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Wearing shorts in the winter

Our postie always seems to wear shorts no matter how cold it gets. The man must be as hard as nails.
Need banning

They tried that in Shanghai

For a large number of Shanghainese, wearing pajamas outside has become more a way of life than a fashion statement, and to outsiders, the phenomenon is part of the city’s charm. Guo, however, called pajama-wearers “visual pollution” and a public embarrassment to the city. But some residents still argue wearing pajamas is perfectly acceptable. “Pajamas are also a type of clothes,” a retiree surnamed Ge was quoted as saying, adding that they’re “comfortable.”

I'm a bit of a fan of shorts but only for wearing in appropriate places, eg the beach. They're not appropriate for wearing in town.

The most comfortable I ever was, when I lived in Sudan, was wearing a ma'awii I was given by a Somalian friend. I still have it but don't use it. Unfortunately I don't look this good in mine 56beee2d07de4d84890be21b1000a573.jpg

I'd like a kilt but haven't found one I like that is also affordable.
A lot of people who are neurodiverse tend to feel temperature differently or tolerate cold temperatures better (not at a health threatening level, but just in relation to what neurotypical people would say was a bit nippy).

I am autistic and I don't seem to feel the cold in some situations as much as other people.

It's actually a fairly well recorded phenomenon amongst autistic people to do with sensory processing - tendency to wear t-shirt and shorts in situations where others are feeling cold.

So next time you see someone wearing shorts in winter, try to be a bit more tolerant instead of suggesting they have lost the plot!
I don’t mind what people wear, it’s interesting - to me anyway - to understand the reasons why, and as I’d seen quite a few I figured there’d be more than one reason
They tried that in Shanghai

For a large number of Shanghainese, wearing pajamas outside has become more a way of life than a fashion statement, and to outsiders, the phenomenon is part of the city’s charm. Guo, however, called pajama-wearers “visual pollution” and a public embarrassment to the city. But some residents still argue wearing pajamas is perfectly acceptable. “Pajamas are also a type of clothes,” a retiree surnamed Ge was quoted as saying, adding that they’re “comfortable.”

Worked at Asda's in Wythenshawe
I have been to the gym maybe 3 times in the last week, and went in shorts n tee.
Still wearing shorts because I find the more comfortable than trousers.
Not sure that works when they're also wearing at least one hoodie, puffer jacket, hat, scarf and gloves. :hmm:
I'm in shorts most of the year as I heat up quickly doing any type of movement. Hoody might be for the first 10-15mins then can come off easily. It's more difficult to change from jeans to shorts while out and about.
Just been up to see the son - working in the yard feeding horses in shorts and crocs

ETA just changed into wellies but the shorts are staying, bless him
I wouldn't wear crocs around horses, had my foot stood on too many times (also have dinged a fork off my thankfully booted foot a few times when mucking out), I don't think crocs would provide enough protection!
I'm wearing jeans today for only the second time this year

Always wear shorts

The last time I wore long trousers was to a funeral

This time, we're meeting up with mates and the venue sounds like shorts might be a problem

And the next time will be Mrs Voltz's birthday meal

And that'll most likely be the only times I'll not wear shorts this year
In the past decade or so, I've changed from being pretty cold tolerant [for a southern jessie in Northumberland !] to being very sensitive to the cold. Now, I'm very cold adverse, especially on "admin days" when I have to sit around attached to the internet.
Part of that seems to be general aging but a lot is the Trigeminal Neuralgia.
It's easier to wrap head & face up well for the latter reason ...
I saw lots of people in shorts on our walk but they were mostly joggers or rowers, so unsuitable for your purposes.

There were three (all old) men in shorts,one looked like a rambler, one might have just finished rowing.

Women joggers almost all had leggings on, saw one in shorts. Whereas men were all in shorts.

Saw two people in swimming costumes, going for a quick dip in the channel.

Don't know if any of that is helpful?
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