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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

eloquently put danny.

and somewhat ironic that it needs to be made, in response to someone else getting particularly vexed over another person's use of language and sentiments.

the sentiment in saying jumpers are selfish is pretty clear, the sentiment behind someone using the term retarded is less clear and certainly the notion that they are referring to those with actual learning disabilities is many steps of logic beyond that.

so whilst it is clear you are a cunt with your statement, my cuntishness is a fuck ton more ambiguous.
the sentiment in saying jumpers are selfish is pretty clear, the sentiment behind someone using the term retarded is less clear and certainly the notion that they are referring to those with actual learning disabilities is many steps of logic beyond that.

so whilst it is clear you are a cunt with your statement, my cuntishness is a fuck ton more ambiguous.
you been at the jameson's mate?
your comprehensions skills are severely revoled.

my first post in this on the matter of suicide being selfish was a general one in response to no one in particular, subsequent response to you involved a slightly tongue in cheek throwing about of liberal as an insult.
so go on, let us in on the big mystery as to what I've missed or I'm going to think you're just throwing out bullshit.
my first post in this on the matter of suicide being selfish was a general one in response to no one in particular, subsequent response to you involved a slightly tongue in cheek throwing about of liberal as an insult.
so go on, let us in on the big mystery as to what I've missed or I'm going to think you're just throwing out bullshit.

Seeing as you ended up agreeing with me anyway, I can only assume you're doing your usual superior act.
Seeing as you ended up agreeing with me anyway, I can only assume you're doing your usual superior act.

eh no i'm lost. I can only assume you are referring to the fact that I said that it's understandable for friends and family immediately affected to call suicide selfish as part of grieving as some sort of coming round to agreeing with you. you might want to read my first post on this issue then cos I made that clear within it.
anyway have all youse shreking liberals that were up in arms about Clarkson's shooting striker comments feeling a bit silly in the cold light of day?
do only liberals get outraged by things? wtf is a liberal anyway? and what does that make the people who hurl it as an insult?
do only liberals get outraged by things? wtf is a liberal anyway? and what does that make the people who hurl it as an insult?

1. No 2. someone wanting bad things to go away without bothering to try and understand why bad things are inherent. 3. those who use it as an insult are either going to be to the left or the right of a liberal but both are in agreement that liberals are idiots.
1. No 2. someone wanting bad things to go away without bothering to try and understand why bad things are inherent. 3. those who use it as an insult are either going to be to the left or the right of a liberal but both are in agreement that liberals are idiots.
ha! :D :facepalm:
anyway have all youse shreking liberals that were up in arms about Clarkson's shooting striker comments feeling a bit silly in the cold light of day?
"shreking liberals"? I don't remember seeing many green ogres around on this thread, can you get me some of what you took please?
wtf is a liberal anyway?
Was there any 'right answer' to that? I'm just wondering whether you understood your own question or not.

the correct answer is, I fully accept the right for the revolutionary proletariat to suppress all counter revolutionary tendencies, though the term dictatorship of the proletariat is something of a historical hangover from the 19th century when proletariat was a minority.

so yes i do fully understand my own question.

ofcourse it was a just a daft joke aimed at setting up a ridiculously wide definition of liberal.
the correct answer is, I fully accept the right for the revolutionary proletariat to suppress all counter revolutionary tendencies, though the term dictatorship of the proletariat is something of a historical hangover from the 19th century when proletariat was a minority.<snip>
Well in that case, knowing what a dictatorship of the proletariat achieved in the USSR and its satellite states, my answer would be "no". I can't think of a single case where a ruling body which began as a dictatorship, no matter how benign and well-intentioned, has willingly changed into a democracy.
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