabbing, disloyal plotter working on behalf of the neoliberal tendency within the party.
Which might explain some of the reaction to your posting.
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'Keen follower of the rugby club', isn't that like his 'café latte, never heard of it. I just want the working man's coffee'?
That's true, you were...and this was your reply:-
Which was, obviously 3 irrelevant facts and 1.5 positive opinions completely un-related to his current role as a disingenuous, duplicitous, back-stabbing, disloyal plotter working on behalf of the neoliberal tendency within the party.
Which might explain some of the reaction to your posting.
As I said, I was only trying to add to the debate with some facts. I've then given my opinion of Owen as I've known him. I could more easily describe the politics of his father from my experience as I was a student of his, and have read all his publications. If you then want to burn the witch then go ahead, I'm sure it's great fun for you all.
'Keen follower of the rugby club', isn't that like his 'café latte, never heard of it. I just want the working man's coffee'?

'...and just what do you call this careening box with four circles on the side which is propelling us at a speed which I find disturbing and frightening? I am merely a simple man who wants to lead the Labour Party, I have no time for this sort of contraption.' - Owen Smith, probably
As I said, I was only trying to add to the debate with some facts. I've then given my opinion of Owen as I've known him. I could more easily describe the politics of his father from my experience as I was a student of his, and have read all his publications. If you then want to burn the witch then go ahead, I'm sure it's great fun for you all.
Who's the witch?
As I said, I was only trying to add to the debate with some facts. I've then given my opinion of Owen as I've known him. I could more easily describe the politics of his father from my experience as I was a student of his, and have read all his publications. If you then want to burn the witch then go ahead, I'm sure it's great fun for you all.
hanging more traditional in this country.
People who have literally tried to force Corbyn to resign by attacking him in a way that weakens his mental health for nearly a year now: 'being civil to us but removing some of us from the paid employment that we receive a wage for but don't actually do any work for? Wow, this doesn't seem like kinder, fairer politics to me...'

I mean though, what the actual fuck?

We're going to be spiteful and bully you for a year, and we're going to try to break you, and we're going to smear you and anyone who supports you, in the press and in parliament, and we're going to undermine every single effort that you make to be effective so that we can have our way. But please, if you win, don't be mean to us, because that wouldn't be right.
I mean though, what the actual fuck?

We're going to be spiteful and bully you for a year, and we're going to try to break you, and we're going to smear you and anyone who supports you, in the press and in parliament, and we're going to undermine every single effort that you make to be effective so that we can have our way. But please, if you win, don't be mean to us, because that wouldn't be right.
I mean though, what the actual fuck?

We're going to be spiteful and bully you for a year, and we're going to try to break you, and we're going to smear you and anyone who supports you, in the press and in parliament, and we're going to undermine every single effort that you make to be effective so that we can have our way. But please, if you win, don't be mean to us, because that wouldn't be right.

This, pretty much in a nutshell.
That's true, you were...and this was your reply:-
Which was, obviously 3 irrelevant facts and 1.5 positive opinions completely un-related to his current role as a disingenuous, duplicitous, back-stabbing, disloyal plotter working on behalf of the neoliberal tendency within the party.
Which might explain some of the reaction to your posting.
I'm still a bit unclear about your view on Smith though...:hmm:
I'm still a bit unclear about your view on Smith though...:hmm:
I believe that through exasperation with what's going on in the party be decided to stand. He described to the local clp that he wasn't part of the coup, and I believed him. I think that he realised that if there was to be a contest and a very public debate about the shape of the party, that being part of it he could (can) try to shape the debate around what matters for the membership eg making the party a genuinely democratic socialist one. I believe that he believes that in having a debate where the terms are about what the membership cares about, there's a chance that the party might hold together. If one of the blairites, or red tories, or right of the party had stood, the debate would have been completely different and the party would definitely split. If he'd acquiesced on the matter, he would be part of the future Corbyn leadership, but that would be as part of a split party. As it stands, it probably will still split, but he's trying to do something to stop it.

The silence from the blairites in regards to supporting Smith is telling as to where he stands in the party. I believe that for all the noise going on around the debate, you've got a guy who wants to save the party he cares about.... Save it from the right of the party as much as the left.

If I'm naive, or if I'm trying to control the debate, I apologise. I just tried to correct a falsehood about my local MP.
I believe that through exasperation with what's going on in the party be decided to stand. He described to the local clp that he wasn't part of the coup, and I believed him. I think that he realised that if there was to be a contest and a very public debate about the shape of the party, that being part of it he could (can) try to shape the debate around what matters for the membership eg making the party a genuinely democratic socialist one. I believe that he believes that in having a debate where the terms are about what the membership cares about, there's a chance that the party might hold together. If one of the blairites, or red tories, or right of the party had stood, the debate would have been completely different and the party would definitely split. If he'd acquiesced on the matter, he would be part of the future Corbyn leadership, but that would be as part of a split party. As it stands, it probably will still split, but he's trying to do something to stop it.

The silence from the blairites in regards to supporting Smith is telling as to where he stands in the party. I believe that for all the noise going on around the debate, you've got a guy who wants to save the party he cares about.... Save it from the right of the party as much as the left.

If I'm naive, or if I'm trying to control the debate, I apologise. I just tried to correct a falsehood about my local MP.
I was actually making a joke about/to brogdale but hey.

As it turns out, based on what you say in the bold bits above, you do sound really naive. Stick around though and we'll soon sort that out...
His actions suggest that his exasperation is not with 'the party', merely the membership. His 'exasperation' with the PLP appears to be so slight that he is happy to lead their undemocratic assault on the leader.
If you say so. I'd caution though that if you think the rank and file membership who pound the streets talking to non members will do so for Corbyn, you're being similarly naive. This can be extended to thinking that the new members will fill that void.
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