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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

Same here. I was listening to some woman from Unison on 5Live this morning and she was taking it really badly.
Same here, in fact I would even go as far to say that he achieved exactly what he intended to achieve thanks to the OTT reaction that has occurred, he's best ignored.

E2A yep what Giles said!
Same here, in fact I would even go as far to say that he achieved exactly what he intended to achieve thanks to the OTT reaction that has occurred, he's best ignored.

E2A yep what Giles said!

Or attacked for being daft and attention-seeking rather than actually taking his comments seriously and giving him some credence.
I have to say that, as mentioned, it sounds like it was part of a joke - and not a "ha ha shoot them but I'm just joking of course" joke, but one about having to be "balanced" on the BBC, after just saying that he actually thought they were great.
It'd only get stuck in traffic on the Second Ring Road like all the other cars, super or not. We need a new Super Forever Bicycle!

Either way it would give him and his two right-wing chums a chance to go and road test them in China at licence payers cost.

Also, I bet Frankie Boyle is pissed that his fellow Sun columnist thought of this prank first.
I have to say that, as mentioned, it sounds like it was part of a joke - and not a "ha ha shoot them but I'm just joking of course" joke, but one about having to be "balanced" on the BBC, after just saying that he actually thought they were great.
To me it doesn't really matter. The bigger the backlash, the stronger the public support for the strikes must be.
Sky News said:
The BBC issued an apology over the comments, which have so far sparked 4,769 complaints.

How does one complain to the BBC? Is an e-mail via the 'contact us' bit on their website enough?
BBC said:
Prime Minister David Cameron, asked about Mr Clarkson's comments during an appearance on ITV's This Morning, said it was "a silly thing to say... I'm sure he didn't mean it".

Ah, he meant to talk of his concern for the diminishing habitat of the Giant Panda, but it just came out all muddled.
He's someone that sells a lot of books, is watched and adored by millions. Some deluded people even want him as Prime Minister! He writes columns and is read by millions - he is highly influential.

As a high profile influential person, such vile comments deserve repercussions. Or at the very least, more scrutiny.
grow up role models are for fairy tale land knights and dragons in the real world people are influenced by celebrity far less than you and your winging disingenuous rabble would have us believe...

And we don't believe the general public don't like being dictated too by their Govt why do you think we'd like to be dictated to by a group of hand wringing do gooders. especially when you're all so humour less and have to be sombre and Uriah Heap about everything...

ffs stop trying to wring every last drop of fun and joy out of things really it does you no favours, and advances you cause not one iota...
grow up role models are for fairy tale land knights and dragons in the real world people are influenced by celebrity far less than you and your winging disingenuous rabble would have us believe...

And we don't believe the general public don't like being dictated too by their Govt why do you think we'd like to be dictated to by a group of hand wringing do gooders. especially when you're all so humour less and have to be sombre and Uriah Heap about everything...

ffs stop trying to wring every last drop of fun and joy out of things really it does you no favours, and advances you cause not one iota...

A society that needs 'role models' has been thoroughly infantilised.
I've finally succeeded in putting in my complaint to the BBC. What a fucking palava, nine pages of questions before you get to actually submit the bloody thing. I tried last night but gave up.
I've finally succeeded in putting in my complaint to the BBC. What a fucking palava, nine pages of questions before you get to actually submit the bloody thing. I tried last night but gave up.

You clearly have too much time on your hands and not enough worries.
He' spend all his time doing obvious product placements for Volkswagen. And driving East.

Only making right hand turns too ("You want me to embrace Bolshevism with these left-handed handbrake turns? Mensch, we would have had you shot in the good old days!").
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