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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

Well in that case, knowing what a dictatorship of the proletariat achieved in the USSR and its satellite states, my answer would be "no". I can't think of a single case where a ruling body which began as a dictatorship, no matter how benign and well-intentioned, has willingly changed into a democracy.

so you didn't understand the question.
I understood the question as you had worded it. Not my fault if you didn't word it the way in which you intended it to be understood.

you don't understand what the dictatorship of the proletariat means, that much is clear from the fact you mistake it for a simple dictatorship by a well intentioned ruling clique.
You don't get that all dictatorships end up being similar, even if they start from different places.
You don't get that all dictatorships end up being similar, even if they start from different places.

you still aren't getting the fact that the dictatorship of proletariat is not an actual dictatorship, The Paris Commune was certainly no dictatorship in the traditional sense of the phrase, yet is was the example Marx and Engels gave of what dictatorship of the proletariat looks like.
you still aren't getting the fact that the dictatorship of proletariat is not an actual dictatorship, The Paris Commune was certainly no dictatorship in the traditional sense of the phrase, yet is was the example Marx and Engels gave of what dictatorship of the proletariat looks like.
the example lenin, trotsky, stalin, malenkov, kruschev, brezhnev et al gave was rather more striking than the one marx and engels gave.
you still aren't getting the fact that the dictatorship of proletariat is not an actual dictatorship, The Paris Commune was certainly no dictatorship in the traditional sense of the phrase, yet is was the example Marx and Engels gave of what dictatorship of the proletariat looks like.
And what did the Paris Commune eventually lead to? Corruption, favouritism, and effectively rule by decree.
also the BBC knew about his 'joke' beforehand and then threw their hands up in faux horror and hollow apologies....
I think BBC's complicity in this humour is more worrying than the person who did the talking. Fundamentally it implies that those responsible for the content on the BBC are against the strikers. This stinks and they are getting away with this while Clarkson somewhat wrongly appears to have become the focus of frustration.

I realise this humourous incident is not completely identical to the Russell Brand incident, but the producer of the Brand radio show got the sack. There's something very wrong with the BBC.
the example lenin, trotsky, stalin, malenkov, kruschev, brezhnev et al gave was rather more striking than the one marx and engels gave.

yes and precisely because they represented a dictatorship over the proletariat.

anyway like I said the whole notion of the dictatorship of the proletariat had more to do with the hegemonic role a minority proletariat would have in bringing together other classes around a revolutionary program, an issue pretty much redundant now.
the example lenin, trotsky, stalin, malenkov, kruschev, brezhnev et al gave was rather more striking than the one marx and engels gave.

'More striking' is one way very generous way of putting it. Within just a few months of taking power, Lenin's fatal over-loading the political import of the phrase effectively destroyed the theory of working class democratic rule for the rest of the 20th century - and beyond.
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