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Important: a note about the 'nonce' threads and naming living individuals

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The Guardian had a forum called Guardian User Talk. It had a great social section but the some posters thought it was acceptable to make nonce comments against a couple of other posters, against real names.

One even threatened legal action against the Guardian and the idiots actually taunted him to do so. He did, the Guardian settled (he claims for 15,000 pounds). GUT was shut down and the Guardian printed an apology.

That's the Guardian. A century+ old newspaper with a legal team and a fair wadge of cash. Anyone who risks a voluntary site should be banned immediately.
I am totally ashamed of my vile 'outing' here of someone. It was entirely unnecessary and unfounded, and a some people were taken in.

I feel like Sally Berkow without with fine and newspaper coverage.

What can I do?
I understand how disgusted and disturbed people were by what was confirmed about Jimmy Savile nearly a year ago.

But there is something about the Cyril Smith case that is even more nauseating - not the scandal, but the lack of scandal.

Sexual abuse in the house of commons. MI fucking 5 involved in the cover up. Where is the endless press coverage that the Savile stuff got?

Once again we see the establishment covering itself, CELEBRITY PAEDO matters. Establishment paedo is a big <YAWN>

In this context, what is almost too shocking to compute is the distinct possibility that victims are little more than pawns - very useful for attacking the BBC or shifting salacious leering filth rags, far more awkward and necessary to subdue when genuine power is concerned.
The Guardian had a forum called Guardian User Talk. It had a great social section but the some posters thought it was acceptable to make nonce comments against a couple of other posters, against real names.

One even threatened legal action against the Guardian and the idiots actually taunted him to do so. He did, the Guardian settled (he claims for 15,000 pounds). GUT was shut down and the Guardian printed an apology.

That's the Guardian. A century+ old newspaper with a legal team and a fair wadge of cash. Anyone who risks a voluntary site should be banned immediately.

There's different accounts of that story, though I don't know which is true.

Only fair to point out that much of that community and it's spirit lives on here

I understand how disgusted and disturbed people were by what was confirmed about Jimmy Savile nearly a year ago.

But there is something about the Cyril Smith case that is even more nauseating - not the scandal, but the lack of scandal.

Sexual abuse in the house of commons. MI fucking 5 involved in the cover up. Where is the endless press coverage that the Savile stuff got?

Once again we see the establishment covering itself, CELEBRITY PAEDO matters. Establishment paedo is a big <YAWN>

In this context, what is almost too shocking to compute is the distinct possibility that victims are little more than pawns - very useful for attacking the BBC or shifting salacious leering filth rags, far more awkward and necessary to subdue when genuine power is concerned.
I don't see what relevance this has to a thread reminding people of the issues regarding naming living individuals who might sue Urban.
Sorry, there is a more appropriate thread, I just forgot and didn't see it at the top of the list. I'm pretty fucking angry at the general shrugging of shoulders on the Smith scandal tbh and was kind of venting.

I will never look at Lord Steel the same way again knowing how he defended Cyril during his life.
FridgeMagnet said:
I don't see what relevance this has to a thread reminding people of the issues regarding naming living individuals who might sue Urban.

The relevance is he's trolling; in case nobody has ever noticed.
I understand how disgusted and disturbed people were by what was confirmed about Jimmy Savile nearly a year ago.

But there is something about the Cyril Smith case that is even more nauseating - not the scandal, but the lack of scandal.

Sexual abuse in the house of commons. MI fucking 5 involved in the cover up. Where is the endless press coverage that the Savile stuff got?

Once again we see the establishment covering itself, CELEBRITY PAEDO matters. Establishment paedo is a big <YAWN>

In this context, what is almost too shocking to compute is the distinct possibility that victims are little more than pawns - very useful for attacking the BBC or shifting salacious leering filth rags, far more awkward and necessary to subdue when genuine power is concerned.

Oh fuck the fuck off
well, looks like the ex lead singer of Lost Prophets has admitted hes a predatory pedo.

Saw that on news night last night, man needs to be sent to a really nasty US federal prison dressed up like a fucking cheap tart.
You are such a fucking twat.

Are all people who find establishment child abuse cover-ups fucking twats? Do take special classes to compose such comprehensive put-downs?

Would you care to address the issue that there are different levels of justice that seem to apply to celebrities as opposed to members of the political establishment, or is it more important to slag me off?
Are all people who find establishment child abuse cover-ups fucking twats? Do take special classes to compose such comprehensive put-downs?

Would you care to address the issue that there are different levels of justice that seem to apply to celebrities as opposed to members of the political establishment, or is it more important to slag me off?

Have you ever found a conspiracy theory you don't want to fuck?
Yes I have.

The stuff about Smith and Savile, and their establishment links / protection is public knowledge. In other words : Known conspiracy fact. So perhaps there's not quite the need to be as sweary.

Yewtree has been massively more resourced and publicised than Fernbridge too. The crimes of savile far more under the microscope than the crimes at Bryn Estyn.

Why not say "fuck" some more? It's sure to help us get to the bottom of this stuff.
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