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International Cricket

Phew. Thank goodness it was just Smith, Warner and Bancroft. I for one am pleased Lehmann’s literal ‘no comment’ defence has been seen for the honesty it portrayed.

And that CA has just made itself even more of a laughing stock than it was already. That’s some achievement.
Hey, I've got this great idea. Lets take a piece of sandpaper to the ball. As we've never done anything like this before should we ask the bowlers whether they think that will help or hinder? Nah, what do they know?

The cover up is far more hilarious than the actual incident, which was pretty fucking funny.
Hey, I've got this great idea. Lets take a piece of sandpaper to the ball. As we've never done anything like this before should we ask the bowlers whether they think that will help or hinder? Nah, what do they know?

The cover up is far more hilarious than the actual incident, which was pretty fucking funny.

A version of what I basically hinted at in post 169 so...yeah.
Excuse my cricketing naivety - but concerning the ball tampering - what's the number of overs before the ball is changed? If you changed innings whilst the same ball is in play then aren't the opposition also going to play with the same tampered with ball, so they'd gain any advantage you might have tampered for. Or does the ball change automatically on a change of innings?
Excuse my cricketing naivety - but concerning the ball tampering - what's the number of overs before the ball is changed? If you changed innings whilst the same ball is in play then aren't the opposition also going to play with the same tampered with ball, so they'd gain any advantage you might have tampered for. Or does the ball change automatically on a change of innings?

It's changed every 80 overs. I'm a bit confused myself - some reports are saying what the Aussies were doing here was trying to damage the ball to get it changed before those 80 overs. Different balls can move differently even if they're 'identical'. They can take it to the umpire and say the balls fucked, give us a new one (although they select one with approx the same number of overs on it). That's quite a common ploy.

Other reports are saying Bancroft was messing it with to get reverse on that ball, not get a replacement. It must seem like a hell of storm in a teacup to someone who's not really into cricket.
Excuse my cricketing naivety - but concerning the ball tampering - what's the number of overs before the ball is changed?
80 overs in test cricket but the bowling side doesn't have to take the new ball.
Or does the ball change automatically on a change of innings?
Yes. Either captain can demand a new ball at the start of each innings and one always will.
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Yes. Either captain can demand a new ball at the start of each innings and they always do.

So if they saw the ball was nicely buggered up from tampering of the opposition fielders then why not just continue to play with the same ball and gain the same advantage? I can't see how the tampering isn't going to come back on your own side?
So if they saw the ball was nicely buggered up from tampering of the opposition fielders then why not just continue to play with the same ball and gain the same advantage?
Then the batting captain will demand a new ball. In practice you can say it's automatically changed.
Then the batting captain will demand a new ball. In practice you can say it's automatically changed.

Ah ok, now it makes sense. Bad aussies, bad (no capitalisation for you). But this has been in the news before, why all the grief now, is it because in some way it was seen as sanctioned from above?
Although it has been done by just about every country, cept maybe the kiwis, it made the news when Oz did it cause the current side is probably the most disliked cricket side outside of Oz I reckon.

They are a bit overbearing I think. Aggressive even if that's possible in a non contact sport. sometimes, and I am as ardant an aussie supporter in all sports as can be, I have flinch from disappointment in how they conduct themselves.
Ah ok, now it makes sense. Bad aussies, bad (no capitalisation for you). But this has been in the news before, why all the grief now, is it because in some way it was seen as sanctioned from above?
Mainly because it's Australia and it's always fun to see them squirm a bit cos no one likes them. Also, the Aussies have been totally up their own arses about sportsmanship, never cheating, etc, so everyone else is enjoying winding into them.
Mainly because it's Australia and it's always fun to see them squirm a bit cos no one likes them. Also, the Aussies have been totally up their own arses about sportsmanship, never cheating, etc, so everyone else is enjoying winding into them.

Hmm, sounds a bit like everyone having an excuse to have a go at the Germans for a bit of cheating in football because they always win. They don't win because of the cheating, they are actually just better.
In fairness the vast majority of the wailing and self-flagellation has come from Oz itself (I reckon we were minutes away from Turnbull crying on TV). There's been a giggle and collective shrug from most quarters, even the sport's governing body doesn't take it that seriously.
Hmm, sounds a bit like everyone having an excuse to have a go at the Germans for a bit of cheating in football because they always win. They don't win because of the cheating, they are actually just better.
There'll be something of that with England supporters at the moment after the last ashes but the rivalry between England and Australia has always been particularly fierce, even when England are the better side. As OzT says above, Australian cricket tends to rub everyone who's not Australian up the wrong way for various reasons. With the possible exceptions of Cummins and Paine the whole current Aussie team and coach are an unpleasant bunch of wankers so nobody's too upset for them.
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So Smith and Warner suspended for 12 months, Bancroft 9 months. Warner never to be considered for a leadership role again and at 31 that's basically the end of his international career.

Oh and they were telling porkies in that press conference it actually was sandpaper and not tape, it just gets more funny by the minute. Of course that its the only lie they told, Lehman is of course totally innocent and had no idea what was going on, none at all - innocent.

Australian ball-tampering: Steve Smith and David Warner banned for 12 months
Lets be clear on this. They took sandpaper onto the pitch, when caught on camera Bancroft concealed it in his pants and lied to the umpires claiming it was a rag. When the lie became untenable they rushed into a press conference and decided to lie about what the material was being used.

I think its fair to say that nothing that was said in this press conference can be believed. And when did a leadership group consist of just two people? What a laughable whitewash. Lehman has sent some rookie out there with sandpaper and let him take the hit to protect his job. What a top aussie bloke! Makes me long for the days of Boony and Brett Lee.
And they got reverse very early during the Ashes. Nobody believes them when they say this was the first time. You're right that there are several layers of lies. Lehmann can't survive, surely. I reckon he'll be gone within days.
And they got reverse very early during the Ashes. Nobody believes them when they say this was the first time. You're right that there are several layers of lies. Lehmann can't survive, surely. I reckon he'll be gone within days.
England would have lost that series if the matches were played with tennis balls though. We were shit. I really hope that people don't start using this as an excuse for getting spanked in the ashes.
I dunno, Atherton's dirt in the pocket wasn't much less fucking stupid and I don't think the blatancy of it will aggravate things particularly. As long as he's contrite and takes the six of the best that's coming round the corner without whining, cricket forgives this stuff eventually.

They'll be forgiven (and welcomed back in the fold) as soon the Aussies start losing (not dissimilar to the Micky Arthur(?) sacking)

"Come back Piggy, all is forgotten".

Laughable that it was sandpaper all along:D

I'm a bit at odds with most opinions - I think it's quite conceivable Lehmann may not have known, but bollocks to the bowlers not knowing :facepalm:
England would have lost that series if the matches were played with tennis balls though. We were shit. I really hope that people don't start using this as an excuse for getting spanked in the ashes.
I agree, which makes their cheating even more stupid, tbh. Why cheat when you're confident you'll win anyway? Minus Smith and Warner and demoralised as a group, they might not win if they were playing now.

Magnificent week to bury bad news. 27-9 anyone? Ah yeah that, not so bad, at least we're not Australia.
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