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Wearing shorts in the winter

So, I have to ask, can anyone tell me why these men - and they were all men - wear shorts when they have no apparent reason to and it’s surely too cold?
Because they wanted to.

I have long given up being surprised that other people sometimes want to do things I don’t. For example, some people apparently drink something called a “pumpkin spiced latte” instead of espresso. It’s their life.
Not just British Isles. About 7C in Kortrijk, Belgium this afternoon and there was a fella sitting waiting for his train in shorts.
I’ll concede that it has been fairly mild in my part of the country until yesterday, but I’ve seen a lot of blokes wearing shorts over the past week.

None of the short wearers were identifiable as postal workers, I would expect them to be in shorts year round, and would consider a complaint to the GPO if they wore trousers :thumbs:. None were playing sport, or working on a site, or any other pursuit where shorts might be desired. They were simply wearing them waking around in the town centre.

A lot of them were young men under 25, quite possibly students, as most of my short wearing spots took place in a university city. But there were a few older men too.

I am rather fond of shorts myself and will don a pair every day from April to early October, but then it just gets too chilly for me. I don’t think I’m someone who feels the cold particularly either, in fact the opposite. It’s baffling.

So, I have to ask, can anyone tell me why these men - and they were all men - wear shorts when they have no apparent reason to and it’s surely too cold?
Nothing like the sight of the insecure and their legs red raw in the very obvious cold.

Trouser up you clowns, wtf is wrong with you
I regret not bringing any shorts with me to my hotel as I sit here, sweltering in denim. Of course, I'd wear shorts (with boots) to work - year round - if permissible. "Cold legs" - who the fuck gets cold legs?
had a recent travel moment of "can I wear shorts and sandals on the Piccadilly line in November?"

Mercifully for all I decided against it.

I will admit to wearing socks and sandals from the airport front door to the baggage collection on the far side of the flight, but that's because steel toecap boots are best checked in.

Shorts outside? I recall during one of the postal strikes someone noting on social media every time they had a photo of depot X voted for the strike unanimously - and the comment was always "and unanimously for shorts"...
I’ve gone full circle. Wearing them today as it’s too warm to walk in jeans. Might get chilly on the terraces later on but match is a sell out so should be warm?

Seen quite a few short wearers out today. IMG_9588.jpeg
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Three reasons why I sometimes wear shorts in winter: Wearing shorts is comfortable, stops you overheating if your doing something physically demanding and in winter there are finally no horseflies (my ultimate nemesis) chewing on me.

Don't appreciate being called a twat for it though - nobody would call someone wearing a skirt in winter a twat.
What madness is this? I am in bed and still wearing two thermal layers on my legs. Do you live somewhere with a unique microclimate, Elpenor ?
It’s about 12 degrees today, finally the wind has dropped, mix of sunshine and showers. I’d get hot legs if wearing my jeans.
We've been watching Ben Fogle travel round The Hebrides on telly lately. He's one of these guys. In shorts when everyone else is in 4 layers and wet weather gear. I find it hard to understand too. :D
I find it hard to understand why anyone would want to watch Ben Fogle
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