chilango 's excellent post above there's probably an interesting discussion to be had about active anti-capitalists feeling 'drawn in'. Politically, there are a few parallels and obvious differences to the formation, growth and ultimate disappointments of Syriza - very different as a coming together of existing parties, in a PR system, but one way in which a centre of gravity shaped up amid austerity. Even bearing in mind Syriza's climbdowns, Corbynism is pretty thin by comparison. But, following Chilango's post, the interesting bit is the psychological, the way all kinds of leftists and even anarchos are rationalising something they wouldn't remotely have considered doing 18 months ago. You can see people you know in real life or on facebook thinking it through, not really changing their views, but doing it anyway. Like others,
I'm not having a go and it also reflects the weakness of class struggle outside of Labour. Trouble is, in the absence of becoming something other than a social democratic parliamentary party, the new labour left will be forced to play to the rules and logic of being exactly that.