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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

...I once collaborated on David Starkey slashfic...

Sort of up there with

...I was strolling along in the park late one night minding my own business when all of a sudden my trousers and pants dropped down and I tripped over and fell onto this dildo that was nestled in the bushes, and that's why I'm here in A&E at 3am, doctor...

as the sort of thing that demands somewhat more rigorous and candid exposition than is initially on offer
No, it's a question as to what is your alternative to social democracy. I'm not convinced Corbyn will be successful but he needs to be given a try. I'm sorry if you feel that your political position sounds so stupid that you don't want to say what it is.

Well yes, it's also essentially the same line of argument if someone says that what you want to do won't work. It's a fairly reasonable question: what's the alternative?

But we're not talking about "what's my alternative," we're talking about Corbyn and co. If you want to start a follow-on conversation about extra-parliamentary strategies then go right ahead, it's a huge subject and well worth discussing. It's not the topic here though and trying to sidetrack the subject to that when challenged so you don't have to deal with your own strategy's inadequacies is poor form.
I've every sympathy for joe cox's family and friends and she didn't deserve to be murdered, who does? How many workplace deaths take place annually and go uneulogized? but the way these people are cynically using her murder to claim victimhood because they are being given the mildest of barrackings is pretty sickening.

Get in the Sea lands student in hot water.

91% of 270 voters there chose the "No, it's been taken in completely the wrong way" response to "Could 'get in the sea' be taken as a threat to life?"

Wonder how that would have split if options for both deliberate and accidental misconstruing had been given.

She's only convinced me to regard her as dishonest till proven otherwise. There's no threat and I don't believe she "believe(s) that is a threat to kill" either.
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For those unaware of recent developments in Facebook memes, I suppose 'get in the sea' could be seen as a convoluted way of telling someone to go and drown themselves. It doesn't look like a threat to kill from any angle though does it?
Recent? Facebook? And even if it was, it's ok to do that. I bet that thangamm was not even a mate of the sainted Cox.
Recent? Facebook? And even if it was, it's ok to do that. I bet that thangamm was not even a mate of the sainted Cox.
I wondered that myself. She may have been, but I'm wary of how many gr8 m8s MPs hitherto unknown to have been her friend are using her name when this sort of stuff comes up. Its utterly cynical
Recent? Facebook? And even if it was, it's ok to do that. I bet that thangamm was not even a mate of the sainted Cox.
It may be an old insult, but it's only come to national prominence recently through the facebook 'get in the sea' page. I'd certainly never heard of it before then anyway...
I think her only mitigation is that she might be a bit fragile after a prolonged cancer treatment, but otherwise she's worked really quite hard first at perceiving that as a death threat and then acting to fuck up the person who said it. But she really hasn't done herself any favours
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