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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

It's a typo.

No, it’s a mistake. Nobody transposed letters or even misplaced an apostrophe, they said that the UK was the sixth biggest country in the world. And nobody who checked the leaflet noticed.

Corbyn’s team seem to be low wattage.

Also, they claim that they saved the Whittington hospital. I am pretty sure no one was planning to close it down. Presumably they meant the maternity unit, so that’s another error.
No, it’s a mistake. Nobody transposed letters or even misplaced an apostrophe, they said that the UK was the sixth biggest country in the world. And nobody who checked the leaflet noticed.

Corbyn’s team seem to be low wattage.

Also, they claim that they saved the Whittington hospital. I am pretty sure no one was planning to close it down.
But those policies; you don't object to those, do you?

But those policies; you don't object to those, do you?

View attachment 429137

Not sure about rent controls at all. I don’t care who owns the Royal Mail. I object massively to “peace around the world” because I know perfectly well what Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes mean by it. Everything else seems fine.

I also have a very dim view of the maternity unit at the Whittington, as they nearly killed our firstborn, but that’s by the by.
Not sure about rent controls at all. I don’t care who owns the Royal Mail. I object massively to “peace around the world” because I know perfectly well what Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes mean by it. Everything else seems fine.

I also have a very dim view of the maternity unit at the Whittington, as they nearly killed our firstborn, but that’s by the by.
So there's much that you do agree with in JC's campaigning, then? I presume you'd vote for him if you lived in the constituency?
Like Corbyn suggests in that leaflet. Unfortunately that doesn't help reduce rents unless you build all over the green belt. And many places in Cornwall have loads of houses that aren't occupied for most of the year, so building more houses isn't the whole solution their either.

So why don't rent controls work?

I’m okay with building on the green belt. About four more Milton Keyneses should do it. Two in Bucks, two in Essex. Maybe some in the North West? No idea what housing demand is like up there.

There are arguments both way on rent controls. I know Khan is a fan, and I don’t think he’s an idiot. But it still seems like a sticking plaster solution to undersupply.
Like Corbyn suggests in that leaflet. Unfortunately that doesn't help reduce rents unless you build all over the green belt. And many places in Cornwall have loads of houses that aren't occupied for most of the year, so building more houses isn't the whole solution there either.

So why don't rent controls work?
Honestly, I wouldn't bother...it looks like some folk here really do support 'entrepreneur' candidates for neoliberal parties.
You’ll find it edifying. Anyway, I don’t believe you.

I genuinely haven't, it's got its own subforum which I forget to click through on.

I was just trying to work out if you were a "Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes are in hock to Putin" kind of guy or a "Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes want to reopen Auschwitz" kind of guy.

From the fact you've referred me to a Ukraine thread I'm guessing the first?
I genuinely haven't, it's got its own subforum which I forget to click through on.

I was just trying to work out if you were a "Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes are in hock to Putin" kind of guy or a "Corbyn and his useful idiot acolytes want to reopen Auschwitz" kind of guy.

From the fact you've referred me to a Ukraine thread I'm guessing the first?

Apologies, then.

Very much the first. I wouldn’t identify with the second statement - who would? - but I think that Corbyn keeps some very unpleasant and deeply antisemitic company, and that was my main reason for not supporting Labour when he was in charge.
In answer to "who would?" a few years back some people would say it on National Radio:

As far as being in hock to Putin it's worth pointing out that Corbyn has always been critical of the man (and Russian interference) back to before he was persona non grata in the West and was even sneered at and shouted down in Parliament for raising the issue of Russian influence.

I’m okay with building on the green belt. About four more Milton Keyneses should do it. Two in Bucks, two in Essex. Maybe some in the North West? No idea what housing demand is like up there.
Not even suggesting building on brownfield sites and making better use of unoccupied buildings. Thank fuck you're not in charge of housebuilding.
But it still seems like a sticking plaster solution to undersupply.
That's just nonsense, rents have been artificially inflated.

So you've got no actual reason as to why they don't work.
Not even suggesting building on brownfield sites and making better use of unoccupied buildings. Thank fuck you're not in charge of housebuilding.

That's just nonsense, rents have been artificially inflated.

So you've got no actual reason as to why they don't work.

Artificially inflated? What’s going on beyond supply and demand?
Artificially inflated? What’s going on beyond supply and demand?
Try deliberately rather than artificially; from the initial Thatcher relaxation of the availability of credit onwards, the emphasis has been on creating demand for mortgaged homes. It's not a clever housing strategy if your primary interest is in providing affordable and appropriate properties.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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Thousands of second homes for a start. And from the briefest of searches, the top two results:

Sky News has found more than 6,000 publicly-owned homes in England have been empty for over a year - yet 145,800 children are homeless and living in temporary accommodation.

The most recent government statistics, released in November 2023, showed there were 261,189 long-term empty properties in England. That figure represents a rise of 12,556 homes compared to 2022, up 5% annually and 16% since before the pandemic in 2019.

But yes, let's build over the green belt, reduce biodiversity displace the wildlife.
But yes, let's build over the green belt, reduce biodiversity displace the wildlife.

Build more houses.

I'm lucky enough to be a Council tenant.

I have a cast iron tenancy. It gives me a lot of security.

Why should private renters not have the same?

They used to btw.

I grew up in private rented housing.

Decades ago private renters had a lot of security as long as they paid.

It was Thatcher that rolled this back. Or reformed it depending on your politics.

Rolling it back did not improve it. The opposite is the case.

So bringing rent controls back what is the problem for you?
Penalising second homes (and holiday lets) is a no-brainer. No arguments there.
What about building local authority, democratically accountable, statutory entitled homes, funded by cheap government borrowing, recouping their costs many times over during the life of the property? We place all our housing eggs in the mortgage basket and it's stupid (in many ways).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
So bringing rent controls back what is the problem for you?

Interferes with "supply and demand", clearly, can't interfere with supply and demand even when the supply is artificially reduced. That's capitalism for you.

Landlords and companies who bought houses 20 years ago are making obscene profits from people who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. It's disgusting.
What about building local authority, democratically accountable, statutory entitled homes, funded by cheap government borrowing, recouping their costs many times over during the life of the property? We place all our housing eggs in the mortgage basket and it's stupid (in many ways).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Well, yeah, obviously. Lots of that will go up in Bucks and Essex.
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