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ID card disease spreading

True but surely everytime you use a credit card or debit card a similar log will be made. Its not easy to avoid existing on a register these days there's only so much room in the woods :D

Firstly you can use cash, which if you care about your privacy you should use as much as possible and limit your card use. Secondly in order to obtain information held by your bank or credit card company the Government historically would have needed to obtain a court order, they still now require a fair amount of effort at least with some kind of overview under RIPA.

The Log on the National Identity Database can be accessed without your consent and without any form of court order by the Ministry of Justice, The Department of Work and Pensions, The Transport department, The Security Services, the Police, GCHQ, the Home Office to name a few. Future departments and approved third parities can be added simply with a new statutory instrument, which is what happened over the summer. You are giving the state complete control over your identity and access to your personal information .
So if a known political activist has their ID card logged in a certain area, then the police will know without even having to ask for a warrant or complete any forms under RIPA. It's a snoopers paradise.
And at the same time, the state wants the same institutions to have access to your online habits including browsing and email habits.

The noose is closing.

The state has never permitted us a means of communication it could not listen into.
So if a known political activist has their ID card logged in a certain area, then the police will know without even having to ask for a warrant or complete any forms under RIPA. It's a snoopers paradise.

The IT snooping is more of a snoopers paradise tbf
You know expats with drivers' liscences got told they needed a UK address to get a replacement, and seeing as the new photocards expire after 10 years... Just check any expat board it's a hot topic.
Well going with my experience and seeing as though I've been more out of the UK than in it this isn't quite right. Now that we have EU driving licences you are expected to exchange your licence for the one issued by your country of residence (hence I have a german EU licence) which doesnt expire after 10 years btw (although some sections (HGV) expire when I'm an old(er) fart.

Seeing as you don't know what provision there will be for issuing ID cards overseas, and currently there is none. Signing up for a scheme that requires you for the rest of your life to get a card every 10 years, or get another one when it's lost or stolen, when you have no controll over what future price they might costs seems very stupid.
Yes but seeing as a passport is a perfectly valid form of ID and seeing as I am no longer a UK resident surely I wouldnt have to sign up:confused:

The UK is going to be even further behind with the massive National Identity Database, instead we could have a system of federated ID - http://www.csoonline.com/article/440274/Federated_ID_An_Idea_Whose_Time_Never_Came_ What good is an ID card online for instance? Where most identity fraud occurs?

Well not sure about all the ins and outs of the planned ID card system bjut have had experience in Germany and now Holland where such cards exist and as I said in Germany I was required to have my passport with me (or present it at a police station within a certain time period if I had happened to forget it) and now in Holland I have an ID card and so far cant see any major problems. I have however been the victim of identity theft (some twat using my name and NI number to claim benefits (never got the exact details) and that was a real pain in the arse (mainly because it took me about 3 years before I could get divorced)
Firstly you can use cash, which if you care about your privacy you should use as much as possible and limit your card use. Secondly in order to obtain information held by your bank or credit card company the Government historically would have needed to obtain a court order, they still now require a fair amount of effort at least with some kind of overview under RIPA.

This is also true but where do you get the cash from and how? There are very few people these days paid cash in hand.

Also are you saying you trust banks with your information more than the government? I personally trust neither.
So if a known political activist has their ID card logged in a certain area, then the police will know without even having to ask for a warrant or complete any forms under RIPA. It's a snoopers paradise.

There are surely precautions that an activist (or anyone else for that matter) could take to limit use of the card in a similar way to your point about limiting the use of plastic cash.
This is also true but where do you get the cash from and how? There are very few people these days paid cash in hand.

Also are you saying you trust banks with your information more than the government? I personally trust neither.

Actually my bank is pretty good.

I had my card cloned sometime years ago (without my knowledge). So one day my bank called me to ask about odd looking transactions which they had picked up on my account. All I had to do was confirm there and then the transactions were not me and they sorted it for me. Service with a smile.
Actually my bank is pretty good.

I had my card cloned sometime years ago (without my knowledge). So one day my bank called me to ask about odd looking transactions which they had picked up on my account. All I had to do was confirm there and then the transactions were not me and they sorted it for me. Service with a smile.

True not all of the uses that can be made of your data has a negative result for you, I've heard of similar over on mainland Europe, not experienced it myself though (touch wood)
`I.D cards are something we will have to accept but whether we like them is another thing .complete waste of money in my opnion
First we will need to carry ID papers, then we will need to show them, then comes that people not with papers will have committed a crime and will be taken away for punishment.

That's not a country I want to live in!

I do live in a country like that. A foreigner like myself has to carry three.
Very handy they are too especially when it comes to opening bank accounts or any official stuff.
The cops only bother in the case of accidents or crime.
Not having your car is an offence but not one the cops look for.

Of course I don't live under a paranoid labour government with control freak tendencies.
Being a fan of maigret they always asked for indentity papers and such in the stories i dont know if it is still so in france
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