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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

FFS - of course UNISON should make very loud complaints about this buffoon - its ther job to represent public sector workers - what do people expect them to do? Going to law is bollocks of though. I'd laugh if the BBC sacked him - but cant see it happening.
You should if your taxes/TV licence is paying their wages.
I fucking hate the stupidity of this argument as though those employed don't pay tax or buy tv licenses...

It totally smacks of the living of the back of my hard work bullshit of the culture of entitlement nonsense...

It's total divide and conquer 101 or the politics of envy which is being provoked and encouraged by this flaccid and diminished thinking...

Seriously it's like cultural NIMBI'ism...

really have a fucking word you auld reactionary daily mail frothing really isn't becoming...
FFS it's his MO, his entire career is built on stuff like this - he's paid fortunes to offend the Offendarati. Job done.
The other thing is that it helps to highlight how Clarksons dribblings reflect exaclty the tory attitude to workers - so in the public mind Camerons, Gove, Osbourne and the rest of the gargolyes are lined up with Clarkson on one side and on the other side are the homehelps, nurses, librarians, teachers etc.
no it doesn't you clown.

it allows everyone to sit there feeling smug about how they are a better person than Clarkson, whilst the real issues and politics get lost behind inane moralistic wank, in which the TUC leadership, Milibland and the rest of the Labour Party get to appear on the side of public sector workers.

Does namecalling further your argument? If you can't see how Clarksons utterings are more influential and listened to than the PM, you're missing the point.
FFS - of course UNISON should make very loud complaints about this buffoon - its ther job to represent public sector workers - what do people expect them to do? Going to law is bollocks of though. I'd laugh if the BBC sacked him - but cant see it happening.

well it's been many fucking years since their job was to actually do anything like tackle employer and government led attacks on the workers terms and conditions, so I suppose acting precious over what some gobshite on tv has made a joke about is another wee niche for them to fill, alongside the credit cards and house insurance.

Unionism reduced to hand wringing and PR...
Doesn't that offend you?
It makes me smile that people like you don't understand your offended reaction to his wind-ups is entertainment to much of society, and it's that entertainment value that earns him fortunes. If you didn't react - or just saw the comments as the empty wind-ups they are - his value would be so much less.

You are the entertainment - your reaction is what pays Clarkson's wages.
Does namecalling further your argument? If you can't see how Clarksons utterings are more influential and listened to than the PM, you're missing the point.

i think you're missing a frontal lobe...

keep imaging reality is a little media bubble, that because Clarkson is all over the media that he is more influential than politicians who are actively attacking the working class, rather than making daft jokes on tv.
It makes me smile that people like you don't understand your offended reaction to his wind-ups is entertainment to much of society, and it's that entertainment value that earns him fortunes. If you didn't react - or just saw the comments as the empty wind-ups they are - his value would be so much less.

You are the entertainment.

A career built on racist jokes, innuendo, lusting over cars and models, ill judged comments on the strikers and suicidal ...

Yeah, what am I getting worked up over. Let's all shrug our shoulders.
FFS - of course UNISON should make very loud complaints about this buffoon - its ther job to represent public sector workers - what do people expect them to do? Going to law is bollocks of though. I'd laugh if the BBC sacked him - but cant see it happening.

Adding to what revol68 said, it's a crap response from Unison. It looks like they're taking a rent-a-mouth seriously and giving him more media coverage rather than actually attacking the people that matter. The Unison PR office are playing spin without knowing the rules of the game.
A career built on racist jokes, innuendo, lusting over cars and models, ill judged comments on the strikers and suicidal ...

Yeah, what am I getting worked up over. Let's all shrug our shoulders.

Like he said, though, you made him.
A career built on racist jokes, innuendo, lusting over cars and models, ill judged comments on the strikers and suicidal ...

Yeah, what am I getting worked up over. Let's all shrug our shoulders.

yeah man, we're all so apathetic cos like we let Jeremy Clarkson away with this weally bad stuff, what we need is to like organise against like bad people like Jeremy Clarkson and then like racism, climate change and sexism would like go away.

fuck off, read some books, think a bit harder and come back when you you've something approaching an analysis as opposed a world view comprised of a montage of fleeting media controversy.
My favourite Jeremy Clark rant was when he printed his bank details in the scum to prove a point that your bank details mean nothing and can't be used to hack into your account (in light of the furore of the HMRC lost the bank details of millions of Child Benefit Claimants)...after he published his details somebody skanked £500 from his account.

Am I seeing double. Your post is a word for word copy of my earlier post;?
personally I hope people grow the fuck up...

Comedian TV personality known for ractionary and near the knuckle comic comments makes near the knuckle comic comment and is chastised for making near the knuckle comic comment shockah....

In other news grey is grey when viewed though a grey light in a grey room.

Murdoch is a lying cunt proved by him lying and being a cunt when shown to be a vagina and not telling the truth...

effete liberal babies take offense at any joke outside of their mandated and prescription humour as being a very bad thing which their should be laws against...

And other fucking blindingly obvious statements like

water is wet
milk is white
your a racist if you say it's white milk...


Shut it, Jeremy.
The other thing is that it helps to highlight how Clarksons dribblings reflect exaclty the tory attitude to workers - so in the public mind Camerons, Gove, Osbourne and the rest of the gargolyes are lined up with Clarkson on one side and on the other side are the homehelps, nurses, librarians, teachers etc.
yeah if politics is a fucking pantomime...
Either way it would give him and his two right-wing chums a chance to go and road test them in China at licence payers cost.

Also, I bet Frankie Boyle is pissed that his fellow Sun columnist thought of this prank first.

Why is Boyle pissed? He can nick Clarkson's material and re-use it as his own, just like he does with the rest of the material in his act. :)
I remember that time somebody did him with a custard pie. He took it in good humour. Prescott would have decked the pie wielder
I read the post before the username and assumed it was someone taking the piss.

You are beyond parody, you clueless fuck.

Aaaaand here we go again. You are so convinced your every word is enlightenment you get outraged that others don't see it your way.

Still, better to have you confined to the internet than the real world - where comments like this matter & cause offence.
Aaaaand here we go again. You are so convinced your every word is enlightenment you get outraged that others don't see it your way.

Still, better to have you confined to the internet than the real world - where comments like this matter & cause offence.

I can't imagine anyone in real life ever saying shit like "you caused Jeremy Clarkson, with you APATHY!".

I mean ffs he's a caricature tv show presenter not a fucking holocaust.
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