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IRA worship

bolshiebhoy said:
Course not, neutrality is for liberals.Dev should have declared war on the UK and taken the six counties back.

are you for real? what in 1942 as the nazis rolled across europe??? or am i failing to pick up a sense of humour thru the www??
durruti02 said:
are you for real? what in 1942 as the nazis rolled across europe??? or am i failing to pick up a sense of humour thru the www??
are you really arguing that britain's 'children' in the empire owed her anything other than contempt? wwii was both an imperialist war AND a war between fascism and bourgeois democracy. So in England it was right for revolutionaries to argue for something short of neutrality. But I wouldn't have hoped for anything else from the emprie's colonies other than they would make the most of Britannia's troubles and free themselves. From Belfast to Bombay.
bolshiebhoy said:
are you really arguing that britain's 'children' in the empire owed her anything other than contempt? wwii was both an imperialist war AND a war between fascism and bourgeois democracy. So in England it was right for revolutionaries to argue for something short of neutrality. But I wouldn't have hoped for anything else from the emprie's colonies other than they would make the most of Britannia's troubles and free themselves. From Belfast to Bombay.

And lets overlook the fact that very few in Belfast at the time actually had any desire to wage a war of independence?

but whatever keeps your cock hard.
revol68 said:
And lets overlook the fact that very few in Belfast at the time actually had any desire to wage a war of independence?
Yes the Unionist monolith was at it's height with barely a crack in sight, largely by the same means as Hitler guaranteed compliance at home.
bolshiebhoy said:
Yes the Unionist monolith was at it's height with barely a crack in sight, largely by the same means as Hitler guaranteed compliance at home.

well now you've jsut made a right cock of your fucking selve haven't you.

Oh aye ole Adolf loved to abit of gerrymandering, well if you redefine gerrymandering to a fucking genocide. :rolleyes:

nice own goal you daft fuck.
revol68 said:
well now you've jsut made a right cock of your fucking selve haven't you.

Oh aye ole Adolf loved to abit of gerrymandering, well if you redefine gerrymandering to a fucking genocide. :rolleyes:

nice own goal you daft fuck.
dear oh dear you're not very bright are you? The comparison was of the methods by which the regime maintained itself not the extent of the regime's inhumanity which only a simpleton would say was comparable.
bolshiebhoy said:
dear oh dear you're not very bright are you? The comparison was of the methods by which the regime maintained itself not the extent of the regime's inhumanity which only a simpleton would say was comparable.

okay so you think pointing out commonality between two forms of nationalisms is reductionist but yet you wish to compare how unionist hegemony was maintained post 1921 with Nazi germany? Jesus truly fucking wept.
bolshiebhoy said:
are you really arguing that britain's 'children' in the empire owed her anything other than contempt? wwii was both an imperialist war AND a war between fascism and bourgeois democracy. So in England it was right for revolutionaries to argue for something short of neutrality. But I wouldn't have hoped for anything else from the emprie's colonies other than they would make the most of Britannia's troubles and free themselves. From Belfast to Bombay.

you call yourself bolshie and put socialism in your tag .. yet all your talk is of imperialism and the like .. you appear to have no class perspective at all .. and also no understandin of the difference bewteen NI and colonies ... yes it made sense for colonies like india to revolt .. but NI is and was not a colony .. for many hundred of years ... and in 1942 the majoirty by 2 to 1 supportted, for right or wrong, unionism .. until you can understand and defeat unionism politically you are doomed to failure .. as you and the pira have done ..failed ..
no don't you understand the brutal economic colonialism that saw Ulster robbed of it's natural resources and systematically excluded from the UK's economy.

Oh whats that you say?

Northern Ireland developed quite nicely under british rule? What you mean the norths industrial base was reliant on links with the rest of Britain and the empire?

Why you dirty lil revivionist scamp go away and do 100 hail mary's and an essay on what Bobby Sands would have in a sandwich
revol68 said:
Why you dirty lil revivionist scamp go away and do 100 hail mary's and an essay on what Bobby Sands would have in a sandwich

Wise up ya utter fucking prick.
Someone ban this eejit. He clearly has evolved past the neandrathal stage.

Really pisses me off that there's still people like you here in Northern Ireland, get a fucking grip.
N_igma said:
Someone ban this eejit. He clearly has evolved past the neandrathal stage.

Really pisses me off that there's still people like you here in Northern Ireland, get a fucking grip.

what people who don't give enough respect to nationalist discourses, I know us cunts caused all the fucking bother. :rolleyes:
revol68 said:
what people who don't give enough respect to nationalist discourses, I know us cunts caused all the fucking bother. :rolleyes:

Both sides are as bad as each other. There are no saints in the conflict. When you realise this then you'll stop making petty comments and maybe come across as someone worth debating with, right now, your not.
durruti02 said:
you call yourself bolshie and put socialism in your tag .. yet all your talk is of imperialism and the like ..
You don't think imperialism is relevant to a discussion of what position an occupied country denied self determination should take in a world war. Can't see how that works meself. And of course socialists as minor as V.I. Lenin, James Connolly and John Maclean did also have something of note to say about 'imperialism and the like'.
Bigdavalad said:
Wouldn't he prefer a chicken supper?
Can I remind you of this next time you launch into one about people saying much less offensive things about Captain Nairac or Mountbatten?
bolshiebhoy said:
Can I remind you of this next time you launch into one about people saying much less offensive things about Captain Nairac or Mountbatten?

How on earth is it offensive? Get over yourself lad.

He was a convicted criminal who didn't like being treated like a criminal so he smeared his shit round his cell, wore a sack and starved himself - do you want me to feel sorry for him?
Bigdavalad said:
How on earth is it offensive? Get over yourself lad.

He was a convicted criminal who didn't like being treated like a criminal so he smeared his shit round his cell, wore a sack and starved himself - do you want me to feel sorry for him?

You clearly have no understanding of the Northern Irish conflict, should you not be sniffing glue or something?
In Bloom said:
So do tell, what separates the beliefs of Irish nationalists about the nation state and those of, say, English nationalists.
Am I ever going to get an answer to this?
Bigdavalad said:
Can you tell me which bit of what I wrote was wrong?

None of it...it's the way you worded it.

In Bloom. Technically no difference, what confuses me is that the UK is pretty much ruled from England (Whitehall) so England is the UK in the greatest sense.
N_igma said:
None of it...it's the way you worded it.

The way I worded it is the way I feel, only NI could make a hero out of a convicted criminal (and it's not as if he was convicted of anything 'heroic', possession of a firearm FFS) who went on hunger strike and smeared shit around his cell because he wanted to called a Prisoner of War, even though he wasn't a soldier and wasn't serving in a war.
Bigdavalad said:
How on earth is it offensive? Get over yourself lad.

He was a convicted criminal who didn't like being treated like a criminal so he smeared his shit round his cell, wore a sack and starved himself - do you want me to feel sorry for him?
What I don't want is you bleating the next time someone who regards the British Army as a criminal force has a joke at the expense of one of your dead soldiers. Because whether you like it or not the whole point about Sands and the others was that they and the community they came from didn't accept your state's jurisdiction or it's diplock court convictions of people they regarded as soldiers and not criminals.
Bigdavalad said:
The way I worded it is the way I feel, only NI could make a hero out of a convicted criminal (and it's not as if he was convicted of anything 'heroic', possession of a firearm FFS) who went on hunger strike and smeared shit around his cell because he wanted to called a Prisoner of War, even though he wasn't a soldier and wasn't serving in a war.

A very simplistic take on things.

Do you think Billy Wright was nothing but a wee cunt and deserved to get 5 bullets in his back?
bolshiebhoy said:
What I don't want is you bleating the next time someone who regards the British Army as a criminal force has a joke at the expense of one of your dead soldiers. Because whether you like it or not the whole point about Sands and the others was that they and the community they came from didn't accept your state's jurisdiction or it's diplock court convictions of people they regarded as soldiers and not criminals.

You can regard them as what you like, they were terrorist twats who've killed more civillians than the British Army ever have.

As soon as the British Army start setting bombs off in shopping centres, or during a Remembrance Parade packed with women and kids, or in packed out pubs, we'll discuss who the criminal force is.
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