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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

With this latest legal development, it looks like the whole Labour party is moving inexorably seaward
perhaps the 172 mps who objected to jeremy corbyn could be made to stand in a river or in the sea to form a human pier for corbyn's supporters to promenade along until at last the weight and exhaustion forced the disloyal mps' heads beneath the waves.
pr disaster, how much to turn that around
well the PR disaster of it all benefits the labour right. They are engaged in doing their best to tank the party so as to oust corbyn and the labour left by blaming them for the shambles. Money and a shit-stinking image. Not a bad days work for them
It is a particularly good look, isn't it?
Take £ off folk to join your party, then use the proceeds to go to court to stop them participating and claiming costs off those that dared to challenge the party machine.
Anyone thinking of joining?
It is a particularly good look, isn't it?
Take £ off folk to join your party, then use the proceeds to go to court to stop them participating and claiming costs off those that dared to challenge the party machine.
Anyone thinking of joining?

It's a good look if you want to create a house divided and then blame Corbyn for it. 'Look at what we've done while he is leader, he has no control!'
does it?
I think the 30k legal bill makes them look nasty and vindicative. I note the Guardian coverage has ignored this element of it.
thats just it. They don't care how it looks. They want to fuck corbyn off out of it and the resurgent labour left slapped back into the box marked 'yesterdays men'. In order to do that you create crisis. Strategy of tension and all that. The idea goes that once the dust has settled OS swoops in as the moderate candidate to save the party from the shambles.
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