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Indymedia Bristol raided by plod, servers accessed!

not that i would do that but ain't he got an 'expensive brief' that can get him off all sorts?

e2a enough derailing from me
Maybe I would yes, and I wouldn't want cocks like you riding in to save the day either
'maybe' :rolleyes:
not trying to save the day just shocked at your fucking childish post and wanted to tell you i thought you were off with it and being a dick
Not sure what the police expect to do other than briefly close it. Surely anyone saying anything silly will either be saying it through TOR anyway or be already on the payroll.

Had redwatch's servers been raided recently, out of interest?

Why would the Old Bill raid servers at New Scotland Yard? ;)
UK Threat Level just raised to severe apparently. Couldn't make this shit up, will be martial law next with shower we have in government.
So does me clicking that link give the filth my IP address?

I've not seen any reports that they have continuing access to the server. But I wouldn't bet on them not having it.

They now have a number of corporate network IPs in the logs... and these being corporate media networks they'll have a very interesting time if they follow up on them :)
I can see this sort of thing ending up with plod chasing undercover plod from other units/counties. There have been precedents for this. Was the guy who didn't disable IP logging on their books?
I remember the FBI siezing the servers in 2004, I was so outraged I wrote to my MP :facepalm: who passed it on to the minister responsible and heard nothing back.They then tried to deny the FBI was in attendance in spite of witnesses.I think it was something to do with a French Indymedia posting pics of Swiss undercover policemen.The server company was located in Texas but the actual servers in the UK,hence suited and booted agents ordering Brit plod about.I think they took several countries Indymedia sites down including some in South America.
There have been precedents for this. Was the guy who didn't disable IP logging on their books?

Easier to assume that whoever was managing their server was not a linux guru, and didn't know about the sort of logging that apache web server might do by default. Or didn't have comprehensive knowledge of the CMS being used.

Not that I even know if the FUD about IP addresses was even true, although it wouldn't surprise me. Its not like this server was some dedicated physical machine that had been lovingly assembled and maintained, looks very much to me like it was the typical '15 quid a month virtual machine'. And the fact the whole site wasn't quickly rebuilt on another VM from scratch/uncompromised backups, and that their statement mentions rebuilding the entire server as if it were some huge and complex task that was unlikely to happen, tends to suggest that they were not exactly overburdened by copious IT resources.
Not that I even know if the FUD about IP addresses was even true, although it wouldn't surprise me. Its not like this server was some dedicated physical machine that had been lovingly assembled and maintained, looks very much to me like it was the typical '15 quid a month virtual machine'. And the fact the whole site wasn't quickly rebuilt on another VM from scratch/uncompromised backups, and that their statement mentions rebuilding the entire server as if it were some huge and complex task that was unlikely to happen, tends to suggest that they were not exactly overburdened by copious IT resources.

Not sure what all this means, but if I recall correctly the previous Bristol Indymedia debacle involved a physical server being seized, because Mark Watson told police in whose house it was located.
Plod close down a legitimate activist website because some dude set fire to some stuff.

Logical :rolleyes:
Plod close down a legitimate activist website because some dude set fire to some stuff.

Logical :rolleyes:

The plod haven't closed it down though. As per some previous posts I made, it seems like the burden of running it and dealing with comments/manifestos/claims of responsibility already took its toll some months before the police took info from the server.

Meanwhile I note some further claims of responsibility for a fresh Bristol arson attack were posted to the open news feed of the main indymedia uk site in recent days.
If they're so keen on getting websites closed down, why don't they release their warnings on st*rmfr*nt or the daily mail comments section?
And just in case anyone hadn't actually read the Times story, here's the money shot once more:

A copy of the production order, marked restricted but seen by The Times, authorises officers to seize “special procedure” journalistic material. It demands access to the details of administrators and bill-payers, login credentials, information on those who posted articles and the IP addresses of everyone who visited the site over an unspecified period.
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