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Industrial music and its relationship(??) to fascism

The idea that Andy Wetherall didn't know that the most famous active nazi industrial band in the world are a nazi band isn't credible. He's either concluded that the music is good enough for the politics not to matter, or it's a tiresome provocation. Possibly both.
It is this band Deadcuts which is some guys from senseless things, just 1 of the band was in this terrible film I had the misfortune to watch last night called "the second coming" (it also had pete Doherty and Kim fowley in it) which had Boyd rice and the occult and runes and swastikas in it, which made me think "did these guys know what kind of film they were getting in to? (utter brain dead pretentious shite).
I met Jerome the guitarist from Deadcuts who's in the film and he actually said he didn't like the movie himself
Also none of the characters saw the film till it was made and weren't happy with it , but to assume that Deadcuts are fascists because Jerome Alexandre played onstage with Boyd Rice and did a side project with Miro of Death in June is silly .They also collaborated with hip hop legends Flatbush zombies for the black panther animation so fascists ? Nah cmon be sensible .
In others news Andrew Weatherall played a Death In June track on one of his recent NTS shows which was crushingly disappointing for me.
Your whining is crushingly disappointing DIJ are not a nazi band , the singer is gay and has played Israel many times .
Your whining is crushingly disappointing DIJ are not a nazi band , the singer is gay and has played Israel many times .

Tbf, gay people can be as far right as anyone else.

I don't know much about DIJ but I'd be wary of bands that play Israel, in the same way I was of those who played SA during apartheid.
Tbf, gay people can be as far right as anyone else.

I don't know much about DIJ but I'd be wary of bands that play Israel, in the same way I was of those who played SA during apartheid.
Ok but all I'm saying is if your Anti Semitic would you play Israel ? Anyway most people take it on face value that don't dig deeper - having met all the death in June people and the others mentioned on this thread I can say they have an interest in that part of history but all it is , is that.it's the Occult part that interests them - not the brutality .
Also none of the characters saw the film till it was made and weren't happy with it , but to assume that Deadcuts are fascists because Jerome Alexandre played onstage with Boyd Rice and did a side project with Miro of Death in June is silly .They also collaborated with hip hop legends Flatbush zombies for the black panther animation so fascists ? Nah cmon be sensible .
fwiw i don't think anyone on this thread thinks that deadcuts are a fascist band. and i could easily imagine not being aware of how the film would turn out, as from what i remember the scenes looked like they were shot at totally different times and places and with no narrative link between them.

I am curious how you all got caught up in the film with that director though!
Howl was Tony Wakeford a fascist when he was in the NF?

was Nicky Crane a gay Nazi?

do you really think this nonsense hasn’t cropped up before?

do you not think there are some fascists who want Jews repatriated to Israel and black people repatriated to Africa?

isn’t the music a bit shit and whiny, actually?
Howl was Tony Wakeford a fascist when he was in the NF?

was Nicky Crane a gay Nazi?

do you really think this nonsense hasn’t cropped up before?

do you not think there are some fascists who want Jews repatriated to Israel and black people repatriated to Africa?

isn’t the music a bit shit and whiny, actually?
Tony Wakeford left the NF and sorely regretted being in them and death in June kicked him out.I disagree I think the music is great - but different strokes and all that ...
Was Martin Webster a gay Nazi?
Was Ernst Roehm a gay Nazi?
Was Alf Flockhart a gay Nazi?

Is it possible that doing Nazi cosplay might attract Nazis especially when one of your founder members joined the NF for seemingly inexplicable reasons that were nothing to do with him being in a Nazi band obsessed with Nazism.
fwiw i don't think anyone on this thread thinks that deadcuts are a fascist band. and i could easily imagine not being aware of how the film would turn out, as from what i remember the scenes looked like they were shot at totally different times and places and with no narrative link between them.

I am curious how you all got caught up in the film with that director though!
I don't think Deadcuts are even together anymore tbh .The singer mark was a strict Socialist though who quoted Engels a lot .Ill ask and get back to you regarding the film .
You’ve not answered any of the questions I asked except the last one about the whiny music?
Ok yes Nicky crane was a nazi , yeah there 100 per cent are imbeciles who believe other races are inferior , but so did Che Guevara and nobody talks about that .Death in June writing about the second world war and wearing runes does not necessarily make them Nazis .But if you have a need to believe it that's perfectly fine , I actually have had discussions with band members including Douglas Pearce and he's a complex individual but definitely not a nazi.
Was Martin Webster a gay Nazi?
Was Ernst Roehm a gay Nazi?
Was Alf Flockhart a gay Nazi?

Is it possible that doing Nazi cosplay might attract Nazis especially when one of your founder members joined the NF for seemingly inexplicable reasons that were nothing to do with him being in a Nazi band obsessed with Nazism.
The member your referring to was kicked out for joining the NF. He then left the NF and agrees it was a major mistake .Yes Nazis can be Gay.Ernst Rohm was assassinated as a result for being gay .Its a horrific part of time but Douglas and DIJ are indeed provocative but those symbols were also worn by the Stooges or Sid vicious or even Keith Moon.
Lol. I, a random person on the Internet, have met him and he is ok and definitely not a Nazi. He is just obsessed with nazism and likes hanging around with people obsessed with nazism and has spent the last four decades wanking off to Triumph Of The Will.
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