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IWCA statement on BNP

You dont seem to have much idea of what your talking about. Do you know Enfield at all? You really think that anyone under 45 who owns a house in Enfield is middle class? How exactly are you defining middle class?

i happen to know enfield very well, its posh
AB 47,897 22.5% Professional/ Managerial
C1 70,214 33.0% Intermediate & Junior Non-Manual
C2 28,562 13.4% Skilled Manual
DE 65,858 31.0% Semi-Skilled and Unskilled Manual

the C2s and DEs live in edmonton btw and didnt vote for boris
not really, wages arent that much higher that it compensates

you need to be on about 30k before youve even got a chance of getting a mortgage and even then thats likely to be for a studio flat

It wasn't just about wages though was it? It was about lending capitals competing with each other to give mortages on the lowest rates to those earning the least. I think we need to look back to the mid 80s at least here, not just the last two years. Av wages in london are around well over £30 000 as well aren't they? A couuple - over 60 grand. Again, w/c does not just mean the poor - that's the point i'm making here.
i agree that working class doesnt mean poor but you can only take that so far

also im not sure average salaries are helpful, they fail to take into account that the majority of people dont earn the average salary
lol, no im from bradford and went to school in shipley

im an economic migrant, i went from being a printers apprentice in bradford to living on the street in london
and how do you define posh

im an uneducated manual labourer and single parent btw, but its quite nice to be called posh

People who move down from posh bits of Cheshire and claim to come from Manchester or Liverpool....People who come to London from posh bits of Yorkshire and move to places like Tottenham and Stoke Newington....
People who move down from posh bits of Cheshire and claim to come from Manchester or Liverpool....People who come to London from posh bits of Yorkshire and move to places like Tottenham and Stoke Newington....

you think shipleys posh :eek:

youre onto a loser here balders but feel free to carry on making a tit of yourself
to summarise your argument

white working class voted en masse for boris because they hated labour

enfield isnt posh and they voted for boris

enfield isnt posh because theyve got a labour mp

shipleys posh because its got a tory mp

i must be posh because i come from shipley

that makes me like someone who comes from chesire and claims to be from manchester

because im posh i cant have an opinion on class
no there not paricularly, but lets get back to the case in point - a handful of upper working class folk giving boris a narrow majority in some suburban boroughs is not, in any way, a mass white working class vote
Point is that the suburbs do have large working class populations. Many who have moved out of Inner London as people from better off areas have moved in.

The displacement is not simply about the poor being pushed out by the rich. For a start many of those who've moved into inner London were born and raised abroad in much poorer environments than they've moved into. Certainly many others come from suburbs, home counties and further afield in the country, places that may well be better off, but they're ordinary and working class and they're moving to London because they see opportunity here (economic, social, cultural...). The key thing about them is not that they're rich but that they're young and educated.

There's been a major trend over recent decades whereby young, educated people move to a flatshare in the inner city, partner up, rent a place, prosper, buy a place, have children and then a few years later move out to somewhere with better schools. That's why the age profile stats are the shape they are.


Some of them go back to the suburbs. So long as inner London remains an attractive place to live, their children may well repeat that cycle.
no there not paricularly, but lets get back to the case in point - a handful of upper working class folk giving boris a narrow majority in some suburban boroughs is not, in any way, a mass white working class vote

The real differntial is to compare the Tory vote in
2004 - 676,178
and in
2009, 1,043,761

So either the middle class in London grew extravagantly in the intervening period, or elements not previously engaged decided to vote against Livingstone as happened in B&D and no doubt in wards across many other 'white flight' boroughs - or as you choose to describe them the 'suburbs'.

Try taking a stroll through the town centres of many of these 'suburbs' on any Saturday night and educate yourself on the real class character of the areas. LOL!
People who move down from posh bits of Cheshire and claim to come from Manchester or Liverpool....People who come to London from posh bits of Yorkshire and move to places like Tottenham and Stoke Newington....

From your remarks I can see you've never been to Shipley.
The real differntial is to compare the Tory vote in
2004 - 676,178
and in
2009, 1,043,761

So either the middle class in London grew extravagantly in the intervening period, or elements not previously engaged decided to vote against Livingstone as happened in B&D and no doubt in wards across many other 'white flight' boroughs

or the middle class turned on boris

i occasionally have a drink with my landlady and her friends, all very middle class, but liberal - earning salaries upwards of 70k a year, all voted for ken first time round, and despised him by 2008 and were fucking eulogists for boris

shit anecdotal evidence i know, but theres absolutely nothing in the stats that suggest this wasnt a common phenomena - in fact they seem to confirm it

Try taking a stroll through the town centres of many of these 'suburbs' on any Saturday night and educate yourself on the real class character of the areas. LOL!

but class character is not the same as economic class is it - is richard littlejohn working class?

fact is all the statistics seem to bare out the fact that the more money you had the more likely you were to vote for boris, in the very poorest areas boris didnt even come close, in the richest he had a landslide
interesting debate tho aint it, when i get accused of being posh by someone defending people who earn more than me and live in an area i couldnt afford to live

if class is about shared economic interests then ive got way more shared interests with the working class nigerian family upstairs or the bangladeshis next door than i have with any home owning suburbanite on 30k+ a year
in 2000 ken won because he wasn't labour and in 2004 he won despite being labour. in 2008 boris won because he wasn't ken. but with each year that passes, it must get easier for many people to vote tory as memory of the 1980s and 1990s fades.
interesting debate tho aint it, when i get accused of being posh by someone defending people who earn more than me and live in an area i couldnt afford to live

if class is about shared economic interests then ive got way more shared interests with the working class nigerian family upstairs or the bangladeshis next door than i have with any home owning suburbanite on 30k+ a year

Yet you go out with your landlady and her posh mates who earn over 70k.....Wonder how often you go out with the Nigerians or Bangladeshis........
Yet you go out with your landlady and her posh mates who earn over 70k.....Wonder how often you go out with the Nigerians or Bangladeshis........

yeah about once every six months when i need to talk to her about something in the flat and we meet for a drink

is that ok?
The real differntial is to compare the Tory vote in
2004 - 676,178
and in
2009, 1,043,761

So either the middle class in London grew extravagantly in the intervening period, or elements not previously engaged decided to vote against Livingstone as happened in B&D and no doubt in wards across many other 'white flight' boroughs - or as you choose to describe them the 'suburbs'.

Try taking a stroll through the town centres of many of these 'suburbs' on any Saturday night and educate yourself on the real class character of the areas. LOL!

Winner by tko in the fifth round......

Those figures do seem to suggest that despite all protests that the working class vote is not only up for grabs but that new labour are a recruiting ground for the right.In fact to vote BNP rather than Tory could be considered radical.
Winner by tko in the fifth round......

Those figures do seem to suggest that despite all protests that the working class vote is not only up for grabs but that new labour are a recruiting ground for the right.In fact to vote BNP rather than Tory could be considered radical.

doesnt prove a thing, the tories didnt have a credible candidate in 2004, the middle classes hadnt yet turned on nl in the way they have and ken was yet to be hit by a wave of financial scandals

what tells the picture of whether wc folk voted for boris in is the figures for the vote in wc areas, which by and large, did not vote for boris
doesnt prove a thing, the tories didnt have a credible candidate in 2004, the middle classes hadnt yet turned on nl in the way they have and ken was yet to be hit by a wave of financial scandals

what tells the picture of whether wc folk voted for boris in is the figures for the vote in wc areas, which by and large, did not vote for boris

In that case unless the working class has suddenly become the minority class in London or indeed Britain New labour have nothing to worry about. I will look forward to their victory at the next council elections in June next year and their fourth term in office. Our flag stays redken.
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