Not a Girly Swot, but I like them....
"turned on him" would suggest they ever felt any differently.
Genuine Q: was there ever any real press coverage that was broadly favourable? Once he became Labour leader, at least?
I certainly recall - and mentioned it here - that the 'centerist tory' media, (Times, BBC political team etc..) had it as a theme that if you annonymised Corbyn domestic economic policy it had comfortable majority support, and even wide support from Tory voters. The problem was Corbyn himself, and his Foreign and Defence policies, which were unpopular whether annonymised or not.
So double edged sword - that the electorate liked many of the things he said (public ownership etc..), they just didn't like him.
I think a major mistake that many who had time for him make is that they seem to believe that for the electorate, Corbyn was this completely unknown character prior to his election as leader, and that it's only the press being hostile to him that made the electorate so unenthusiastic about him - that is, imv, massively delusional and self-serving. Anyone remotely interested in politics and over 30 at the time or so knew him of old, and had long made up their minds about him.