Blagsta said:No. The point is that small time/street dealers are often doing it to support a habit. The big time ones aren't usually - its a business to them.
Better not to form the habit in the first place. Then everybody's happy.
Blagsta said:No. The point is that small time/street dealers are often doing it to support a habit. The big time ones aren't usually - its a business to them.
JHE said:The original question on the thread was whether it was 'left-wing' to tolerate crack dealers. The Cuban regime, which is generally seen as left-wing, has a very illiberal approach to drug dealers
likesfish said:I'm sorry drug problomatic drug users same as street drinkers are the problem.
durruti02 said:so what was yuri kapralov talking about when he describes how the drugs destroyed the lower east side of the 6ts and early 7ts in his once there was a village????
and more recently while bits of the LES and alphabet were cool ..the further west you are .. the further east you got was always nasty .. or has that changed too?? i thought that punks and radicals didn't go much past avenue c??
tbh i think you are being nieve as to ignoring the effect drugs had on those communities .. and maybe the dealing /dealers didn't fck you but what about the effect WITHIN their community??
LLETSA said:Better not to form the habit in the first place. Then everybody's happy.
likesfish said:if i'd or toby had come out with the gem that most drugdealers are black how long before i'd have been banned .
LLETSA said:You don't know me-how do you know I'm not black?
phildwyer said:Well they certainly brought a lot of much-needed money into that community, and I can assure you that the police crackdown was not welcomed by anybody. I haven't read the book to which you refer, but the LES was a thriving place in the '80's, and certainly not "destroyed." There *isn't* much past Avenue C, only Avenue D, which is still mostly housing projects, and the yuppies do indeed give it a wide berth. Most of the old-style punks and radicals would go there though, and anywhere else on the LES.
phildwyer said:Because of your attitude, your opinions, and your style of expressing them.
LLETSA said:All the way through this thread you have based your opinions around what suits 'the old-style punks and radicals.' Which says it all.
LLETSA said:More utter nonsense from the Ghetto Defendent.
Blagsta said:Yes, nice simplistic answer there. Meanwhile back in reality...
phildwyer said:While you have based yours around what suits Colonel Blimp, David Blunkett and Benito Mussolini. Which says a good deal more.
LLETSA said:I never said it was the answer. However, the majority of people born into the poorer end of society do not form a drug addiction.
In my experience they are the people most likely to hold those who do in contempt.
phildwyer said:In that case, your experience is severely limited.
phildwyer said:Well they certainly brought a lot of much-needed money into that community, and I can assure you that the police crackdown was not welcomed by anybody. I haven't read the book to which you refer, but the LES was a thriving place in the '80's, and certainly not "destroyed." There *isn't* much past Avenue C, only Avenue D, which is still mostly housing projects, and the yuppies do indeed give it a wide berth. Most of the old-style punks and radicals would go there though, and anywhere else on the LES.
phildwyer said:Am I wrong? *Are* you black? Quite obviously, you are not.
Jo/Joe said:Colour isn't the issue. Should anti-social behaviour be tolerated more if it comes from a person of a particular colour?
LLETSA said:Nonsense again. I have based what I've said on here from the attitudes I encounter from ordinary working class people (not 'old-style punks and radicals') who live in the kind of areas most blighted by the drugs epidemic of the past fifteen or twenty years.
LLETSA said:The very fact that the answer implicit in what phildwyer is saying is, of course, 'yes', contains one of the keys to understanding why the BNP is gaining suppport in white working class communities.
LLETSA said:The very fact that the answer implicit in what phildwyer is saying is, of course, 'yes', contains one of the keys to understanding why the BNP is gaining suppport in white working class communities.
LLETSA said:If the BNP didn't have people like you to rail against they'd have to make a cardboard cutout of you. (Perhaps they already have....)
phildwyer said:Do you have any idea how patronizing you're being? "Ah yes, I understand how these ordinary working-class johnnies think, I've spoken to 'em, dontcha know, and seen them on televsion too. They all agree with me! They're not stupid, if you disregard the funny accents..."
phildwyer said:What the hell are you on about now? You *seem* to be saying that the BNP is gaining support because the anti-social behaviour of black people is being tolerated. Is that right?
phildwyer said:And perhaps you'd be in a position to know?
It's "trickle down", stupid!LLETSA said:And you've yet to explain the mechanism whereby the drug dealers' profits are transformed from being a vital source of income for themselves to a 'vital source of income for the community.'