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Is this woman a transphobe?

You're right that their leadership has been active in the 'GC' movement. Mostly, I suspect, because they have been fighting a legal battle against the trans woman they refused to employ as a volunteer. This is how wedges are driven in. The trans woman in question (who was post-op) was clearly very hurt by the decision to refuse to employ her, but she clearly also didn't respect the collective's right to make its own decisions on this matter. She tried to obtain a legal ruling that they do not have that right. In doing so, she and her supporters did harm.

I'm sure you're aware that operations in sectors that rely wholly or partly on volunteers are not zero-sum. It's not just about funding, but crucially it requires the people with the motivation, energy, time and ability to keep everything together. Lose a refuge like this one - the very first of its kind in Vancouver - and you can't just transfer the money somewhere else without losing out.

Here in the UK, the 2010 Equality Act currently provides an explicit exception for women's refuges. I think that's a proportionate exception, and you don't have to agree with the decision necessarily, just respect the right of those running the refuges to make it.
98% of that has fuck all to do with what I posted.

and most refuges accept trans women and have done for decades. The reactionaries you support are a minority there.
I did say things went badly wrong, didn't I? But you can't deny the initial achievements of the revolution.
Total diversion from the thread, but the significant initial achievements of the Revolution were mass starvation, secret police, massive expansion of the prison system, denial of political freedoms and rule by hypocritical gangsters. That was from the word 'go'. Nothing to aspire to.
You make my skin crawl. Yes those women who make decisions for themselves should bear the consequences shouldn’t they belboid. Let’s cut their money to teach them a lesson about excluding men. Creep.
They’re not excluding men, they’re excluding women. And acting illegally. Of course they’ll get their money cut in such circumstances.
Just as an aside, been listening to a video with two doctors discussing autism and synaesthesia type stuff and it’s kind of alternately weird, alienating and sometimes annoying having something that is quite core to you being discussed as if you were a lab rat.

These aren’t people likely to interfere with my life or rights in any way, but it made me think of this thread... for some reason. :hmm:
Just as an aside, been listening to a video with two doctors discussing autism and synaesthesia type stuff and it’s kind of alternately weird, alienating and sometimes annoying having something that is quite core to you being discussed as if you were a lab rat.

These aren’t people likely to interfere with my life or rights in any way, but it made me think of this thread... for some reason. :hmm:
Yes I find the philosophising on this thread a bit, I dunno, redundant and kind of insensitive. It’s like talking about whether someone nearby is semantically aflame or not, while they’re running around screaming that they’re on fire
Yes I find the philosophising on this thread a bit, I dunno, redundant and kind of insensitive. It’s like talking about whether someone nearby is semantically aflame or not, while they’re running around screaming that they’re on fire

I think it’s understandable. To put it in a context - for most people the barriers between senses and other senses, and the barriers between senses and concepts are all so solid (it must be very tidy), that it must just seem like some neurodiverse people are talking in the kinds of metaphors our language is littered with. To them, it is just reality, as is mine to me.
I can’t really tell someone why or how the colour blue and the number four are the same as each other, and I know someone else can feel the exact way about how it’s really green, but we both share something in common that sounds quite alien to many others, and we both may also use completely different analogies and models to try to communicate that.

I don’t know many trans people, but the few I know have communicated things quite differently to each other, with some experiential historical elements in common, and more divergent tellings of how it feels from the inside.

I’m guilty of the philosophising/sciencing myself, and I’d hope that any trans people on the thread give some warning well before it gets to be too much, because the insights really seem to come through when things are less analytical and also less confrontational.
Total diversion from the thread, but the significant initial achievements of the Revolution were mass starvation, secret police, massive expansion of the prison system, denial of political freedoms and rule by hypocritical gangsters. That was from the word 'go'. Nothing to aspire to.

I think it’s understandable. To put it in a context - for most people the barriers between senses and other senses, and the barriers between senses and concepts are all so solid (it must be very tidy), that it must just seem like some neurodiverse people are talking in the kinds of metaphors our language is littered with. To them, it is just reality, as is mine to me.
I can’t really tell someone why or how the colour blue and the number four are the same as each other, and I know someone else can feel the exact way about how it’s really green, but we both share something in common that sounds quite alien to many others, and we both may also use completely different analogies and models to try to communicate that.

I don’t know many trans people, but the few I know have communicated things quite differently to each other, with some experiential historical elements in common, and more divergent tellings of how it feels from the inside.

I’m guilty of the philosophising/sciencing myself, and I’d hope that any trans people on the thread give some warning well before it gets to be too much, because the insights really seem to come through when things are less analytical and also less confrontational.
And yet nearly all the trans people or people with trans loved one have flown this coop already or put these sort of threads on ignore. I can’t see anything in this thread that is going encourage them to come back
Jesus people are in a bad mood this morning...

...was the first country to allow women to divorce their husbands and the first country...
Sorry that's tanky bollocks. Women could petition for and be granted divorces against their husbands will in most of the Anglo Saxon kingdoms. Likewise Islam has always allowed a woman to petition a judge for a divorce against her husbands will.
I don't think the problem somehow starts and ends with one cartoon.
View attachment 261224
Etc etc
How does an "unauthorised cartoon" find itself getting published, btw?
I’ve worked in newspapers most of my life...including {{trigger warning}} the Daily Express, The Sun and The Times, Sunday Times, and a shitload of regional local rags.

All sorts of shit gets published without the editor’s say so!
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They're not acting illegally. Not that 'is it legal?' is the same as the test of 'is it right?'
It depends. If a business refused access it is a potential civil matter. If a group or individual actively and directly target the rights of a person with. GRC to access women only spaces it is potentially aggravated harrassment.

Exactly the same as race, gender or sexuality.
Sorry that's tanky bollocks. Women could petition for and be granted divorces against their husbands will in most of the Anglo Saxon kingdoms. Likewise Islam has always allowed a woman to petition a judge for a divorce against her husbands will.
First to allow divorce to all, male/female, rich/poor.
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