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Jeremy Clarkson: strikers should be "executed in front of their families"

I switched this on part way through earlier.

I'm partial to a bit of Top Gear, and seeing Clarkson on wondered if it might be worth watching.

Very quickly I could see there was an atmosphere. The hosts looked very uncomfortable, finishing a section saying "And I don't think we'll be asking for Jeremy's opinions on that."

Clarkson - although he did go on to try some more 'controversial' lines - looked a little shaken. Certainly not his usual confident/jovial (or arrogant, for some) self.

I think he sussed he'd massively misjudged things.

One of the biggest traps though is not the 'being controversial' thing, it's not being funny. When being edgy but you're not funny, you just come across as being a wanker.

As Gervaid said a little while back: "One false move and I'm Jim Davidson"
Do you wear light brown suede shoes as well? It was a throwaway remark about Clarkson but in the style of Clarkson. Or should that be about his sense of style? But anyway, I don't own a gun, and I also don't want to get arrested for inciting hatred of goat-eating creatures that live under bridges.
Do you wear light brown suede shoes as well? It was a throwaway remark about Clarkson but in the style of Clarkson. Or should that be about his sense of style? But anyway, I don't own a gun, and I also don't want to get arrested for inciting hatred of goat-eating creatures that live under bridges.

Dark brown, non-suede. No worries, I look suave, and I'm all for destroying Clarkson.
So just what piece of shit dvd compilation or book is the old git trying to sell this christmas

I don't know but at a guess it'll be a DVD of ultimate supercars and a book about how life was better back in the day and "you couldn't make it up" etc in a Littlejohn style. He does it every year. The cunt.
Use to think he was moderately amusing in a guilty pleasure sorta way a while back but hes just turning into a sad old boorish pathetic attention seeking bore just for the sake of it.
i wish i had a job and remuneration like clarkson. do you think he'd like to swap, and he can teach in my southwark secondary school... then perhaps i can have a long-overdue taste of what it means to 'work for a living'... we can swap pension plans too, if he likes. and positions on the housing ladder (or rather, he can live in my one bedroom rented flat).

Agreed. If Jeremy Clarkson didn't earn such obscene amounts of money for what basically amounts to reading off an autocue in an obnoxious manner, and had to get by on NMW or worked in the real world and looked forward to working 5 days a week until he was 68 and getting the bus everywhere because he couldn't afford to run a car...then maybe he'd have some empathy for other people . Until then, he will just say to everyone is "I'm alright so sod the lot of you!"

What an odious little man.
Ive complained to the one show and the BBC, heres a section

I find Jeremy Clarksons comments profoundly stupid, with a rightwing political bias and full of class hatred. My partner is disabled, a schoolteacher and is currently on medication for depression, She's been stressed this week as she s had loads of extra curricular activities organising her choir for a music recital (she s not getting paid for this). Every day is a battle for her, but she still goes to work and pays taxes and a license payers fee. Mr Clarkson is an employee of Rupert Murdochs News international which donates to the Conservative Party and has always had an anti union stance as well as being associated with the phone hacking criminality by association.. Therefore his comments are profoundly stupid, disgusting and offensive given his income comes from the taxpayer. Also he should ask himself the questgion if no one has any pension or workers rights, how can they afford to buy new cars???? Why is the BBC giving a political platform to this imbecile.

Im thinking of a train trip to Chipping Norton is in order...my neck is thicker than James Mays waist!!!
These cositted TV presenting parasites getting fat on the public teat, wouldn't know a real day's work if it drove over them in the wofully sluggish Renault Espace. They should be spot welded to the bottom of a London Ambulance and driven around the conjestion charge zone until the oil wells all run dry.
I switched this on part way through earlier.

I'm partial to a bit of Top Gear, and seeing Clarkson on wondered if it might be worth watching.

Very quickly I could see there was an atmosphere. The hosts looked very uncomfortable, finishing a section saying "And I don't think we'll be asking for Jeremy's opinions on that."

Clarkson - although he did go on to try some more 'controversial' lines - looked a little shaken. Certainly not his usual confident/jovial (or arrogant, for some) self.

I think he sussed he'd massively misjudged things.

One of the biggest traps though is not the 'being controversial' thing, it's not being funny. When being edgy but you're not funny, you just come across as being a wanker.

As Gervaid said a little while back: "One false move and I'm Jim Davidson"

And the fact he's actually paid by the license fee. Which whilst I don't disagree with publically funded broadcasting, he's made himself look like a massive stupid unaware wanker. Which is the funniest bit IMO.
top gear makes the bbc a fortune in worldwide sales so no doubt he'd say he's one of the only people at the bbc worth the money he is paid. my sister bought me one of his books for christmas about four years ago - sometimes i wonder if they know me at all.
And the fact he's actually paid by the license fee. Which whilst I don't disagree with publically funded broadcasting, he's made himself look like a massive stupid unaware wanker. Which is the funniest bit IMO.

Yep. A bit of a foot-shot on that one.
He seems to have confused 'being controversial' with 'being a cock'. Not surprising to read that two of the people the right wing killing spree guy from Norway admires are Melanie Phillips and Clarkson.
jeremy clarkson probably thinks "i'm allright, i have a massive cock pension and am paid a million pounds a year out of taxpayers money to talk shit on the tv so i can say whatever i want".

He's also very good mates with Rebekah Wade, from what I can recall - so Chris De Burgh's representative on earth probably thinks he's still immune from being hoist by his own whatsit.
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