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IRA worship

Bigdavalad said:
As soon as the British Army start setting bombs off in shopping centres, or during a Remembrance Parade packed with women and kids, or in packed out pubs, we'll discuss who the criminal force is.

How about firing into sports crowds?

Or on peaceful demonstrations?

Or tipping off loyalist death squads?
Bigdavalad said:
You can regard them as what you like, they were terrorist twats who've killed more civillians than the British Army ever have.
The IRA have killed more civillians than the British Army ever have? Are you sure about that?
hibee said:
How about firing into sports crowds?

Or on peaceful demonstrations?

Or tipping off loyalist death squads?

B Specials weren't part of the British Army, they were auxillary police

Bloody Sunday was wrong and a massive fuck up. (Still the IRA got their revenge - those four cleaning women in Aldershot got taught a right lesson for working for the Paras, didn't they?)

Has there ever been any real proof of Army collusion (as opposed to RUC collusion)?
hibee said:
Dreden? That was the RAF I suppose... splitting hairs a bit though

It was also a justified raid - Dresden was the centre of Whermacht movements to the Eastern Front and an industrial centre.

It was a terrible thing, but it was in the middle of a total war.
Brian Nelson was working for FRU.

Firing into crowds: I was thinking of the black and tans at croke park.
Bigdavalad said:
It was also a justified raid - Dresden was the centre of Whermacht movements to the Eastern Front and an industrial centre.

It was a terrible thing, but it was in the middle of a total war.

That might or might not be true, but regardless it killed a lot more civillians than the IRA ever did...
durruti02 said:
so you ask for some links between irish nationalism and fascism .. then ignore them :rolleyes:

.. well it wasn't my people who got lead down the reactionary right wing blind alley of nationalism .. and shafted severely .. so i guess go just carry on wallowing in your own mess mate
Bigdavalad said:
How on earth is it offensive? Get over yourself lad.

He was a convicted criminal who didn't like being treated like a criminal so he smeared his shit round his cell, wore a sack and starved himself - do you want me to feel sorry for him?
Fucking prick
Oh big dave the big hard man.

Nonce :rolleyes:
In Bloom said:
The IRA have killed more civillians than the British Army ever have? Are you sure about that?

The thing is, the IRA were never a legitimate army, well since the 1920's anyway.

The British army are a legitimate army yet they still abused the community. In fact, until 1970 the British army were welcomed by the Catholic community until they murdered a few people in the Falls road. Thats when the honeymoon ended.

http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/sutton/chron/1970.html look at 3-10july

Ever hear of Bandit country, south armagh, that's were I am from. I can't look outside my window without seeing a british army base. Thing is, I'm ready to move on, I'm ready to forgive and forget. It seems like there's too many pricks on this website who haven't got a fucking clue hows politics here work. "Aye bobby sands, go smear shit on a wall" :rolleyes:

Fucking amateurs, have't got a clue none of them.
Bigdavalad said:
You can regard them as what you like, they were terrorist twats who've killed more civillians than the British Army ever have.
As others have pointed out that is simply not true. You can use all the excuses you like: "we were at total war", "collateral damage" etc but it doesn't change the fact that your army regarded and regards civilian deaths as acceptable on a far bigger scale than any of the so called terrorist groups that have fought it. And that's ignoring the specific cases from Croke Park down through the years to FRU to Falujah where the brit army has either specifically targetted civilians or given active military support to those who have.
hibee said:
Brian Nelson was working for FRU.

Firing into crowds: I was thinking of the black and tans at croke park.

Allegedly ;)

So was I, not the B Specials. Black and Tans weren't part of the Army either.
hibee said:
That might or might not be true, but regardless it killed a lot more civillians than the IRA ever did...

I should have been more clear - IRA killed more civvies in NI than the Army ever did.

And since the IRA never waged a total world war, we would be 'ahead' globally.
cathal marcs said:
or Iraq oh sorry its only the yanquis that do that innit Biglavadava the boorish macho squadie .

How many times have the British Army (or the Yanks) fired into crowds in sports stadiums in Iraq?

Some civvies have been killed by British soldiers in Iraq, everyone of the killings will have been/will currently be being investigated. The cases will be brough to the Army Prosecution Authority and if they believe there is a case, it will go to Court Martial.
Dilzybhoy said:
Fucking prick

None of what I said is wrong though, is it? We've already been through that.

Dilzybhoy said:
Oh big dave the big hard man.

True, although my name's not Dave

Dilzybhoy said:

Awwwww, Dilzhy, have I insulted one of your heroes? I know you love to pretend to be a republican hard man up on the front lines in Scotland.

You do, of course, have some proof of your allegations don't you?

Didn't think so :rolleyes:
Bigdavalad said:
Assassins go after killing a single person, usually for money or political ideology.

Terrorists kill indiscriminately.

So were the INLA assasins rather than terrorists when they killed Airey Neave?
Bigdavalad said:
You can regard them as what you like, they were terrorist twats who've killed more civillians than the British Army ever have.

As soon as the British Army start setting bombs off in shopping centres, or during a Remembrance Parade packed with women and kids, or in packed out pubs, we'll discuss who the criminal force is.

now thats just pure silly bollox!

and as for Bobby Sands and POW status I think you are being a bit simplistic, I take the piss just to annoy wanky republicans but i think if your going to get defensive of the british armed forces you've no right to be taking the piss out of a niave wee lad with politics only surpassed in naffness by his taste in jumpers who starved himself to death, I mean as much as I take the piss he still had more guts than all the cast of Bravo two fucking zero.
N_igma said:
Both sides are as bad as each other. There are no saints in the conflict. When you realise this then you'll stop making petty comments and maybe come across as someone worth debating with, right now, your not.

Actually I have realised it, i just like to take the piss out of Bobby Sands cause it really pisses off all the pseudo leftie republicans.
nino_savatte said:
Perhaps not in sports stadia but I presume you have heard of Amritsar?

You are going back a few years there! I am 59, and it happened BEFORE my time, in fact my father was only about a month old when it happened (Apr. 1919). I am sure you now very well that such things could not possibly happen these days without one hell of an outcry here in the UK!

Yes, most regrettibly Brig. Gen. Dwyer's actions were not among the British Army's finest achievements.
Bigdavalad said:
Black and Tans weren't part of the Army either.
This may ease your professional pride. But to the citizens of Balbriggan (my grandad included) and Cork who were burnt out by the Tans and Auxillaries this semantic distinction between wings of the British state was about as meaningful as the one today between western troops wearing their own or UN blue berets when they shoot up civilians.
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