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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

My favourite Jeremy Clark rant was when he printed his bank details in the scum to prove a point that your bank details mean nothing and can't be used to hack into your account (in light of the furore of the HMRC lost the bank details of millions of Child Benefit Claimants)...after he published his details somebody skanked £500 from his account.
My favourite Jeremy Clark rant was when he printed his bank details in the scum to prove a point that your bank details mean nothing and can't be used to hack into your account (in light of the furore of the HMRC lost the bank details of millions of Child Benefit Claimants)...after he published his details somebody skanked £500 from his account.
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he was so obviously joking, I can't believe so many people think he was serious.

If you're offended by this, you're as bad as Mary Whitehouse.

He prefaced the remarks, however, by asserting that he liked the strikers as the industrial action meant there was no traffic on the roads. Adding that he had to be balanced as he worked for the BBC, he then launched into an anti-strikers rant, which appeared to be at least partly in jest.
From the Guardian.
My favourite Jeremy Clark rant was when he printed his bank details in the scum to prove a point that your bank details mean nothing and can't be used to hack into your account (in light of the furore of the HMRC lost the bank details of millions of Child Benefit Claimants)...after he published his details somebody skanked £500 from his account.
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he was so obviously joking, I can't believe so many people think he was serious.

If you're offended by this, you're as bad as Mary Whitehouse.

From the Guardian.

Yeah, that youtube video starts mid-sentence which is a little suspicious. I don't much care for Clarkson's politics but what he said was so intolerably stupid he cannot possibly have been serious. A calcualted wind-up at the expense of ludicrous BBC fence-sitting sounds more plausible.
Yeah, that youtube video starts mid-sentence which is a little suspicious. I don't much care for Clarkson's politics but what he said was so intolerably stupid he cannot possibly have been serious. A calcualted wind-up at the expense of ludicrous BBC fence-sitting sounds more plausible.

it's not what he said that should be taken seriously, it's the hypocrisy of him saying it and his position in saying it that deserves challenging.
Far worse than what Clarkeson said has been written on this forum.

Aye, the difference being is that Clarkson has an audience of millions. His highly paid pronouncements about extreme violence to strikers is likely to add a luster of legitimacy to vigilante or state attacks on protestors; regretably our random postings on here are likely to be read by fewer people than can fit comfortably in a Nissan Micra with Richard Hammond driving it. If I had a following of millions, I think I'd have a greater responsibility to think more carefully about what I wrote and what impact it would have.

I'm also heartily sickened by Clarkson's 'I'm only joking defence'. It's the reply of the bully throughout the centuries. In order to increase their prestige they say something dangerously insulting to those less powerful than them, and then when the insulted respond, the bully claims that the victims were too stupid, too lacking in humour to realise the magnificence of the joke.... Die of cancer Clarkson... only joking... no really, die of cancer... only joking... seriously d...
From the beeb

Prime Minister David Cameron, asked about Mr Clarkson's comments during an appearance on ITV's This Morning, said it was "a silly thing to say... I'm sure he didn't mean it".

All he needs now is to say he has the utmost confidence in Clarkson & bingo - game over!
Worse than Clarkson are the people who agree with him, yes. And also worse are the Labour slime who whinge that he shoukdn't have said it because nowadays strikers are not millitants, but mums. So it's ok to want to shoot millitants? Fuckers.
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he was so obviously joking, I can't believe so many people think he was serious.
Besides his guff about people on strike (he's a journalist, did he scab last year then?), his bit on suicide was not really on. Would he have sat there in a Wales scarf, then announced that he got it off ebay, worn only once, slightly stretched? Of course not, so why insult the hundreds of bereaved families whose loved ones committed suicide by jumping in front of a train?

The man's a Murdoch arse-kissing cunt.
it's not what he said that should be taken seriously, it's the hypocrisy of him saying it and his position in saying it that deserves challenging.

I suspect he was fully aware of his hypocrisy and was affecting it in order to make a joke. Whether it's a joke at the expense of people who actually spout such rubbish or the people who love to get up in arms about what a notorious idiot from a tv show about fast cars says about politics it's hard to say. I've long been an admirer of the 'hand grenade in a primary school' approach to satire myself.
I suspect he was fully aware of his hypocrisy and was affecting it in order to make a joke. Whether it's a joke at the expense of people who actually spout such rubbish or the people who love to get up in arms about what a notorious idiot from a tv show about fast cars says about politics it's hard to say. I've long been an admirer of the 'hand grenade in a primary school' approach to satire myself.

I think people get annoyed when they see an obscenely rich person on television rubbishing their lives (and tragic deaths). I hope people will be saying "enough is enough".
Today the one shows website has one show missing as has bbc iplayer site - so much for BBC and free speech? They could have just put a warning at the start about the language used :facepalm::D
My favourite Jeremy Clark rant was when he printed his bank details in the scum to prove a point that your bank details mean nothing and can't be used to hack into your account (in light of the furore of the HMRC lost the bank details of millions of Child Benefit Claimants)...after he published his details somebody skanked £500 from his account.

Better still, what actually happened is that someone set up a direct debit to a charity. So that £500 was just the first of his generous payments.

I think people get annoyed when they see an obscenely rich person on television rubbishing their lives (and tragic deaths). I hope people will be saying "enough is enough".
personally I hope people grow the fuck up...

Comedian TV personality known for ractionary and near the knuckle comic comments makes near the knuckle comic comment and is chastised for making near the knuckle comic comment shockah....

In other news grey is grey when viewed though a grey light in a grey room.

Murdoch is a lying cunt proved by him lying and being a cunt when shown to be a vagina and not telling the truth...

effete liberal babies take offense at any joke outside of their mandated and prescription humour as being a very bad thing which their should be laws against...

And other fucking blindingly obvious statements like

water is wet
milk is white
your a racist if you say it's white milk...

personally I hope people grow the fuck up...

Comedian TV personality known for ractionary and near the knuckle comic comments makes near the knuckle comic comment and is chastised for making near the knuckle comic comment shockah....

In other news grey is grey when viewed though a grey light in a grey room.

Murdoch is a lying cunt proved by him lying and being a cunt when shown to be a vagina and not telling the truth...

effete liberal babies take offense at any joke outside of their mandated and prescription humour as being a very bad thing which their should be laws against...

And other fucking blindingly obvious statements like

water is wet
milk is white
your a racist if you say it's white milk...


He's someone that sells a lot of books, is watched and adored by millions. Some deluded people even want him as Prime Minister! He writes columns and is read by millions - he is highly influential.

As a high profile influential person, such vile comments deserve repercussions. Or at the very least, more scrutiny.
He's someone that sells a lot of books, is watched and adored by millions. Some deluded people even want him as Prime Minister! He writes columns and is read by millions - he is highly influential.

As a high profile influential person, such vile comments deserve repercussions. Or at the very least, more scrutiny.

"But he's famous, and therefore better than you, and therefore is superior to you. Man up etc etc etc"
Ive complained to the one show and the BBC, heres a section

I find Jeremy Clarksons comments profoundly stupid, with a rightwing political bias and full of class hatred. My partner is disabled, a schoolteacher and is currently on medication for depression, She's been stressed this week as she s had loads of extra curricular activities organising her choir for a music recital (she s not getting paid for this). Every day is a battle for her, but she still goes to work and pays taxes and a license payers fee. Mr Clarkson is an employee of Rupert Murdochs News international which donates to the Conservative Party and has always had an anti union stance as well as being associated with the phone hacking criminality by association.. Therefore his comments are profoundly stupid, disgusting and offensive given his income comes from the taxpayer. Also he should ask himself the questgion if no one has any pension or workers rights, how can they afford to buy new cars???? Why is the BBC giving a political platform to this imbecile.

Im thinking of a train trip to Chipping Norton is in order...my neck is thicker than James Mays waist!!!

You come across as a humourless whinging loser!

Don't rise to Clarkson's OTT comments - it is what he wants.
if racist croydon woman is locked up for her 'comments' then surely this prick should be too. they're just as offensive. just delivered in a different setting.

Do you think that people generally should be "locked up for their comments"? Why?

I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he was so obviously joking, I can't believe so many people think he was serious.

If you're offended by this, you're as bad as Mary Whitehouse.

From the Guardian.

Same here. I was listening to some woman from Unison on 5Live this morning and she was taking it really badly.
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