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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Don’t do this to me again urban I am nervous enough about my grasp of beurla as it is. I’m bilingual, the doctor had to do some work on me because my brain was too primitive to absorb two languages, and now I can speak neither.

The working class Invernessian companion RTD would have casted, with a real Invernessian accent to boot.
I may be wrong, but I wouldn't count too much on Soubry's loyalty to the party.
You may well be. Seen her in a couple of recent TV interviews, and think she's seriously terrified of going down in internal Tory history as (one of) Corbyn's John the Baptist(s) .
The Doctor:
I didn’t say you could go. Article 570 of the Shadow Proclamation. This is a fully-established level five planet country. And you were going to burn it. What? Did you think no one was watching. You lot. Back here. Now. Okay. Now I’ve done it.
You may well be. Seen her in a couple of recent TV interviews, and think she's seriously terrified of going down in internal Tory history as (one of) Corbyn's John the Baptist(s) .

Fair point, I'll have to look it up.
Yeah but WILF, look up “Maastricht treaty” , you’re in the biggest library in the universe, look it up. You’ll see a picture of ME next to it with the words “OVER MY DEAD BODY”

Don't put it in capitals - it looks like it stands for Woman I'd Like (to) Fuck.
My pleasure, as always.

Call it indignation, call it principles. Either way, it adds up to nothing outside your head.

You completely failed to take his point. None of it means anything outside anyone’s head. We don’t make The policies. Yes this goes for remain as well.
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