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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Who said anything about doing it without asking the people who live there?

If Brexit is the priority, a question for the people of NI could be, for example:
a) Do you want to be part of a united Ireland?
b) Do you want to be part of the UK, recognising that this will involve a hard ported between NO and RoI?

So would you agree that it would be wrong to proceed with Brexit until there has been a referendum in NI, giving people there the above options?

And then if the answer is reunification, a referendum in RoI to ask whether they want it?

...and if RoI says no, then what - we don't do Brexit, or just say tough luck to the people of NI?
It's like the biggest negotiation of their lives is the one the estate agent does for them for their dream home, and that's their basis for deciding how you negotiate in this situation. No folks, you actually have to be prepared to walk away, and then walk away.

The Empire will give nothing. Lets see how the Republic feels when it's largest trade partner says fuck off.
So would you agree that it would be wrong to proceed with Brexit until there has been a referendum in NI, giving people there the above options?

And then if the answer is reunification, a referendum in RoI to ask whether they want it?

...and if RoI says no, then what - we don't do Brexit, or just say tough luck to the people of NI?
No, you proceed with Brexit whilst simultaneously giving the referendum to the people of NI, who will be able to join the ROI before the end of the transition period if that’s what they choose.

If the people of NI choose to join ROI and then the ROI reject this then I guess NI will have to stay in the UK but nobody gets to make a big fucking stink any more about how it’s really all just one island and omigosh now brothers separated by a border not of their choosing will have to have a passport to drive across it. Because one of those brothers when pushed went, “er, actually”
Yep. A preexisting treaty that the UK has committed to takes priority. Anything less than that renders that initial commitment a deceit.
Historically, this is nonsense. It's perfectly possible for priorities to change and for one of the parties to a treaty to say "actually, we don't want to continue with this agreement, so let's talk about ending it" or even "we've had enough, we're out", without the initial agreement being based on deceit

It's also funny how some of those happy to call for another Brexit ref in the hope that they get the result they want this time are suggesting that the GFA is in some way permanent as if it were handed to us on tablets of stone.
No, you proceed with Brexit whilst simultaneously giving the referendum to the people of NI, who will be able to join the ROI before the end of the transition period if that’s what they choose.

If the people of NI choose to join ROI and then the ROI reject this then I guess NI will have to stay in the UK but nobody gets to make a big fucking stink any more about how it’s really all just one island and omigosh now brothers separated by a border not of their choosing will have to have a passport to drive across it. Because one of those brothers when pushed went, “er, actually”
The Opiad version of Brexit.
The delusional version. The version that has no constitutional basis, has no pathway from here to "giving" "a referendum" "to NI". LIke a Christmas present, perhaps.

The version that denies that tough negotiations have barely even started yet, and yet you're bending over greasing your arse already.

Altogether now: Lets not be beastly to the Germans ...
The people of NI can be given the absolute right to join the ROI forever. What’s wrong with that? There’s no “we know best” attitude in that. And if they don’t want to do it, if they want to remain part of the UK, they then have to accept what this means — being a full part of the UK subject to the same rules and procedures as the rest of the UK. Nothing wrong with the rest of the UK saying either is fine but you have to choose.

And if ROI doesn’t want NI they should make that clear too so that the people of NI can be clear where they stand.

As it is, the people of ROI seem to think they have the right to dictate to the people of UK whether or not they are allowed to leave the EU. Talk about “knowing best”!

Who are you saying is going to give them the right to join the ROI? Your government can't sort your own problems and you're ready to put NI back to the ROI? Without any discussion or without any preparation on the Irish side? It's as if the British Gov want to completely implode because some gobshites arent getting what they want...ie..to wave their British flag and say "fuck the EU we're alright". ....Only that wont be the case. The UK will be fucked after Brexit. Its already heading that way. And the old Stiff Upper Lip is combining with the hard jaw of "We will be great again" and turned the UK into an ugly bossy pain in the ass trying to pretend they are still an Empire when they are fucked.
The only dictators here are the Brexiteers. And the nutty nationalist brigade who want to think they'll be on the lifeboat and fuck the rest of Europe.... Only the boat is a rubber dinghy with a hole in it and there will be no repairing it. Sterling is falling already. It'll fall further. You'll have massive inflation...increased interest rates and you'll fucking drag others into this nonsense and all for what?
Jumping off a cliff together?

By the way, Ireland is not just Eire and NI. The people in NI are Irish citizens too whether you realise it or not.
And why should a fuck up like Brexit force Ireland into a United Ireland before it's ready? Before it is prepared and ready? Before it has the funds to take it on? Eire is in massive debt and trying to just stay afloat. Throwing NI into the mix or rather "discarding" NI because they are suddenly an uncomfortable addition to the UK isn't something to be done lightly.
Don't get me wrong...a united Ireland would be great...But it should be done correctly and with major preparations and funding.

NI is made up of diverse groups of people of very different backgrounds. Unionist and Republican. After the GFA a lot was done to try to get communities to work together and there was and has been a major effort to eliminate sectarianism
I saw a poll last August (I think) showed a 52% majority in favour of reunification with the ROI. But to force it before people and governments are ready would throw some back into entrenched sectarianism. In case you don't know the NIA (northern Ireland asaembly) hasn't sat in ages....the current DUP leadership are so entrenched in their own little weird battle about the Irish language so just think how that group and their grass roots will react to a forced unification of NI into the ROI ...
You live in a country where your politicians are not aligned with paramilitarism. So the Tories or Labour aren't going to start sending people to murder other people for their views on Brexit.
Imagine if you lived in a country where paramilitarism was still under the surface.

You say that the people of NI can decide for themselves....The people of NI were already very clear where they stand. They voted to remain in the EU. That has conveniently been ignored. By remaining in the EU the people in NI maintain a peaceful arrangement of movement of people north to the Republic and vice versa. The country north and south has been a much better place to live since the GFA.

I just read this...
The Empire will give nothing. Lets see how the Republic feels when it's largest trade partner says fuck off.

Lol....Well you'll have no decent butter, cheddar or beef from us anymore. :D
Sterling is collapsing. Not the euro. And the Empire? What Empire? There is no Empire.

48% to 52% is not a mandate to fuck up other countries....And disrupt the peace of your closest neighbours.
So would you agree that it would be wrong to proceed with Brexit until there has been a referendum in NI, giving people there the above options?

And then if the answer is reunification, a referendum in RoI to ask whether they want it?

...and if RoI says no, then what - we don't do Brexit, or just say tough luck to the people of NI?
If RoI say no in those circumstances, wouldn't they be breaking the terms of the GFA which provide for re-unification if a majority in NI want it?
Goodness knows we don't want to disrespect the Taoiseach, a more honourable, decent politican it would be hard to meet .. How much of a better deal has he done with Brussels than the DUP did with Theresa May?
Who are you saying is going to give them the right to join the ROI? Your government can't sort your own problems and you're ready to put NI back to the ROI? Without any discussion or without any preparation on the Irish side? It's as if the British Gov want to completely implode because some gobshites arent getting what they want...ie..to wave their British flag and say "fuck the EU we're alright". ....Only that wont be the case. The UK will be fucked after Brexit. Its already heading that way. And the old Stiff Upper Lip is combining with the hard jaw of "We will be great again" and turned the UK into an ugly bossy pain in the ass trying to pretend they are still an Empire when they are fucked.
The only dictators here are the Brexiteers. And the nutty nationalist brigade who want to think they'll be on the lifeboat and fuck the rest of Europe.... Only the boat is a rubber dinghy with a hole in it and there will be no repairing it. Sterling is falling already. It'll fall further. You'll have massive inflation...increased interest rates and you'll fucking drag others into this nonsense and all for what?
Jumping off a cliff together?

By the way, Ireland is not just Eire and NI. The people in NI are Irish citizens too whether you realise it or not.
And why should a fuck up like Brexit force Ireland into a United Ireland before it's ready? Before it is prepared and ready? Before it has the funds to take it on? Eire is in massive debt and trying to just stay afloat. Throwing NI into the mix or rather "discarding" NI because they are suddenly an uncomfortable addition to the UK isn't something to be done lightly.
Don't get me wrong...a united Ireland would be great...But it should be done correctly and with major preparations and funding.

NI is made up of diverse groups of people of very different backgrounds. Unionist and Republican. After the GFA a lot was done to try to get communities to work together and there was and has been a major effort to eliminate sectarianism
I saw a poll last August (I think) showed a 52% majority in favour of reunification with the ROI. But to force it before people and governments are ready would throw some back into entrenched sectarianism. In case you don't know the NIA (northern Ireland asaembly) hasn't sat in ages....the current DUP leadership are so entrenched in their own little weird battle about the Irish language so just think how that group and their grass roots will react to a forced unification of NI into the ROI ...
You live in a country where your politicians are not aligned with paramilitarism. So the Tories or Labour aren't going to start sending people to murder other people for their views on Brexit.
Imagine if you lived in a country where paramilitarism was still under the surface.

You say that the people of NI can decide for themselves....The people of NI were already very clear where they stand. They voted to remain in the EU. That has conveniently been ignored. By remaining in the EU the people in NI maintain a peaceful arrangement of movement of people north to the Republic and vice versa. The country north and south has been a much better place to live since the GFA.

I just read this...

Lol....Well you'll have no decent butter, cheddar or beef from us anymore. :D
Sterling is collapsing. Not the euro. And the Empire? What Empire? There is no Empire.

48% to 52% is not a mandate to fuck up other countries....And disrupt the peace of your closest neighbours.
Geez. The very definition of tl;dr
Goodness knows we don't want to disrespect the Taoiseach, a more honourable, decent politican it would be hard to meet .. How much of a better deal has he done with Brussels than the DUP did with Theresa May?

He doesn't have to deal. The ROI is not trying to leave the EU.
The EU is protecting it's member...ie the ROI. And rightly so.

Are you're implying that the GFA is being used to prevemt Brexit?
So would you agree that it would be wrong to proceed with Brexit until there has been a referendum in NI, giving people there the above options?

And then if the answer is reunification, a referendum in RoI to ask whether they want it?

...and if RoI says no, then what - we don't do Brexit, or just say tough luck to the people of NI?
then it's Billy no mates independence (or Patrick no mates, whatever your leanings)
I voted remain.

A sovereign nation, however, can not be told it has to stay in the EU because a different sovereign nation has problems if they leave. This should be recognised as the utter nonsense it is.

You're getting the wrong end of it though...
Your sovereign nation is telling another sovereign nation what they should do...and that they should be made reinstate and maintain a border they dont want, with their own people...And also that they should throw out the GFA if it interferes with your sovereign nations nonsensical twattery.

Maybe the UK should put out a vote to Scotland and Wales too. Maybe they should get the chance to stay in the EU too. Eh?
Let Scotland NI and Wales have a vote to either stay in the UK or stay in the EU.
You're getting the wrong end of it though...
Your sovereign nation is telling another sovereign nation what they should do...and that they should be made maintain a border they dont want, with their own people...And also that they should throw out the GFA if it interferes with your sovereign nations nonsensical twattery.

Maybe the UK should put out a vote to Scotland and Wales too. Maybe they should get the chance to stay in the EU too. Eh?
Let Scotland NI and Wales have a vote to either stay in the UK or stay in the EU.
Yes, sovereign nations have borders. This happens all over the world. It’s hardly a special unique thing invented by the UK.

My proposal is that if the people of the island of Ireland prefer not to have that border in a world in which the U.K. has a border with the rest of the world, this is actually pretty easily solved. But I see no reason why the people of NI should expect to be a special case in which they have no borders with Britain and also no borders with Ireland. Make a choice, which do you want?

And yes, I’m also fine with the Scottish and Welsh having independence votes if they want them.
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Lol....why should we do anything? We aren't the ones looking for out of the EU?
We have no border with NI.
Why the fuck should we have one because of another country's actions?
Er, ok bitcoin boy. How’s that $100k by the end of the year prediction working out for you? We all quail in the glory of your astute readings of political and economic landscapes.
No do tell us more of this NI referendum. It sounds fascinating. I promise not to laugh at you. I wouldn't want to question your internet status, or undermine your message board capital.

Please don't feel threatened.
Lol....why should we do anything? We aren't the ones looking for out of the EU?
We have no border with NI.
Why the fuck should we have one because of another country's actions?
Because that’s how it works when other countries leave the EU. Borders appear. But you don’t get to insist others stay part of the EU forever because you don’t like having borders.
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