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Is it acceptable to wear visible socks with shorts and trainers?

I don't have any trainer socks or flipflops so I've been folding my socks down to somewhere in between trainer sock & normal ankle sock length (tbf I fold the tops over anyway bc sensory shit) -


White sports socks seem to be a thing atm?
Wear what the fuck you like/feels comfortable. despite the best efforts of the fashion police, we do not live in some Maoist style dictatorship...although I confess I too, had one of those navy cotton mandarin jackets back in 1970.
And anyway, looking at the frantically shopping masses, teeming around the city centre, I can see quite literally nothing except a desert of bland. Hideous fucking khaki and those vile polyester looking chopped off 'shorts' which are, in fact, just attenuated trousers - proportion fails leaving 6 inches of shin and some frankly disgusting exposed feet. I keep my eyes firmly at midriff level in case I inadvertently ruin my day with a vision of footy horror (but accept this as a personal quirk)
For me, it's socks always (in the name of public decency...and I also promise to not reveal my scabby gardeners knees)...unless in the privacy of bedroom or bathroom.
I don't always wear socks with my trainers, at the gym of course. Sometimes I eschew socks with my driving shoes, although, of course, I prefer to wear appropriate socks. My absolute favourite are fine cotton, or silk. I usually prefer cotton though.
I just looked up "puttees" because I realised that, although familiar with the word, I couldn't really say what it meant, apart from a vague "soldiers in hot places" notion. Also that it might be a thing for the horses, not the humans, and that it looks like one of the words stolen from India.

In 2013, the remains of two teenaged Austrian First World War soldiers were found on the Presena glacier. One of them carried a spoon tucked into his puttees, apparently a common practice amongst soldiers eating out of communal pots.[6]
Puttee - Wikipedia

Well, that's nice.
Get some socks tattooed on your pasty legs?
Nice bit of thinking there! Like all those women who drew lines on the back of their legs because they had no stockings. (Style tip: don't go playing on a tree swing if wearing stockings because your skirt blows up, you show more than you meant to, and people laugh. Not "blows up" in the meaning of explode, obviously, although that does sound as though it has potential as a murder method, like whatisname and the poisoned umbrella).
I bought a pair of those trainers designed to be worn with no socks and saved the dilemma, though tbh I have no idea what it is about them makes the difference. Anyway, look alright and are comfy even walking a fair step.
I bought a pair of those trainers designed to be worn with no socks and saved the dilemma, though tbh I have no idea what it is about them makes the difference. Anyway, look alright and are comfy even walking a fair step.

New thing I have learned today. :) :thumbs: I didn't know there were such trainers. I have to admit that I have usually tended towards the view that anyone wearing trainers when not actively engaged in sport is a dodgy character. I have no excuse for this and my 83 year old Dad often wears trainers, because of comfort and because, he says, they can be put in the washing machine.
Wear a kilt. There are some very good-looking tartans and some very garish and nasty ones

Grief, I don't usually notice stuff like this but I saw a kilted chap in Kew gardens a few weeks ago (I was at the orchid festival)...and I swear, He looked...fabulous. Great calves. I was hugely taken aback (must have been feverish after the orchids).

It (the kilt) was a subdued navy with teal and dark green. Bloody good (knee) socks, too.
I have to admit that I have usually tended towards the view that anyone wearing trainers when not actively engaged in sport is a dodgy character

I have never worn trainers (or jeans, shudder), in my life (although, I admit to dungarees in the late 80s).
Just went and walked 3 miles #noblisters :thumbs:
You'll be joining the "Proclaimers" any day now. :D

To be fair, though, the "Proclaimers" didn't actually specify in what sort of time-scale they would be walking the 500 miles and 500 more. Hmm.
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