You can't park here sir
i think we are talking at cross purpose's here
problomatic drug use is not going to sorted by toby jug and my self going on a tour of the countrys crap estates with a machinegun mounted on a side car
niether is it going to be solely solved by[COLOR=DarkSlateGray] listening to addicts and user groups.
Yes there views have to be taken into account.[/COLOR]
But the wider communitys safety and security should have the priority.
from my limited experiance of a fairly wide range of poor people there is some limted sympathy for drug addicts. which rapidly diminishes if you have to deal with them on a day to day basis.
the delightful habit of disposing of sharpes in a inconsiderate manner even when there is a needle exchange. or in the case of a hostel where I worked given a massive sharps bin and told repeatidly "we don't care if sharpes are tidyed away or in the sharps bin just don't leave them lieing around in full view. "
) thank winter comfort for that ) isn't going to win you friends
problomatic drug use is not going to sorted by toby jug and my self going on a tour of the countrys crap estates with a machinegun mounted on a side car
niether is it going to be solely solved by[COLOR=DarkSlateGray] listening to addicts and user groups.
Yes there views have to be taken into account.[/COLOR]
But the wider communitys safety and security should have the priority.
from my limited experiance of a fairly wide range of poor people there is some limted sympathy for drug addicts. which rapidly diminishes if you have to deal with them on a day to day basis.
the delightful habit of disposing of sharpes in a inconsiderate manner even when there is a needle exchange. or in the case of a hostel where I worked given a massive sharps bin and told repeatidly "we don't care if sharpes are tidyed away or in the sharps bin just don't leave them lieing around in full view. "
) thank winter comfort for that ) isn't going to win you friends