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Ian Bone has packed up blogging

it may not seem like it but it is hard work keeping it updated, keeping folk coming back and finding interesting stuff to talk about. especially if you're doing a lot of other stuff. i sympathise.
ah bollocks. That's a shame, he was usually a good read. Always posted daily as well.

His book (Bash the Rich) is a decent read too.
I don't have much time for his views myself, but scrutiny of 'the system' is never a bad thing - in fact, as a principal, it should be mandated. :)
Also noticed that the Anarchist Media Project has been dormant for a couple of months now....always had quite good fun looking at that. It's nothing to do with Ian Bone per se, but they used to swap ideas and make posters/images based on some of Ian's ideas.


Maybe everyone's giving up to focus on the Olympics!
Let's hope that those who've been complaining about the Olympics don't make complete anarcho-arses of themselves.
True and I hope the non-anarchs don't make archo-arses of themselves

I'm not keen on the Olympics and I don't expect the enormous amount of money spent on the Olympics will do east London much long-term good (though I'd be happy to find I'm wrong about that). I just think that people who try to disrupt the Olympics will appear to most people as selfish killjoys at best.
True and I hope the non-anarchs don't make archo-arses of themselves

I'm not keen on the Olympics and I don't expect the enormous amount of money spent on the Olympics will do east London much long-term good (though I'd be happy to find I'm wrong about that). I just think that people who try to disrupt the Olympics will appear to most people as selfish killjoys at best.

Depends who is disrupting it and what their reasons are, surely?

I can think of several million people who currently have just grievances to do precisely that. But no, getting to see the men's 100m final is much more important than reducing unemployment and addressing the multitude of other social problems on the rise under the coalition.
Some selfish killjoys of yesteryear:

Black September were proper killjoys

The reason I say that wotsits trying to disrupt the Olympic Games would be seen as selfish killjoys at best is that I think there's also a risk that they would be seen (unfairly) as much worse - as second-rate helpers of the murderous terror groups who are feared to be plotting attacks.
It did disrupt the games though - and their lifes, and that of Peter Norman the white aussie in the pic. That story/gesture was fucking huge.

The didn't stop or try to stop the games. They used their success in the games to make a political gesture. How much does that have in common with someone trying to disrupt the games because they are a waste of money or are too commercialised etc? Nothing.
The didn't stop or try to stop the games. They used their success in the games to make a political gesture. How much does that have in common with someone trying to disrupt the games because they are a waste of money or are too commercialised etc? Nothing.
They totally disrupted the games by focusing global interest on something other than how great the games were, destroying the media plans of all sorts of people as a direct result and lots of issues and causes were highlighted instead in the process. That's why they were immediately persecuted by the IOC and their home associations - for the disruption they caused and were continuing to cause.
He's too much of a gobshite to stay schtum for long; I like him. Better than that jonnyvoid shite.
I'm not really a blog reader. Now and again i wander over to some when something reminds me then i quickly forget again. Why not just post on a message board? There's a hint of ego about them.
I'm not really a blog reader. Now and again i wander over to some when something reminds me then i quickly forget again. Why not just post on a message board? There's a hint of ego about them.

Good blogs are more akin to newspapers or diaries than message board fora. Mr Bone has been behind a few fine papers so he does come from a tradition and approach where ego is often part of the productive process. He has posted here a couple of times.
Good blogs are more akin to newspapers or diaries than message board fora. Mr Bone has been behind a few fine papers so he does come from a tradition and approach where ego is often part of the productive process. He has posted here a couple of times.

That wasn't really a dig at him more at blogs per se. People can spout whatever completely unchallenged. The message board should be their apprenticeship, in net terms. But yeah, if you're writing a blog following a tradition of writing for papers or journals then that's a different league.
That wasn't really a dig at him more at blogs per se. People can spout whatever completely unchallenged. The message board should be their apprenticeship, in net terms. But yeah, if you're writing a blog following a tradition of writing for papers or journals then that's a different league.

Point taken. I wanted to get across a more generalised point of view as well. Perhaps blogs are more egostistical than message boards, and newspapers more so than blogs, perhaps that is the nature of the mediums.
Point taken. I wanted to get across a more generalised point of view as well. Perhaps blogs are more egostistical than message boards, and newspapers more so than blogs, perhaps that is the nature of the mediums.

Doing a round about turn here; perhaps blogs, as with papers, are more interesting as thought and time has gone into whatever has been posted (on the good ones). I like bulletin boards as it's a two way thing but the downside to them, from a reading pov, is you have to walk neck deep through in jokes and ancient quarrels to reach the nuggets. A well written blog can articulate a view which encompasses counter arguments without all the needless condiments that come with online conversations. Although the latter can be informative if you have the time to cut the wheat from the chaff. I probably ought to read more blogs.
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