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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Michel Houellebecq puts it best: '...in short, the EU is just a dumb idea which has gradually turned into a bad dream, from which we shall eventually wake up.'

The Warsaw Pact was a bad dream, from which 'we' woke up. Dictatorship in Portugal and Spain and Greece was a bad dream from which 'we' woke up.

I don't buy Houellebecq's line at all. That's not to say there are not big problems with the project, but pooling of sovereignty across the continent is far from a dumb idea. I also think this and many other things being said about the evils of the EU grossly overstate the extent to which the majority of people living in the EU ever even think about the EU, while taking for granted certain 'invisible' aspects of it, such as free movement. It's very easy to take free movement across the EU for granted, a bit like good health. It only really comes home to you what you have when you look at those who don't have it - try being a Russian with permanent leave to remain in the UK and wanting to travel in Europe, for instance.
I have linked the piece below because of my interest in the Irish aspect of brexit.
Now personally I have (if I hadn't let my British one lapse) two passports Irish and British (which I used in the past).
I am born in the UK, but not Northern Ireland and my dual nationality is not because of anything to do with the Belfast Agreement, but more because of what might be called the Mick McCarthy Manoeuvre.
Now it looks as if Bradley is to try to make a distinction between British Citizens born in different places.

This part stood out for me:

Ms Bradley confirmed that people who consider themselves Irish are not allowed to vote in British referendums.

Consider themselves? I suppose her politics were shaped by appearing in school productions of Oliver.

I consider myself British, Irish, European whatever and so on, I will root for China in the table tennis even.

Classic British/Irish chite-stirring by the Secretary of State.

Irish citizens in north may not be allowed to vote in united Ireland poll
I have linked the piece below because of my interest in the Irish aspect of brexit.
Now personally I have (if I hadn't let my British one lapse) two passports Irish and British (which I used in the past).
I am born in the UK, but not Northern Ireland and my dual nationality is not because of anything to do with the Belfast Agreement, but more because of what might be called the Mick McCarthy Manoeuvre.
Now it looks as if Bradley is to try to make a distinction between British Citizens born in different places.

This part stood out for me:

Ms Bradley confirmed that people who consider themselves Irish are not allowed to vote in British referendums.

Consider themselves? I suppose her politics were shaped by appearing in school productions of Oliver.

I consider myself British, Irish, European whatever and so on, I will root for China in the table tennis even.

Classic British/Irish chite-stirring by the Secretary of State.

Irish citizens in north may not be allowed to vote in united Ireland poll

I think we can all agree,
““The lack of any understanding of the GFA among the current government is getting beyond a joke.””
looking increasingly likely that no deal will indeed happen on April 12 now! it's a win win situation really in terms of destroying the tories. no deal fucks them, as does an extension (which looks like won't be given) into EU election period. there's no way they can succesfully pin the blame on corbs
looking increasingly likely that no deal will indeed happen on April 12 now! it's a win win situation really in terms of destroying the tories. no deal fucks them, as does an extension (which looks like won't be given) into EU election period. there's no way they can succesfully pin the blame on corbs

No deal fucks everybody. The Labour Party splits in two as Remain cry babies flee blaming them for failing to defend anyone’s interest let alone the working class. You may not care about what Remainers do and that’s something you can chat about with your dwindling Lexit mates.

You are forgetting why the Conservative Party exists. In a world of unregulated, disaster capitalism those are the cockroaches that survive, propped up nicely by a nationalism that can pin the blame for absolutely everything on the EU with you presumably nodding on.

There are no easy wins from here, compromise that enrages the Tories and punctures Brexit probably the best, but a second ref or revoke would stuff them also. In fact no deal is the least of it for them. They get to puff out their chests to the new dawn. May kept her promise, no deal better than a bad one.
Brexit: Government offers 'no change' to deal, says Labour

The government has not proposed any changes to the PM's Brexit deal during cross-party talks, says shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer. Meetings have been taking place between Tory and Labour politicians to find a proposal to put to the Commons before an emergency EU summit next week.

But Sir Keir said the government was not "countenancing any change" on the wording of the existing plan. He said it was "disappointing", adding: "Compromise requires change."
This was always going to happen and I'm not sure what May thought she could have got out of it. By now it's obvious that she doesn't listen to anyone else and just keeps pushing the same thing again and again - Labour were always going to be able to say that and sound like the adults in the room, and nothing she could counterspin would be believable, even by other Tories. Plus even the attempt damages her even further internally.
This was always going to happen and I'm not sure what May thought she could have got out of it. By now it's obvious that she doesn't listen to anyone else and just keeps pushing the same thing again and again - Labour were always going to be able to say that and sound like the adults in the room, and nothing she could counterspin would be believable, even by other Tories. Plus even the attempt damages her even further internally.
True. Mind you I just heard Starmer on the radio and while he stressed (several times - to avoid saying anything else) that the govt was not prepared to make changes, he also refused to name a single one of the changes Labour had asked for. He also sounded pretty weak, tbh.
True. Mind you I just heard Starmer on the radio and while he stressed (several times - to avoid saying anything else) that the govt was not prepared to make changes, he also refused to name a single one of the changes Labour had asked for. He also sounded pretty weak, tbh.
It may well be bullshit but in the situation, who is anyone going to believe if they haven't already made their minds up anyway? The FBPE lot will blame Corbyn whatever. The Tories will all blame May, either for talking to him in the first place (far right loons, but there are lots of them) or for being intransigent generally because that's how they've treated them (softer brexit/remain factions). Apart from them, well, one side has submitted their bill to Parliament three times basically unchanged, and they may well be seen as the ones most likely to be frustrating things whatever the details.
It may well be bullshit but in the situation, who is anyone going to believe if they haven't already made their minds up anyway? The FBPE lot will blame Corbyn whatever. The Tories will all blame May, either for talking to him in the first place (far right loons, but there are lots of them) or for being intransigent generally because that's how they've treated them (softer brexit/remain factions). Apart from them, well, one side has submitted their bill to Parliament three times basically unchanged, and they may well be seen as the ones most likely to be frustrating things whatever the details.
And meanwhile, we're still due to leave a week today with No Deal.

Difficult to see how May expects to get an extension at this stage when there still appears absolutely no prospect of any positive decision...
Isn't it pretty clear what's happening now? May realises she can't get anything passed in Parliament relating to the actual deal, so is messing about to kill time.

What she wants is for the EU to land the no deal blow, so as she fucks off from the Tories they're left with a narrative about all the problems being because the EU did it - which will suit the headbangers etc
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