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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

I have to say that, as mentioned, it sounds like it was part of a joke - and not a "ha ha shoot them but I'm just joking of course" joke, but one about having to be "balanced" on the BBC, after just saying that he actually thought they were great.

There was a context?! Who knew?!
So you feel stinking rich celebs making such offensive remarks about strikers should just go unchallenged, yes?

I don't care what a clearly quite stupid, overpaid celebrity says about anything.

Neither should anybody else.

Don't feed the animals.
You should if your taxes are paying their wages.

Why? I don't care about that either. We're paying for lots of idiots wages through taxes.

Nobody's going to act politically on the basis of a tongue-in-cheek comment from a 'look-at-me-I'm-right-wing' bloke off a car programme. He isn't Enoch Powell.
Unison's statement:
“Clarkson’s comments on the One Show were totally outrageous, and they cannot be tolerated,” said Unison general secretary Dave Prentis. Public sector workers and their families are utterly shocked by Jeremy Clarkson’s revolting comments. An apology is not enough- we are calling on the BBC to sack Jeremy Clarkson immediately. Such disgusting comments have no place on our TV screens."

Jeremy Clarkson clearly needs a reminder of just who he is talking about when he calls for public sector workers to be shot in front of their families," he added. "Whilst he is driving round in fast cars for a living, public sector workers are busy holding our society together - they save others lives on a daily basis, they care for the sick, the vulnerable, the elderly".
It's like a lovingly created, perfect paper aeroplane aimed straight at the Offendarati. Taking it at all seriously just empowers Clarkson.
My wife was on strike yesterday, fortunately our kids weren't watching the programme. One of them is too young to know who Clarkson is but old enough to know what "being shot in front of their families" means.

Po-faced my arse.
Do they also know what 'professional buffoon' means?
My wife was on strike yesterday, fortunately our kids weren't watching the programme. One of them is too young to know who Clarkson is but old enough to know what "being shot in front of their families" means.

Po-faced my arse.

Too young to be told that Clarkson's a professional controversialist who doesn't mean it?
The funny thing is that once upon a time Unions were a force to be reckoned with, strong and robust.

These days they have a collective fainting fit because some crap TV entity makes a crap comment, there seems to be more attention being paid to this irrelevant shite than to the important issues.
My wife was on strike yesterday, fortunately our kids weren't watching the programme. One of them is too young to know who Clarkson is but old enough to know what "being shot in front of their families" means.

Po-faced my arse.

Unison's statement:
If he ever puts one of his test cars into a ditch and you witness it....leave the twat to bleed, burn drown..hopefully all three ..then piss on him as you direct the paramedic into the next county.
Christ almighty people are precious pricks, of course Clarkson is a ballbag, and actually having seen the full thing I think he wasn't even at his most ballbaggish, rather he was taking the piss out of the BBC's absurd notion of balance.

I get far more offended by Top Gears cosy relationship to the military and how often militarist propaganda gets passed off as light entertainment than I ever could at Clarkson's comments on the strikers.
If he ever puts one of his test cars into a ditch and you witness it....leave the twat to bleed, burn drown..hopefully all three ..then piss on him as you direct the paramedic into the next county.
Puts himself on offer...we all fall out whether he means it or not..it runs to 40 pages and then we move onto another twat...thats life
Also that cunt Prentis is far more of a fucking millstone round the neck of the working class than Jeremy Clarkson will ever be. Nice to see the prick act all militant and holier than thou over Clarkson's daft joke whilst him and the other TUC leadership lubed their arses up for shafting after shafting, stopping only to sell their "customers" credit cards and house insurance.

Still they've called their one day of token action, to ease the process of selling out...
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